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File metadata and controls

82 lines (70 loc) · 3.85 KB

The Warehouse codebase

Warehouse uses the Pyramid web framework, the SQLAlchemy ORM, and Postgres for its database. Warehouse's front end uses Jinja2 templates.

The production deployment for Warehouse is in progress and currently does not use any containers, although we may change that in the future. In the development environment, we use several Docker containers, and use Docker Compose to manage running the containers and the connections between them. In the future we will probably reduce that number to two containers, one of which contains static files for the website, and the other which contains the Python web application code running in a virtual environment and the database.

Since Warehouse was built on top of an existing database and developers had to fit our ORM to the existing tables, some of the code in the ORM may not look like code from the SQLAlchemy documentation. There are some places where joins are done using name-based logic instead of a foreign key (but this may change in the future).

Warehouse also uses hybrid URL traversal and dispatch. Using factory classes, resources are provided directly to the views based on the URL pattern. This method of handling URLs may be unfamiliar to developers used to other web frameworks, such as Django or Flask. This article has a helpful discussion of the differences between URL dispatch and traversal in Pyramid.

Since reads are much more common than writes (much more goes out than goes in), we try to cache as much as possible. This is a big reason that, although we have supported localization in the past, we currently don't.

File and directory structure

The top-level directory of the Warehouse repo contains files including:

  • CONTRIBUTING.rst (the contribution guide)
  • README.rst
  • requirements.txt for the Warehouse virtual environment
  • Dockerfile: creates the Docker containers that Warehouse runs in
  • docker-compose.yml file configures Docker Compose
  • setup.cfg for test configuration
  • runtime.txt for Heroku
  • Makefile: commands to spin up Docker Compose and the Docker containers, run the linter and other tests, etc.
  • files associated with Warehouse's front end, e.g., Gulpfile.babel.js

Directories within the repository:

bin/ - high-level scripts for Docker, Travis, and Makefile commands
dev/ - assets for developer environment
tests/ - tests
warehouse/ - code in modules
    legacy/ - most of the read-only APIs implemented here
    forklift/ - APIs for upload
    accounts/ - user accounts
    admin/ - application-administrator-specific
    cache/ - caching
    classifiers/ - frame trove classifiers
    cli/ - entry scripts and [the interactive shell](
    i18n/ - internationalization
    locales/ - internationalization
    manage/ - logged-in user functionality (i.e., manage account & owned projects)
    migrations/ - DB
    packaging/ - models
    rate_limiting/ - rate limiting to prevent abuse
    rss/ - RSS feeds
    sitemap/ - site maps
    utils/ - various utilities Warehouse uses