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Repository files navigation


Useful pod to implement the Coordinator design pattern with ease. If your app is a tabbed one, you can start with this few lines:

    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
    let appCoordinator = TabCoordinator(window: self.window!)
    appCoordinator.setup(tabNames: ["first", "second"],
                            tabImages: ["tab_image_01", "tab_image_02"]) { () -> ([NCCoordinator]) in
                            let firstTab = NCCoordinator(rootController: RedController())
                            let secondTab = NCCoordinator(rootController: GreenController())
                            return [firstTab, secondTab]
    appCoordinator.firstTabToLoad = 1 // select which tab will be visible at launch

If you prefer simple navigation:

    let appCoordinator = NCCoordinator(rootController: RedController())
    appCoordinator.start(window: self.window!)

To push a new Controller:

    guard let navigation = self.navigationController else { return } 
    let green = GreenController()
    let coordinator = VCCoordinator(push: green, presenter: navigation)
    green.coordinator = coordinator

To present a new one modally from a controller:

    guard let navigation = self.navigationController else { return }
    let green = GreenController()
    let coordinator = VCCoordinator(presentModally: green, navigation: navigation, presenter: self)
    green.coordinator = coordinator

Stop wondering if you have to dismiss or pop a controller to go back, use the extension method of EUIViewController:


NOTE: CoordinatorPackage uses a subclass of UIViewController named ExtendedViewController that expands the class with some basic functionality:

  • isModal to immediately know if the controller you are working on is presented modally or not.
  • coordinator the VCCoordinator, used to go back to the previous controller.
  • setTabBarControllerDelegate() to set the controller as UITabBarControllerDelegate to be able to load and re-load (only if it is visible) the rootViewcontroller of each tab.

The whole app will be managed by CoordinatorSession.shared, that holds a reference to TabCoordinator or NCCoordinator. To perform custom action on tab selection you can use TabCoordinatorDelegate:

CoordinatorSession.shared.tabCoordinator?.delegate = self

and then implement the method:

func reloadRootController(_ controller: EUIViewController, atIndex index: Int)

To install using cocoapods:

pod 'Lepaya-Coordinator'

Or just download/clone the repo and drag to your project the content of the 'Sources' folder.