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.. index:: Middleware


The LightMVC Framework uses Laminas Stratigility for its middleware implementation. This implementation is therefore PSR-15 compliant.

Configuring middleware is very straightforward in the LightMVC Framework. In a config/middleware.config.php file, one might configure some middleware as per the following:

$baseConfig['middleware'] = [
    '/foo' => function ($req, $handler) {
        $response = new \Laminas\Diactoros\Response();

        return $response;
    function ($req, $handler) {
        if (! in_array($req->getUri()->getPath(), ['/bar'], true)) {
            return $handler->handle($req);

        $response = new \Laminas\Diactoros\Response();
        $response->getBody()->write('Hello world!');

        return $response;
    '/baz' => [

Any callable or any class that implements the \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface interface can be used as valid middleware.

use \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;

class ExampleMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
    public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface

Middleware can be configured with or without paths. When indicating a path as the name of the array index of the middleware, the middleware will only run if the path matches the request URI. If the middleware's array index is an integer, the middleware will run on every request. Finally, it is possible to stack middleware within the same array index. In this latter case, the LightMVC Framework will lazy-load this FIFO stack of middleware and will run it in the given order.


Normally, the middleware pipeline should always return a valid PSR-7 compliant response object. Otherwise, the pipeline would throw an exception. In the case of the LightMVC Framework, the pipeline can quietly fail in order to allow the MVC components to handle the request.

By default, the middleware pipeline is attached as a listener to the AscmvcEvent::EVENT_BOOTSTRAP event and can be overridden by a high priority listener on this event.

For more information on Laminas Stratigility, please see the Laminas Stratigility website.

You can also see the :ref:`configuration middleware` section.