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History / Kaby Lake MinPlatform


  • Update links to published documents in tianocore-docs Documents in tianocore-docs are now published using the Gitbook Action and the links to the published HTML, PDF, EPUB, and MOBI documents are now in the web pages published by GitHub from the gh-pages branch of each document repository. Cc: Laurie Jarlstrom <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Laurie Jarlstrom <>

    @mdkinney mdkinney committed Dec 3, 2020
  • Updated FSP link to KabylakeFspBinPkg on master branch as the Kabylake branch is deprecated.

    @makubacki makubacki committed Aug 20, 2019
  • Updated Kaby Lake MinPlatform (markdown)

    @makubacki makubacki committed May 17, 2019
  • Updated Kaby Lake MinPlatform (markdown)

    @BrianRichardsonIntel BrianRichardsonIntel committed Mar 8, 2018
  • Created Kaby Lake MinPlatform (markdown)

    @BrianRichardsonIntel BrianRichardsonIntel committed Mar 8, 2018