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Pebble Challenge Test Server

Important note: The pebble-challtestsrv command is for TEST USAGE ONLY. It is trivially insecure, offering no authentication. Only use pebble-challtestsrv in a controlled test environment.

The standalone pebble-challtestsrv binary lets you run HTTP-01, HTTPS HTTP-01, DNS-01, and TLS-ALPN-01 challenge servers that external programs can add/remove challenge responses to using a HTTP management API.

For example this is used by the Boulder integration tests to easily add/remove TXT records for DNS-01 challenges for the ACME client, and to test redirect behaviour for HTTP-01 challenge validation.


Usage of pebble-challtestsrv:
  -defaultIPv4 string
    Default IPv4 address for mock DNS responses to A queries (default "")
  -defaultIPv6 string
    Default IPv6 address for mock DNS responses to AAAA queries (default "::1")
  -dns01 string
    Comma separated bind addresses/ports for DNS-01 challenges and fake DNS data. Set empty to disable. (default ":8053")
  -http01 string
    Comma separated bind addresses/ports for HTTP-01 challenges. Set empty to disable. (default ":5002")
  -https01 string
    Comma separated bind addresses/ports for HTTPS HTTP-01 challenges. Set empty to disable. (default ":5003")
  -management string
    Bind address/port for management HTTP interface (default ":8055")
  -tlsalpn01 string
    Comma separated bind addresses/ports for TLS-ALPN-01 and HTTPS HTTP-01 challenges. Set empty to disable. (default ":5001")

To disable a challenge type, set the bind address to "". E.g.:

  • To run HTTP-01 only: pebble-challtestsrv -https01 "" -dns01 "" -tlsalpn01 ""
  • To run HTTPS-01 only: pebble-challtestsrv -http01 "" -dns01 "" -tlsalpn01 ""
  • To run DNS-01 only: pebble-challtestsrv -http01 "" -https01 "" -tlsalpn01 ""
  • To run TLS-ALPN-01 only: pebble-challtestsrv -http01 "" -https01 "" -dns01 ""

Management Interface

Note: These examples assume the default -management interface address, :8055.

Mock DNS

Default A/AAAA Responses

You can set the default IPv4 and IPv6 addresses used for A and AAAA query responses using the -defaultIPv4 and -defaultIPv6 command line flags.

To change the default IPv4 address used for responses to A queries that do not match explicit mocks at runtime run:

curl -d '{"ip":""}' http://localhost:8055/set-default-ipv4

Similarly to change the default IPv6 address used for responses to AAAA queries that do not match explicit mocks run:

curl -d '{"ip":"::1"}' http://localhost:8055/set-default-ipv6

To clear the default IPv4 or IPv6 address POST the same endpoints with an empty ("") IP.

Mocked A/AAAA Responses

To add IPv4 addresses to be returned for A queries for run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "addresses":["", ""]}' http://localhost:8055/add-a

The mocked A responses can be removed by running:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/clear-a

To add IPv6 addresses to be returned for AAAA queries for run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "addresses":["2001:4860:4860::8888", "2001:4860:4860::8844"]}' http://localhost:8055/add-aaaa

The mocked AAAA responses can be removed by running:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/clear-aaaa
Mocked CAA Responses

To add a mocked CAA policy for that allows issuance by run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "policies":[{"tag":"issue","value":""}]}' http://localhost:8055/add-caa

To remove the mocked CAA policy for run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/clear-caa
Mocked CNAME Responses

To add a mocked CNAME record for run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "target": ""}' http://localhost:8055/set-cname

To remove a mocked CNAME record for run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "target": ""}' http://localhost:8055/clear-cname
Mocked SERVFAIL Responses

To configure the DNS server to return SERVFAIL for all queries for run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/set-servfail

Subsequently any query types (A, AAAA, TXT) for the name will return a SERVFAIL response, overriding any A/AAAA/TXT/CNAME mocks that may also be configured.

To remove the SERVFAIL configuration for run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/clear-servfail


To add an HTTP-01 challenge response for the token "aaaa" with the content "bbbb" run:

curl -d '{"token":"aaaa", "content":"bbbb"}' http://localhost:8055/add-http01

Afterwards the challenge response will be available over HTTP at http://localhost:5002/.well-known/acme-challenge/aaaa, and HTTPS at https://localhost:5002/.well-known/acme-challenge/aaaa.

The HTTP-01 challenge response for the "aaaa" token can be deleted by running:

curl -d '{"token":"aaaa"}' http://localhost:8055/del-http01

To add a redirect from /.well-known/acme-challenge/whatever to https://localhost:5003/ok run:

curl -d '{"path":"/.well-known/whatever", "targetURL": "https://localhost:5003/ok"}' http://localhost:8055/add-redirect

Afterwards HTTP requests to http://localhost:5002/.well-known/whatever/ will be redirected to https://localhost:5003/ok. HTTPS requests that match the path will not be served a redirect to prevent loops when redirecting the same path from HTTP to HTTPS.

To remove the redirect run:

curl -d '{"path":"/.well-known/whatever"}' http://localhost:8055/del-redirect


To add a DNS-01 challenge response for with the value "foo" run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "value": "foo"}' http://localhost:8055/set-txt

To remove the mocked DNS-01 challenge response run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/clear-txt

Note that a period character is required at the end of the host name here.


To add a TLS-ALPN-01 challenge response certificate for the host with the key authorization "foo" run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "content":"foo"}' http://localhost:8055/add-tlsalpn01

To remove the mocked TLS-ALPN-01 challenge response run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/del-tlsalpn01

Request History

pebble-challtestsrv keeps track of the requests processed by each of the challenge servers and exposes this information via JSON.

To get the history of HTTP requests to run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/http-request-history

Each HTTP request event is an object of the form:

      "URL": "/test-whatever/dude?token=blah",
      "Host": "",
      "HTTPS": true,
      "ServerName": ""

If the HTTP request was over the HTTPS interface then HTTPS will be true and the ServerName field will be populated with the SNI value sent by the client in the initial TLS hello.

To get the history of DNS requests for run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/dns-request-history

Each DNS request event is an object of the form:

      "Question": {
         "Name": "",
         "Qtype": 257,
         "Qclass": 1

To get the history of TLS-ALPN-01 requests for the SNI host run:

curl -d '{"host":""}' http://localhost:8055/tlsalpn01-request-history

Each TLS-ALPN-01 request event is an object of the form:

      "ServerName": "",
      "SupportedProtos": [

The ServerName field is populated with the SNI value sent by the client in the initial TLS hello. The SupportedProtos field is set with the advertised supported next protocols from the initial TLS hello.

To clear HTTP request history for run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "type":"http"}' http://localhost:8055/clear-request-history

Similarly, to clear DNS request history for run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "type":"dns"}' http://localhost:8055/clear-request-history

And to clear TLS-ALPN-01 request history for run:

curl -d '{"host":"", "type":"tlsalpn"}' http://localhost:8055/clear-request-history