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To Run the Application

  1. Type './gradlew build'
  2. In Intellij,right click on 'main/java/duke/' and select Run.

What commands can I enter?

List sample user command
list <category> list expenses

Note: you can view what to list by simply typing 'list'

For todos sample user command
todo <description of task> todo borrow book
For events sample user command
event <description of task> /at <datetime> event project meeting /at 2020-02-12
... event project meeting /at mon 6pm
For deadline sample user command
deadline <description of task> /by <datetime> event return book /by 2020-02-12
... event project meeting /by mon 6pm
To set an alias sample user command
set alias <command to link> <alias> set alias todo t
Make a spending sample user command
spend <category> 15 spend food 15
  • Category only accepts food, books and transport

  • Note that specifiers /by and /at are not interchangeable

    e.g. events have to use /at deadlines have to use /by

Create Jar without Shadow

Steps to export your project with javafx

  1. Add this to your build.gradle

jar {
    exclude 'META-INF/*.SF', 'META-INF/*.DSA', 'META-INF/*.RSA', 'META-INF/*.MF'

    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'duke.Launcher',
                'Class-Path': configurations.runtime.files.collect { "build/libs/$" }.join(' ')

Run these commands in a terminal (java -jar has to be run) In the root project,

  1. ./gradlew build

  2. ./gradlew jar

  3. run java -jar duke-xxx.jar you will receive noclassdeferr

  4. Open eclipse

  5. Import the project by General > projects from file system

  6. Setup javafx as an external library Eclipse > Preferences > Build Path > Add user library external jars (using the jars in build/distributions/ )

  7. Edit run configuration by right clicking Run As > Edit Run Configuration. Update the project and you can find the main class when you click search

  8. Add the user library to your project's build path. Right Click project > build path > Add libraries > User library Add the javafx11 library u just defined to the project under classpath

Almost done

  1. Right click and select export > Java > Java runnable jar
  2. Select 'Package dependencies' and a location to save the jar file

Your jar file should now work on cross-platform


Starter code for the Duke project






No packages published


  • Java 98.7%
  • Shell 1.3%