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35 lines (18 loc) · 840 Bytes

File metadata and controls

35 lines (18 loc) · 840 Bytes

Developer Guide

Just use your Dart knowledge and best practices, and communicate through Github Issues before making large changes.


Since there are two packages, we use melos to make things easier.

Install it:

dart pub global activate melos

Add overrides so that your creator package depends on your local creator_core package:

melos bootstrap

Make code changes, then test both packages (see melos.yaml for what it does):

melos test

Commit and create PR.

Publishing a new version to

This is for the package owner.

Update version in pubspec.yaml in both packages. Update in root folder.

melos clean to clear the local dependency overrides.

melos publish to dry run the publish.

melos publish --no-dry-run to publish the change.

Commit and push the change to github.