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The development process for SWEET follows the Review-then-Commit software development process. For more information, see the Subsection below

How to work with us on Github

The following is the SWEET Github development workflow:

  1. create a local copy of the ESIPFed sweet repo git clone
  2. configure remotes on local - specify the ESIPfed sweet repo remote as 'upstream': git remote add upstream
  3. fetch the branches and their respective commits from the upstream repository: git fetch upstream
  4. as with many projects, master is our main branch, so if you are proposing to change the codebase, skip to 5 below
  5. log an issue in the sweet issue tracker. Please use labels to classify your issue. If you need a new label to be created then please state this in your issue description.
  6. create a branch in your local repo which tracks master in upstream. The branch name should reflect the issue number you created above e.g. ISSUE-1 git checkout -b ISSUE-1 upstream/master
  7. make the changes in your branch & commit - with commit message please! e.g. git commit -m "ISSUE-1 Test Issue for SWEET"
  8. synchronise your changes with upstream: git push upstream ISSUE-1
  9. within GitHub, create a Pull Request from ISSUE-1 into master ... at this point, you might assign the Pull Request to someone else (preferabbly a subject matter expert) to check before merging
  10. EDITORS ONLY: Once a review has been undertaken and consensus exists that it is OK, within GitHub, merge the changes into master
  11. bring all those changes back into your local repo: git fetch upstream
  12. rebase (don't 'pull' - because this creates another commit) changes on your branch: git rebase upstream/master

Additionally, if you wish to discuss SWEET issues with the STC, please contact us via the WG email list.

Before you write a new request, please consider the following:

  • Does the term already exist? Before submitting suggestions for new ontology terms, check whether the term exist, either as a primary term or a synonym term. You can search using Github search.

Guidelines for creating GitHub tickets with contributions to the ontology:

  1. Write a detailed request: Please be specific and include as many details as necessary, providing background information, and if possible, suggesting a solution. SWEET editors will be better equipped to address your suggestions if you offer details regarding 'what is wrong', 'why', and 'how to fix it'.

  2. Provide examples and references: Please include URI's or external links for new term requests, and include also screenshots, or URLs illustrating the current ontology structure for other types of requests.

  3. For new term request: Be sure to provide suggestions for label (name), definition, references, position in hierarchy, etc.

  4. For updates to relationships: Provide details of the current axioms, why you think they are wrong or not sufficient, and what exactly should be added or removed.

  5. Please consider using the issue template for structuring your issue.

On behalf of the SWEET editorial team, Thanks!