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Examples from Elliptic Curve Operations

JamesC edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 1 revision

All examples from the EC operations documentation chapter are shown here in full. The specific examples referenced in the subsections are wrapped in the functions listed below.

Create and Verify Private Key

  • create_verify_private_key();

Commutative EC Operations

  • ec_operations();

Decompress EC Point

  • decompress_point();

EC point from Generator

  • create_public_key();

Libbitcoin API: Version 3.

Script below is ready-to-compile: g++ -std=c++11 -o ec_math ec_math_examples.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags libbitcoin --libs libbitcoin)

#include <bitcoin/bitcoin.hpp>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace bc;

void create_verify_private_key() {
    // We derive a new Bitcoin private key.

    // Generate 256 bits of entropy.
    data_chunk my_entropy(ec_secret_size); //256bits

    // Instantiate private key with 256 bits of entropy.
    auto my_secret = to_array<ec_secret_size>(my_entropy);

    // Not all possible 256bits are valid secret keys.
    // Verify that my_secret is member of finite field Fp.
    std::cout << verify(my_secret) << std::endl;

void ec_operations() {

    auto my_scalar1 = base16_literal(
    auto my_scalar2 = base16_literal(

    // Commutative ec addition:
    ec_secret my_scalar_added1(my_scalar1);
    ec_secret my_scalar_added2(my_scalar2);
    // my_scalar1_added1 += my_scalar2 % p
    ec_add(my_scalar_added1, my_scalar2);
    // my_scalar2_added2 += my_scalar1 % p
    ec_add(my_scalar_added2, my_scalar1);
    std::cout << (my_scalar_added1 == my_scalar_added2) << std::endl;

    // Commutative ec multiplication:
    ec_secret my_scalar_multiplied1(my_scalar1);
    ec_secret my_scalar_multiplied2(my_scalar2);
    // my_scalar_multiplied1 *= my_scalar2 % p
    ec_add(my_scalar_multiplied1, my_scalar2);
    // my_scalar_multiplied2 *= my_scalar1 % p
    ec_add(my_scalar_multiplied2, my_scalar1);
    std::cout << (my_scalar_multiplied1 == my_scalar_multiplied2) << std::endl;


void decompress_point() {
    auto point = base16_literal(
    ec_uncompressed point_decompressed;
    decompress(point_decompressed, point);
    std::cout << encode_base16(point_decompressed) <<std::endl;

void create_public_key() {
    // Private Key.
    auto my_secret = base16_literal(

    // The secp256k1 Generator Point.
    auto gen_point = base16_literal(

    // Manually generating the public key.
    ec_compressed my_pubkey_compressed(gen_point);

    // Better: Using helper fct to generate the public key.
    ec_compressed my_alternative_pubkey_compressed;
    secret_to_public(my_alternative_pubkey_compressed, my_secret);

    std::cout << (my_pubkey_compressed == my_alternative_pubkey_compressed)
              << std::endl;

int main() {

  std::cout << "Private key is valid: " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Commutative EC Operations: " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "(Un)compressed points: " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Public Key from Generator Point: " << std::endl;

  return 0;


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