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FAQ for riverpod user

Why do you create another library instead of improving riverpod?

We tried to fix issues (1, 2) we had with riverpod, but soon realized that riverpod's implementation is too complex for us. Remi did a great job maintaining riverpod, but the complexity makes it hard for others to make large contribution.

We wanted something simpler both in concept and in implementation. Creator has a fundamental different implementation, which I hope could influence riverpod and make it simpler.

I had a nice chat with Remi. He likes the idea of using Future.value in Emitter, and might adopt it in riverpod too.

So, I believe Creator could benefit Flutter community overall.

Why I should use creator rather than riverpod?

  1. Creator is easier to learn.

    You only need to know two things: Emitter for anything with async and Creator for the rest.

  2. Creator behaves more like Stream.

    With a Stream of [loading, data1, data2, data3, ...], riverpod's StreamProvider generates [loading, data1, loading, data2, loading, data3, ...], which is counterintuitive in my mind.

  3. Creator has a nicer async API.

    Using Emitter, you can emit zero or multiple times. You can combine emit and set to express complex logic concisely (example).

  4. Creator has extension methods.

    Creator has methods like map, where, and reduce, which are quite handy in practice. Thanks to the simple data model, all these methods return normal Creator/Emitter. In riverpod, select returns an internal data type, and there is no equivalent to where method.

  5. Creator's source code is easy to understand.

    This matters when you hope to contribute or alter the library in the way you want. Read this article then read the source code.

How does riverpod providers map to creators?

Just use Emitter for anything with async and use Creator for the rest. Or follow this:

Riverpod Creator
Provider Creator
StateProvider Creator
FutureProvider Emitter
StateNotifierProvider Creator with a file-level private variable (example) or a class-level private variable
ChangeNotifierProvider Not supported. Note ChangeNotifierProvider is not encouraged in riverpod

Can I use both riverpod and creator in one project?

Yes. You can safely wrap ProviderScope inside CreatorGraph or vice versa.

The names creator/emitter/watcher are different from providers, so there are minimum name conflicts. However, the name Ref is the same in both packages. That means if you use both provider and creator in the same file, you will likely need to hide Ref or rename one of the packages in import statements.