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Helm Chart for deployment of CrawlerX - Develop Extensible, Distributed, Scalable Crawler System


Helm Deployment

Quick Start Guide

In the context of this document,

  • HELM_HOME will refer to CrawlerX/crawlerx_helm directory.

1. Clone the Kubernetes Resources for CrawlerX Git repository.

git clone

2. Provide configurations.

Open the <HELM_HOME>/values.yaml and provide the following values.

User Docker registry authentication parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
crawlerx.subscription.username Docker registry username ""
crawlerx.subscription.password Docker registry password ""
CrawlerX web application configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.dockerRegistry Docker registry of web application ""
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.imageName Docker image of web application "scorelabs/crawlerx-app"
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.imageTag Docker image tag of web application "1.0.0"
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.imagePullSecrets Docker image pull secret ""
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.replicas Web application number of instances 1
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Pod max surge 1
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Pod max unavailable 0
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.resources.requests.memory The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "512Mi"
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.resources.requests.cpu The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "400m"
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.resources.limits.memory The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "1Gi"
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.resources.limits.cpu The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "1000m"
crawlerx.deployment.webApp.envs Environment variables for the deployment. ""
CrawlerX backend application configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
crawlerx.deployment.backend.dockerRegistry Docker registry of backend application ""
crawlerx.deployment.backend.imageName Docker image of backend application "scorelabs/crawlerx-backend"
crawlerx.deployment.backend.imageTag Docker image tag of backend application "1.0.0"
crawlerx.deployment.backend.imagePullSecrets Docker image pull secret ""
crawlerx.deployment.backend.replicas Backend application number of instances 1
crawlerx.deployment.backend.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Pod max surge 1
crawlerx.deployment.backend.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Pod max unavailable 0
crawlerx.deployment.backend.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.backend.livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.backend.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.backend.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.backend.resources.requests.memory The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "512Mi"
crawlerx.deployment.backend.resources.requests.cpu The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "400m"
crawlerx.deployment.backend.resources.limits.memory The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "1Gi"
crawlerx.deployment.backend.resources.limits.cpu The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "1000m"
crawlerx.deployment.backend.envs Environment variables for the deployment. ""
CrawlerX Scrapy application configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.dockerRegistry Docker registry of Scrapy application ""
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.imageName Docker image of Scrapy application "scorelabs/crawlerx-scrapy-app"
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.imageTag Docker image tag of Scrapy application "1.0.0"
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.imagePullSecrets Docker image pull secret ""
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.replicas Scrapy application number of instances 1
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Pod max surge 1
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Pod max unavailable 0
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.resources.requests.memory The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "512Mi"
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.resources.requests.cpu The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "400m"
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.resources.limits.memory The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "1Gi"
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.resources.limits.cpu The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "1000m"
crawlerx.deployment.scrapyApp.envs Environment variables for the deployment. ""
CrawlerX Celery Beat and Worker configurations
Parameter Description Default Value
crawlerx.deployment.celery.dockerRegistry Docker registry of Celery application ""
crawlerx.deployment.celery.imageName Docker image of Celery application "scorelabs/crawlerx-backend"
crawlerx.deployment.celery.imageTag Docker image tag of Celery application "1.0.0"
crawlerx.deployment.celery.imagePullSecrets Docker image pull secret ""
crawlerx.deployment.celery.beat.replicas Celery beat number of instances 1
crawlerx.deployment.celery.worker.replicas Celery worker number of instances 1
crawlerx.deployment.celery.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Pod max surge 1
crawlerx.deployment.celery.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Pod max unavailable 0
crawlerx.deployment.celery.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.celery.livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.celery.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated. 35
crawlerx.deployment.celery.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. 10
crawlerx.deployment.celery.resources.requests.memory The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "512Mi"
crawlerx.deployment.celery.resources.requests.cpu The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "400m"
crawlerx.deployment.celery.resources.limits.memory The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod "1Gi"
crawlerx.deployment.celery.resources.limits.cpu The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod "1000m"
crawlerx.deployment.celery.envs Environment variables for the deployment. ""
CrawlerX environment variables
Parameter Description Default Value
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY Firebase app key ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN Firebase auth domain ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_DB_DOMAIN Firebase db domain ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID Firebase project id ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET Firebase storage bucket ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID Firebase messaging sender id ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_APP_ID Firebase app id ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_FIREBASE_MEASURMENT_ID Firebase measurement id ""
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_DJANGO_PROTOCOL backend server protocol "http"
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_DJANGO_PORT backend server port "8000"
crawlerx.env.webApp.VUE_APP_DJANGO_PORT backend server port "8000"
crawlerx.env.backend.DJANGO_ADMIN_USERNAME backend admin username "admin"
crawlerx.env.backend.DJANGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD backend admin password "admin"
crawlerx.env.backend.DJANGO_ADMIN_EMAIL backend admin email ""
crawlerx.env.elasticsearch.ELASTIC_SEARCH_USERNAME elasticsearch username "admin"
crawlerx.env.elasticsearch.ELASTIC_SEARCH_PASSWORD elasticsearch password "admin"
mongodb.auth.database Mongodb database name "crawlerx_db"
mongodb.auth.port Mongodb database port 27017
rabbitmq.auth.username RabbitMQ admin username "guest"
rabbitmq.auth.password RabbitMQ admin password "guest"
rabbitmq.service.port RabbitMQ service port 5672

3. Deploy CrawlerX distributed crawling platform.

  • Helm v2

    kubectl create ns <NAMESPACE>
    helm dependency update
    helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> <HELM_HOME> --namespace <NAMESPACE>
  • Helm v3

    helm install <RELEASE_NAME> <HELM_HOME> --namespace <NAMESPACE> --dependency-update --create-namespace

NAMESPACE should be the Kubernetes Namespace in which the resources are deployed

Helm Deployment

4. Access CrawlerX dashboard.

  1. Obtain the external IP (EXTERNAL-IP) of the Ingress resources by listing down the Kubernetes Ingresses.
kubectl get ing -n <NAMESPACE>
NAME                                            HOSTS                      ADDRESS         PORTS     AGE
<RELEASE_NAME>-web-app-ingress                   <EXTERNAL-IP>   80        3m
  1. Add the above host as an entry in /etc/hosts file as follows:
  1. Open to view the CrawlerX web UI in the browser.

5. Access Other Resources.

  1. Get Pods
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE>


  1. Get Services
kubectl get svc -n <NAMESPACE>


  1. Get Ingress
kubectl get ing -n <NAMESPACE>


  1. Get Config Maps
kubectl get configmaps -n <NAMESPACE>
