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181 lines (140 loc) · 5.79 KB


Breakpoint is a grid system based on the concept that columns shouldn't stretch but get added or taken away as the screen changes size. This concept was taken from the Frameless Grid system developed by Joni Korpi. The Breakpoint grid is also floatless by using inline-block cells and border box sizing. This layout technique is taken from Griddle by Nicolas Gallagher. Breakpoint generates media queries at column break points so that your layout always has enough room to fit on the screen. It has helper functions to calculate both fluid and fixed widths for your columns.

The Grid

Breakpoint is a mobile first fluid layout that gets triggered at a break point to go fixed width. Styles cascade from smaller break points up into larger ones. The breakpoint() mixin provides a simple method of setting media query sizes when certain column break points become available. Everything is calculated from the column and gutter size width variables.

Simply stated you just need to know how many columns you need for a layout and breakpoint will generate the media query needed to trigger that layout.

Grid Setup

The grid column and gutter sizes don't change when the layout gets triggered into a fixed width. These sizes are set by the following variables...

$grid-column: 60px;
$grid-gutter: 20px;

Grid Markup

Breakpoint uses three classes to establish a grid. First .wrapper is used as a fixed width centering div. .grid is the parent container for your cells and is always 100% fluid in width. .grid-cell is the child unit and can be set to either fixed or fluid widths.

Helper Functions

fluid($col) calculates a percentage based on how many columns you want. Has an optional second argument that can override the number of availiable columns when calulating the percentage.

fixed($col) calculates a fixed width for grid cells. Since this function accounts for border-box padding you should only use this function for sizing .grid-cell units.

no-grid-fixed($col) calculates a fixed width for items outside of the grid system. This function does not assume border-box sizing and should be applied to elements other than .grid-cell units.

The Breakpoint Mixin

breakpoint() is the mixin you use to create layouts for a specific breakpoint. You pass the number of columns you want on screen as an argument and breakpoint creates the media query needed to trigger this layout when the screen becomes wide enough. Note that a matching centering .wrapper class is auto generated for each break point.

// 8 column breakpoint
@include breakpoint(8){
	.fluid-demo {
		.grid-cell { width: fluid(4); }
	.fixed-demo {
		.grid-cell { width: fixed(2); }

// 12 column breakpoint
@include breakpoint(12){
	.fluid-demo {
		.grid-cell { width: fluid(3); }
	.fixed-demo {
		.grid-cell { width: fixed(3); }

The code above generates the following markup...

@media (min-width: 41.25em) {
  .wrapper {
    width: 38.75em;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
  .fluid-demo .grid-cell {
    width: 50%;
  .fixed-demo .grid-cell {
    width: 10em;

@media (min-width: 61.25em) {
  .wrapper {
    width: 58.75em;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
  .fluid-demo .grid-cell {
    width: 25%;
  .fixed-demo .grid-cell {
    width: 15em;


Breakpoint uses a mobile first approach of cascading styles up to larger layouts. Sometimes it might be necessary to sandbox some styles between two breakpoints to prevent them from cascading up to larger layouts. The breakpoint() mixin will accept a second argument for cases like this and generate a min/max width media query for those styles.

@include breakpoint(9, 11) {
  .main { /* sandboxed styles */ }

will generate...

@media (min-width: 46.25em) and (max-width: 56.25em) {
  .main { /* sandboxed styles */ }

Pro Tip: If you set the min column to 0 when sandboxing then breakpoint will create a max width media query. Use this if you need styles to cascade down instead of up.

Other Features

IE Support

$ie-support sets the number of columns that vintage IE should use as a layout. Since breakpoint generates your fixed width structure inside media queries vintage IE won't see it and thus serve the mobile first fluid layout. $ie-support will make sure that a single, fixed width layout gets served to vintage IE without media queries. You need to make sure that the column count you set for $ie-support matches a layout break point.

Grid Overlay

Setting $grid-overlay to true will generate a visual overlay of your grid for testing.

JS Hook

Breakpoint creates a hidden label (width on the head tag) that can be read by JavaScript so that you can pass the current number of columns to your scripts. This can be used to conditionally load assests at certain breakpoints or trigger other scripty stuff.

Vertical Rhythm

Added Zurb Foundation's implementation of vertical rhythm. This requires the Modular Scale gem to be importated into the config.rb file.


6/28/12 - Simplified helper functions. Added vertical rhythm component.
6/11/12 - Reorg and cleanup. Added JS hook and script
5/28/12 - Pushed version 2.0


Breakpoint uses the following frameworks and technologies:

H5BP, normalize.css, Griddle, Frameless Grid, Zurb Foundation,
Sass, Compass

Sass 3.2 is necessary to pass styles to media queries. Install with $ gem install sass --pre