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LOJ 1019: Brush (V)

What the problem wants

We are given a graph of N nodes and M edges (two way). Each edge is given as tuple (u, v, w) resembling that there is an edge between u and v with distance w. We need to find the least distance from node 1 to node N (or print "Impossible" if it is indeed impossible to reach from node 1 to node N).

General Approach

The problem can be solved by the Dijkstra algorithm that uses modified BFS traversal to choose the least distance to traverse from node 1 to node N.

  • At first we are going to keep a track of distance of all the nodes from node 1 (in an array). As we haven't started traversing yet, we will put infinity (or quite a large number) as the distance (of course distance[1] will always be zero, distance between node 1 and node 1 is zero indeed :D ).
  • We also maintain a data structure that sorts (ascendingly) itself according to the distance from node 1 (priority queue works well for this). Initially it is empty. We put node 1 in this queue.
  • We start extracting the first node, u, from the priority queue. We go to all the nodes, v, that are adjacent to u and check if summation of distance of u (from node 1) and distance from node u to v is less than distance of v (from node 1). If yes, then we relax the node v; that means we update the distance of node v (from node 1) and we put node v into the priority queue. We continue this process untill the queue is empty. After finishing, we can just check the distance of node n from node 1 by looking at the distance array only.
  • Additional check is needed to see if node n is reachable from node 1. Can you tell me what happens if distance of node n from node 1 is still infinity (or the large number that was assigned in the beginning at the first step) after all the traversal?


Do not forget to clear stored informations (about nodes, edges) after/before each test cases.

Things to learn

Dijkstra algorithm, BFS-DFS, Graph traversal

C++ implementation

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int N = 102;

int n, m;
int u, v, w, dis[N];
vector< pair<int, int> > node[N];

void minimize_dis(int src, int dest) {
  for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) dis[i] = INT_MAX;
  dis[src] = 0;
  priority_queue< pair<int, int>, vector< pair<int, int> >, greater< pair<int, int> > > q;
  q.push({dis[src], src});
  while(!q.empty()) {
    auto p =;
    for(auto &nd: node[p.second]) {
      if( dis[nd.first] > dis[p.second] + nd.second ) {
        dis[nd.first] = dis[p.second] + nd.second;
        q.push({dis[nd.first], nd.first});

void clear() {
	for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) node[i].clear();

int main() {
  int cs;
  scanf("%d", &cs);
  for(int tc = 1; tc <= cs; tc++) {
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      scanf("%d %d %d", &u, &v, &w);
      node[u].push_back({v, w});
      node[v].push_back({u, w});
    minimize_dis(1, n);
    if(dis[n] == INT_MAX) {
      printf("Case %d: Impossible\n", tc);
    } else {
      printf("Case %d: %d\n", tc, dis[n]);