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Joachim Metz edited this page Mar 11, 2017 · 8 revisions

libyal is a collection of libraries that are used to access various data formats, such as the OLE Compound File or NT File System. The original use case for the libraries is for analyzing data formats or their content for analysis in the context of digital forensics and incident response (DFIR).

The name libyal was initially a pun on the naming theme of the various library projects. Now it serves the purpose of providing an Overview of the available projects in a single location and as a home for scripts to help maintain the projects.

If you think the world needs more libraries add a feature request; who knows.

The libyal projects use the following project status indications:

  • experimental; still very much work in progress, things will very likely break and change;
  • alpha; code is a bit more mature than experimental but still work in progress, things will likely change;
  • beta; code is fairly mature, things will less likely change and should have basic test coverage;
  • stable; code is mature and should have solid test coverage;
  • deperated; code has been replaced by an alternative solution and is considered end-of-life.
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