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.. index:: Event Sourcing

Event Sourcing

The framework's event sourcing library allows you to set up an event sourcing infrastructure, that uses CQRS or not, based on controllers as the aggregate root (main command and main event listener) of each and every aggregate. The principle of it is that all of the software's underlying commands and interactions with other systems (internal or external) will be called through the dispatching of events. These events are named 'aggregate events' and can be any custom event that the controller can dispatch through an event dispatcher, also known as the event bus. The event dispatcher will then notify any listener that is attached to this event.

Typically, an event sourcing aggregate will have Read Model and Policy listeners. These event listeners will then call aggregate commands by passing any values received through the aggregate event. In order to make things more simple, these values are normally wrapped inside an immutable value object that allows for a unified interface to deal with these values throughout the entire aggregate life cycle.

Since all of the aggregate's underlying commands are called through events, logging the aggregate's activities is made much more simple. Auditing and monitoring are added benefits that come with event sourcing.

To read further on event sourcing, please see the Martin Fowler's definition and explanations on this subject.


For more information on configuring an application's event sourcing aggregates and the application's event log, please see the :ref:`configuration eventsourcing` section.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Aggregates

.. index:: Event Sourcing Root Aggregates


An aggregate is defined as a collective of classes that work together in order to accomplish a specific task. When using aggregates with controllers as their aggregate root, this task, or common goal, is sending a response back for a specific request from the client.

Thus, the first step in order to start using aggregates is to define a new controller by extending the Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateRootController class. This allows for automatic configuration of the aggregate root. Essentially, it will set the name of the Aggregate Root, set the Event Dispatcher's identifiers accordingly, attach all listeners found in the class' $aggregateListenerNames property, and attach the Aggregate Root controller as a listener to all events dispatched within the event sourcing aggregate. If event logging is enabled, it will also add the Event Logger's Aggregate Root name as an aggregate identifier in order to dispatch all of the current aggregate's events to this other aggregate.


For more information on this automatic configuration of the aggregate root, please see the section on :ref:`controller methods`.

It is also possible to define an aggregate manually, by extending the Ascmvc\Mvc\Controller class and by establishing the aggregate root from within a controller's factory() method when implementing the \Ascmvc\AscmvcControllerFactoryInterface interface, like so:

public static function factory(array &$baseConfig, EventDispatcher &$eventDispatcher, Container &$serviceManager, &$viewObject)
    // Setting the identifiers of this Event Dispatcher (event bus).
    // Subscribing this controller (Aggregate Root) and the Event Sourcing Logger.

    // Do something else...

    $controller = new SomeController($baseConfig, $eventDispatcher);

    $sharedEventManager = $eventDispatcher->getSharedManager();

    // Attaching this controller's listener method to the shared event manager's
    // corresponding identifier (see above).
        [$controller, 'onAggregateEvent']

    return $controller;

By setting the event dispatcher's identifier to the controller class' fully-qualified class name (FQCN) and by attaching the controller's listener method onAggregateEvent with the controller's name as the aggregate root's name (first parameter of the event dispatcher's attach() method) and with a wildcard symbol as the event' name (second parameter of the same attach() method), we are, in fact, making this controller a listener to all of the aggregates events. This will allow the controller to determine what is left to be done, before a response can be considered to be completely finished. This allows for simultaneous execution of multiple parts of the aggregate, without having to wait for one part to finish before another one can be executed.

Each part of the aggregate is then responsible of accomplishing its own subordinated task in order to fulfill the common goal. The way each part of the aggregate can interact with the other parts is by dispatching events through the event dispatcher.


An event with the name of the controller method (handler) and with the aggregate root name of the controller will be dispatched upon successful routing to the designated handler (at the end of the main AscmvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE event).

.. index:: Event Sourcing Dispatcher

.. index:: Event Sourcing Bus

Event Dispatcher

The default LightMVC event dispatcher is an instance of the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventDispatcher class. It is a PSR-14 compliant event dispatcher. Therefore, you can replace this event dispatcher with any other PSR-14 compliant event dispatcher. Since the LightMVC event dispatcher is an extension of the \Laminas\EventManager\EventManager, it is possible to use any of the known Laminas event manager facilities.


For more information on configuring an application's event sourcing aggregates, please see the :ref:`configuration eventsourcing` section.

To dispatch aggregate events, it is a question of instantiating an aggregate value object and an aggregate event, and then using the event dispatcher's dispatch() method to dispatch it to the attached listeners.

// The value object can be empty.
$aggregateValueObject = new AggregateImmutableValueObject();

// The aggregate even must receive an aggregate value object,
// the name of aggregate root, and the name of the event.
$event = new AggregateEvent(



If listeners are callables that return a \Generator instance, the Event Dispatcher will run these listeners asynchronously, with the lowest possible priority. This is very useful for long-lasting tasks that need to be executed as quickly as possible.


Default aggregate listeners that are configured automatically by the aggregate root controller, using the $aggregateListenerNames property, MUST be invokable objects.

The event dispatcher contains an instance of the \Laminas\EventManager\SharedEventManager by default. This allows for the dispatching of events to other parts of the application, or for listening to events dispatched by other parts of the application.

For more information on the shared event manager, please see the :ref:`event manager` section.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Aggregate Events

Aggregate Events

The LightMVC \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\AggregateEvent class is, ultimately, an extension of the \Laminas\EventManager\Event class. The added facilities allow the dispatching code to define the name of the aggregate root, and to inject an aggregate value object to be shared with listeners. The framework defines two child event classes: \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\ReadAggregateCompletedEvent and \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\WriteAggregateCompletedEvent. These two classes are designed to make logging easier and to allow for dispatching to the Read Model and Policy listeners more convenient.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Values Objects

Aggregate Value Objects

An \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateImmutableValueObject object is an immutable value object that is designed to allow all parts of an aggregate to easily share any data through a common interface. An aggregate value object can be empty. Since this class implements the Serializable interface, it is possible to serialize its data into a string format. Finally, it allows its data to be hydrated into an array with its hydrateToArray() method.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Event Aggregate Listeners

Aggregate Event Listeners

All LightMVC listeners implement the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventListenerInterface interface. This interface defines one single listener method named onEvent(). This being said, one can define any custom listener method, but the LightMVC event sourcing implementation recommends using the default onEvent() listener method for all event listeners. The framework offers an implementation of this interface which is named \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventListener. This class allows the extending listener object to benefit from the automatic injection of the controller's Event Dispatcher.

Moreover, the framework defines an \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateEventListenerInterface interface, that has an onAggregateEvent() listener method. The implementing class is named \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateEventListener and allows for automatic configuration of the event listener's $aggregateRootName property, depending on the name of the aggregate that dispatched the event.

There are two main types of listeners in the LightMVC event sourcing implementation. The \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\ReadModel class and the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Policy class. The framework also offers variants of these two main types when dealing with aggregates: the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateReadModel and the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregatePolicy classes.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Read Models

Aggregate Read Models

The \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\ReadModel class, or the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateReadModel variant for aggregates, are to be used to call a command that will read data from a given source. The Read Model is responsible of determining what is the data source and how to access it.

Here is an example of an invokable non-blocking Aggregate Read Model that calls an asynchronous read command through the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\CommandRunner command bus:

use Application\Events\ReadProductsCompleted;
use Application\Models\Entity\Products;
use Application\Models\Traits\DoctrineTrait;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateImmutableValueObject;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateReadModel;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\CommandRunner;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\AggregateEvent;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\Event;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventDispatcher;

class ProductsReadModel extends AggregateReadModel
    const READ_COMPLETED = 'products_read_completed';

    use DoctrineTrait;

    protected $id;

    protected $products;

    protected $productsRepository;

    protected $commandRunner;

    protected function __construct(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher, Products $products)

        $this->products = $products;

    public static function getInstance(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher)
        $productsEntity = new Products();

        return new self($eventDispatcher, $productsEntity);

    public function __invoke(AggregateEvent $event)
        if (is_null($this->commandRunner)) {

            $app = $event->getApplication();

            $valuesArray = $event->getAggregateValueObject()->getProperties();

            $arguments = [];

            if (!empty($valuesArray)) {
                $values = $event->getAggregateValueObject()->serialize();

                $arguments = [
                    '--values' => $values,

            $swoole = $app->isSwoole();

            $this->commandRunner = new CommandRunner($app, 'products:read', $arguments, $swoole);

        while ($this->commandRunner->start()) {
            yield true;

        $processStdout = $this->commandRunner->getOutput();
        //$processStderr = $this->commandProcess->getError();

        $aggregateValueObject = new AggregateImmutableValueObject();

        if (!empty(trim($processStdout))) {
            $aggregateValueObject = $aggregateValueObject->unserialize($processStdout);

        $event = new ReadProductsCompleted(



    public function onAggregateEvent(AggregateEvent $event)

    public function onEvent(Event $event)

Here is another example of a Read Model that calls a blocking read command, by passing to it all the necessary data, and the required database entity manager, in order for the command to successfully execute itself and retrieve data from a 'products' table in the database:


namespace Application\ReadModels;

use Application\Commands\ReadProductsCommand;
use Application\Models\Entity\Products;
use Application\Models\Traits\DoctrineTrait;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\Event;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventDispatcher;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\ReadModel;

class ProductsReadModel extends ReadModel
    use DoctrineTrait;

    protected $id;

    protected $products;

    protected $productsRepository;

    protected function __construct(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher, Products $products)

        $this->products = $products;

    public static function getInstance(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher)
        $productsEntity = new Products();

        return new self($eventDispatcher, $productsEntity);

    public function onEvent(Event $event)
        // The read connection can be different from the write connection if implementing full CQRS.
        $connName = $event->getApplication()->getBaseConfig()['events']['read_conn_name'];

        $entityManager = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager()[$connName];

        $productsCommand = new ReadProductsCommand(

        if (!is_null($productsCommand)) {


If the listener is named inside the Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateRootController class' $aggregateListenerNames array property, it will automatically be called upon when the specified event occurs.

If configuring the aggregate manually, one must, from within the controller's factory() method (or any other main AscmvcEvent method), attach the Read Model to the aggregate's event bus (event dispatcher) in this way:

// Controller's factory() method

// Manually attach an invokable listeners if needed
$someReadModel = SomeReadModel::getInstance($eventDispatcher);


Thus, the Read Model will listen for any event with the name ProductsController::READ_REQUESTED from within this aggregate.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Policies

Aggregate Policies

The \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Policy class, or the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregatePolicy class, are to be used to call a command that will write data to a given source. The Policy is responsible of determining what data to write, where to store it and how to access the storage.

Here is an example of an invokable non-blocking Aggregate Policy that calls an asynchronous write command through the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\CommandRunner command bus and then, dispatches a new event by including the output from the command:

use Application\Controllers\ProductsController;
use Application\Events\WriteProductsCompleted;
use Application\Models\Traits\DoctrineTrait;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateImmutableValueObject;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregatePolicy;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\CommandRunner;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\AggregateEvent;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\Event;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventDispatcher;

class ProductsPolicy extends AggregatePolicy
    const CREATE_COMPLETED = 'products_create_completed';

    const UPDATE_COMPLETED = 'products_update_completed';

    const DELETE_COMPLETED = 'products_delete_completed';

    use DoctrineTrait;

    protected $properties;

    protected $products;

    protected $productsRepository;

    protected $commandRunner;

    public static function getInstance(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher)
        return new self($eventDispatcher);

    public function __invoke(AggregateEvent $event)
        if (is_null($this->commandRunner)) {

            $app = $event->getApplication();

            $name = $event->getName();

            $execute = '';

            if ($name === ProductsController::CREATE_REQUESTED) {
                $execute = 'create';
            } elseif ($name === ProductsController::UPDATE_REQUESTED) {
                $execute = 'update';
            } elseif ($name === ProductsController::DELETE_REQUESTED) {
                $execute = 'delete';

            $valuesArray = $event->getAggregateValueObject()->getProperties();

            $arguments = [];

            if (!empty($valuesArray)) {
                $values = $event->getAggregateValueObject()->serialize();

                $arguments = [
                    'execute' => $execute,
                    '--values' => $values,

            $swoole = $app->isSwoole();

            $this->commandRunner = new CommandRunner($app, 'products:write', $arguments, $swoole);

        while ($this->commandRunner->start()) {
            yield true;

        $processStdout = $this->commandRunner->getOutput();
        //$processStderr = $this->commandProcess->getError();

        if (!empty($processStdout)) {
            $processStdoutArray = unserialize($processStdout);

            if (isset($processStdoutArray['data'])) {
                $valueObjectProperties = $processStdoutArray['data'];
        } else {
            $valueObjectProperties = [];

        $name = $event->getName();

        $aggregateValueObject = new AggregateImmutableValueObject($valueObjectProperties);

        if ($name === ProductsController::CREATE_REQUESTED) {
            $event = new WriteProductsCompleted(
        } elseif ($name === ProductsController::UPDATE_REQUESTED) {
            $event = new WriteProductsCompleted(
        } elseif ($name === ProductsController::DELETE_REQUESTED) {
            $event = new WriteProductsCompleted(

        $eventParams = $processStdoutArray['params'];




    public function onAggregateEvent(AggregateEvent $event)

    public function onEvent(Event $event)

Here is another example of a Policy that calls a blocking write command, by passing to it all the necessary data, and the required database entity manager, in order for the command to successfully execute itself and store the data to a 'products' table in the database:


namespace Application\Policies;

use Application\Commands\WriteProductsCommand;
use Application\Models\Traits\DoctrineTrait;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Event\Event;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventDispatcher;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Policy;

class ProductsPolicy extends Policy
    use DoctrineTrait;

    protected $properties;

    protected $products;

    protected $productsRepository;

    public static function getInstance(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher)
        return new self($eventDispatcher);

    public function onEvent(Event $event)
        $connName = $event->getApplication()->getBaseConfig()['events']['write_conn_name'];

        $entityManager = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager()[$connName];

        $argv['name'] = $event->getName();

        $productsCommand = new WriteProductsCommand(



If the listener is named inside the Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateRootController class' $aggregateListenerNames array property, it will automatically be called upon when the specified event occurs. If many listeners must listen to a same event, an array of arrays will have to be given within this property.

// Define the Aggregate's invokable listeners.
protected $aggregateListenerNames = [
    ['testevent' => TestReadModel::class],
    ['testevent' => TestarraylistenersReadModel::class],

If not, the property can be an array of key/value pairs, where the key is the name of the event, and the value is the FQCN of the invokable listener.


All automatically configured listeners must be invokables, and the Event Bus will check if these are generators in order to determine if they are to be executed asynchronously or not.

If configuring the aggregate manually, one must, from within the controller's factory() method (or any other main AscmvcEvent method), attach the Read Model to the aggregate's event bus (event dispatcher) in this way:

// Controller's factory() method

$productsPolicy = ProductsPolicy::getInstance($eventDispatcher);

// If there are many listeners to attach, one may use a
// Listener Aggregate that implements the \Laminas\EventManager\ListenerAggregateInterface
// instead of attaching them one by one.




To learn more about the \Laminas\EventManager\ListenerAggregateInterface interface, please see the Laminas documentation on Aggregate Listeners.

Thus, the Policy will listen for any of the above mentioned events from within this aggregate.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Commands

Aggregate Commands

Aggregate commands can be of two types: blocking or non-blocking. When using non-blocking commands, one should use an instance of the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\CommandRunner class to run an \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AsyncCommand command, which extends the Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command class. To use an asynchronous command, one must give it a name and give the command a body. Here is an example of an async command:

use Application\Models\Entity\Products;
use Application\Models\Repository\ProductsRepository;
use Ascmvc\AbstractApp;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AsyncCommand;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

class ReadProductsCommand extends AsyncCommand
    protected static $defaultName = 'products:read';

    public function __construct(AbstractApp $webapp)
        // you *must* call the parent constructor

    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription("Query Doctrine for 'Products' entities.");
            // configure options
            ->addOption('values', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Specify a serialized value object array to use.');

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $connName = $this->getWebapp()->getBaseConfig()['events']['read_conn_name'];

        $entityManager = $this->getWebapp()->getServiceManager()[$connName];

        $serializedAggregateValueObjectProperties = $input->getOption('values');

        if (!empty($serializedAggregateValueObjectProperties)) {
            $args = unserialize($serializedAggregateValueObjectProperties);
        } else {
            $args = [];

        $productsRepository = new ProductsRepository(
            new ClassMetadata(Products::class)

        try {
            if (isset($args['id'])) {
                $result = $productsRepository->find($args['id']);

                if (!is_null($result)) {
                    $results[] = $productsRepository->hydrateArray($result);
                } else {
                    $results = [];
            } else {
                $results = $productsRepository->findAll();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return 1;

        if (!empty($results)) {
            $outputValues = serialize($results);
        } else {
            $outputValues = '';


Once the command is named and defined, one must add it to the async_commands index of the $baseConfig array. This way, the command bus (\Ascmvc\EventSourcing\CommandRunner) will know how to find the command. The command will then be executed according to the requirements of the PHP environment within which the command is called. When in a non-Swoole environment, the command will be forked using Symfony\Component\Process\Process and ReactPHP. Otherwise, the command bus will call the command from within Swoole's coroutine.

If one only wishes to call a simple blocking command, the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Command offers a very simple blueprint that defines common functionality to be used by all commands. Command classes should extend this base class and should represent an imperative that takes place within an aggregate. If one is to say "write this data about our products to the database", one should extend the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Command class and name the class WriteProductsCommand within the namespace of the aggregate. Once the command has finished executing itself, it should dispatch a new aggregate event in order to notify listeners that the command is finished. Here is an example of what a WriteProductsCommand class could look like:


namespace Application\Commands;

use Application\Controllers\ProductsController;
use Application\Events\WriteProductsCompleted;
use Application\Models\Entity\Products;
use Application\Models\Repository\ProductsRepository;
use Ascmvc\EventSourcing\AggregateImmutableValueObject;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;

class WriteProductsCommand extends ProductsCommand
    public function execute()
        $name = $this->argv['name'];

        $args = $this->aggregateValueObject->getProperties();

        $productsRepository = new ProductsRepository(
            new ClassMetadata(Products::class)

        $values = [];

        try {
            if ($name === ProductsController::CREATE_REQUESTED) {
            } elseif ($name === ProductsController::UPDATE_REQUESTED) {
                $products = $this->entityManager->find(Products::class, $args['id']);

                $values['pre'] = [
                    'id' => $products->getId(),
                    'name' => $products->getName(),
                    'price' => $products->getPrice(),
                    'description' => $products->getDescription(),
                    'image' => $products->getImage(),

                $productsRepository->save($args, $products);
            } elseif ($name === ProductsController::DELETE_REQUESTED) {
                if (isset($args['id'])) {
                    $products = $this->entityManager->find(Products::class, $args['id']);

            $params = ['saved' => 1];

            $values['post'] = $args;

            $aggregateValueObject = new AggregateImmutableValueObject($values);

            if ($name === ProductsController::CREATE_REQUESTED) {
                $event = new WriteProductsCompleted(
            } elseif ($name === ProductsController::UPDATE_REQUESTED) {
                $event = new WriteProductsCompleted(
            } elseif ($name === ProductsController::DELETE_REQUESTED) {
                $event = new WriteProductsCompleted(

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $event->setParam('error', 1);


This new class will then be ready to be called by a \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\Policy listener once the corresponding event will be dispatched by another object, whether it is the main command (controller action method) or a subordinate command.

.. index:: Event Sourcing Logger

Event Logger

LightMVC Framework's event sourcing implementation comes with the \Ascmvc\EventSourcing\EventLogger that will log any event based on two criteria: 1- any aggregate that has added the EventLogger class name to its event bus identifiers, and 2- any whitelisted (or not blacklisted) event class type. Concerning this second criterium, the logger will log all events if no classes were whitelisted or blacklisted. If one class is whitelisted or blacklisted, the logger will blacklist by default.

Also, it is possible to log events to a different database if a Doctrine ORM connection name is defined for it in the application's configuration.


For more information on configuring an application's event log, please see the :ref:`configuration eventsourcing` section.

For a working example of Event Sourcing and CQRS with LightMVC, please use our skeleton application as it is explained in the section on the :ref:`skeleton`.