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File metadata and controls

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Developer Manual & Build Instructions

In this document, we provide information on how to develop and deploy the software correctly for productive use.

Version: 3a (22.01.2020, 17:45)

System Requirements

To run our system, the following requirements are necessary.

Operating system:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Apple MacOs
  • Linux

The operating system does not matter, as long as it is able to run Python 3.6 or higher.

Software Requirements

To run our system, the following software requirements need to be fulfilled.


Additional Packages: For our software we need some additional packages. These can be found in requirements.txt.

Those include:

  • for running the website

  • for development and CI

  • for the crawler

  • for the parser additionally

  • for the validator additionally:


Please note that for some packages, additional system requirements may occur (e.g. a C/C++ compiler).


To run the software, please follow these installation procedures

  1. Download and install the binaries for Python from the website or package manager according to your operating system. You can get the latest version at

    To validate your install, or to check, if you have a sufficient installation of Python running, you can open a terminal or command promt and issue the following command:

    python --version

    On some Linux systems the python command is associated with an installation of python2. In this case please use python3 instead.

    The command above should result to the a similar output like this:

    Python 3.8.0

    Notice: Please verify that the version number shown here is recent enough (>= 3.6).

  2. Please install the requiered dependencies located above or in the requirements.txt.

    We recommend to install the necessary dependencies in Python using the package manager pip. If you desire, you can continue and install the dependencies any other way. If you want to proceed with pip, firstly verify that your installation of Python comes with the package manager pip.

    For that, please issue the following command in a terminal or command promt: pip --version or pip3 --version respectively, if your system defaults to python2.

    The output should look something like that.

    pip 19.2.3 from c:\users\yourusername\appdata\local\programs\python\python38\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.8)
  3. Download the files of our repository and extract them at a location of your desire. Once downloaded and extracted. Please open a terminal or command promt and point it to the installation folder.

    Example: If you have extracted the files in the User folder parts_search you can use the following commands no navigate there.

    On Windows: cd %HOMEPATH%\parts_search

    On Linux-like systems: cd ~/parts_search

  4. We recommend to use a virtual environment for our project.

    1. To create a venv, please issue the following commands in the terminal or command promt in the project directory
     python -m venv venv
    1. Now you need to activate the venv. To do that, please issue: On linux-like systems
    source venv/bin/activate

    or on Windows:

    1. To later deactivte the venv, simply close the promt or issue deactivate command.
  5. If you chose the installation with pip, you can conveniently install the requirements by issuing the following command in the project root directory:

    pip install -r requirements.txt 

    If you are on Windows, please additionally install the windows-curses lib.

    pip install windows-curses
  6. Your system should be now ready for our project.

Troubleshooting the installation

For problems with pip or the venv, please have a look at

Running our Project

In order to successfully to run our project, you need two things.

  1. A Pickle File containing information about the repositories. This is automatically generated by our crawler.

    Please Note: If you have run our project before, you might be able to re-use an existing pickle file. For that just drop it into the project directory. However, due to internal changes, it might be incompatible. Please refer to release notes to verify compatibility.

  2. A (local) database containing the parts extracted from the repositories as well as additional parts info.

    Please Note: If you have run our project before, you might be able to re-use an existing database file. For that just drop it into the kicad_parse/database project directory. However, due to internal changes, it might be incompatible. Please refer to release notes to verify compatibility.

In the following, we will show you how to obtain these two things.

Repositories File

To obtain the repositories pickle file, you need to execute the crawler. The crawler will search on GitHub for repositories containing KiCad files.

To execute the crawler, please follow these steps:

  1. In the project root directory, make a copy of the example_crawler.config file and rename it to crawler.config.

  2. Open the crawler.config file and add the following information:

    1. User the Username
    2. Password the secret password.

    Currently, these credentials are the same used to log in into your github account.

    After you have added these credentials, save and close the file.

  3. Start the crawler by issuing the following command in the command promt or terminal in the project root.


    Let the crawler run, as long as you like. The longer the crawler runs, the more repositories it is to find. All repos found will be saved in the repos.pickle file.

    IMPORTANT: Please note that the crawler only saves the data once it has completed a full month!

Running the parser

Once you have obtained a pickle file from our crawler, you can use our parser to extract the parts information.

To run it, please follow these instructions:

  1. In the project root directory, run the following command: python -m -p repos.pickle The parser now extracts all components from the found KiCad files.

Notice: We already try to filter out uninteresting components. If you notice any parts in particular, that you want to exclude add them in the excluded_values.txt (one entry per row).

In this state, the parts are not validated yet. However, the search will already be usable. In order to get additional information like datasheets, you need to verify the parts. To do this, follow the instructions in the next section.

Ruinning the validator (optional)

To validate parts and get additional information, please use our validator. Here, you need API access to the AISLER Parts API. Please contact them for credentials.

  1. In the project root directory, make a copy of the example_parser.config file and rename it to parser.config.

  2. Open the parser.config file and add the following information provided by AISLER:

    1. Client-ID the Client-ID
    2. Authorization the Authorization Token.
  3. In the project root, please execute the following command:

    python -p repos.pickle

    The validator now makes a local copy of the AISLER Parts DB. This will take a while. You can stop and skip the build-up of the parts DB by pressing CMD + C or CTRL + C.

    Then the validator automatically tries to match the currently existing components from the KiCad files to those of the Parts DB.

    The validator automatically resumes when stopped.

    The validator also will wait one week after a complete finish until the database will be updated.

    The validator indicates certain errors with an exit code:

      0	ok
     -1	Program Aborted
     -2	Configuration initialization failed
     -3	Configuration file not found
     -4	SQL session initialization error
     -5	API request call failed with non-200 code
     -6	Loop detected while querying API
     -7	general exception while building Parts db

Running the website

Once the database was constructed by our parser, you will be able to run the website.

  1. In the project root, execute

    python -m flask run
  2. To terminate the server, press CMD + C or CTRL + C, or close the terminal.

Running Tests

Tests are located in the tests directory.

For the testing framework we opted for pytest as it brings some useful features such as auto-discovery of tests etc.

  1. To run the tests, please open a terminal or command promt and navigate to the root directory of our project.
  2. Then, issue the command: python3 -m pytest or pytest. Both options should work.

Please Note: We encountered an strange behaviour on our Windows machines where pytest aborted with exit code 8, incomplete discovery and no execution of tests. We are not sure why this happens but on a Linux installation this behavior could not be reproduced. So please be aware when testing on Windows!


Changes from v3a -> v3b:

Updated the instructions to rename parser file.

Changes from v3 -> v3a:

Updated the instructions to accommodate switch from flask-scss to libsass.

Changes from v2c -> v3:

Updated the instructions according to the restructure of project and split into separate validator.

Changes from v2b -> v2c:

Change Description
add Added Testing section. Notice for issues on Windows.
update fix heading structure

Changes from v2a -> v2b:

Change Description
add Include Warning/Notice of skips

Changes from v2 -> v2a:

Change Description
mod Clarified the terminology

Changes from v1b -> v2:

Change Description
mod Added/Updated the requirements in Sprint 3
mod Updated run instructions for changes in Sprint 3