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137 lines (91 loc) · 4.03 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (91 loc) · 4.03 KB


Typing SVG

Home Page


FAQ Page


About Page


Login Page


** To do's **

  • Connect Amazon cognito or google firebase to login
  • Connect earth 911 API to the maps and markers
  • convert the maps component to typescript


  • 🔥 Next.js for Static Site Generator & server-side rendering
  • 🎨 Integrate with Tailwind CSS
  • 💅 PostCSS for processing Tailwind CSS and integrated to styled-jsx
  • 🎉 Type checking TypeScript
  • 🖥 React.js for the front-end interface
  • ✅ Strict Mode for TypeScript and React 17
  • 🦊 Husky for Git Hooks
  • 🚫 Lint-staged for running linters on Git staged files
  • 🤖 SEO metadata, JSON-LD and Open Graph tags with Next SEO
  • ⚙️ Earth 911 API They shutdown my API access
  • 🗽 NYC Open data

Built-in feature from Next.js:

  • ☕ Minify HTML & CSS
  • ✅ Cache busting


  • Minimal desgin
  • SEO-friendly
  • 🚀 Mobile Friendliness


  • Node.js 14+ and npm

Getting started

Run the following command on your local environment:

npm install

Then, you can run locally in development mode with live reload:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your favorite browser to see your project.

├──                # README file
├── next.config.js           # Next JS configuration
├── public                   # Public folder
│   └── assets
│       └── images           # Image used by default template
├── cypress                  # End-to-End testing.
|   ├── e2e                  # Testing files
|   ├── fixtures             # Tests mockup data
|   └── support             
├── src
|   ├── components           # App components
|   |   └── maps             # Maps styles, data and functions
│   ├── layout               # Atomic layout components
│   ├── pages                # Next JS pages
│   ├── styles               # PostCSS style folder with Tailwind
│   ├── templates            # Default template
│   └── utils                # Utility folder
├── tailwind.config.js       # Tailwind CSS configuration
├── firebase-config.js       # firebase configuration
├── cypress.config.js        # cypress configuration
└── tsconfig.json            # TypeScript configuration

Deploy to production

You can see the results locally in production mode with:

$ npm run build
$ npm run start

The generated HTML and CSS files are minified (built-in feature from Next js). It will also removed unused CSS from Tailwind CSS.

You can create an optimized production build with:

npm run build-prod

All generated files are located at out folder, which you can deploy with any hosting service.

Deployed with Vercel

[Deployed with Vercel]

VSCode information (optional)

If you are VSCode users, you can have a better integration with VSCode by installing the suggested extension in .vscode/extension.json. The starter code comes up with Settings for a seamless integration with VSCode. The Debug configuration is also provided for frontend and backend debugging experience.

Pro tips: if you need a project wide type checking with TypeScript, you can run a build with Cmd + Shift + B on Mac.


Everyone is welcome to contribute to this project. Feel free to open an issue if you have question or found a bug.


Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2022

See LICENSE for more information.