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527 lines (369 loc) · 20.7 KB


How can I set required environment variables?

The best practice to set environment variables (UFS_SCRATCH, UFS_INPUT, UFS_DRIVER, CIME_MODEL, and PROJECT) is to put them into the .bashrc (Bash shell) or .tcshrc (Tcsh shell) files. These files are executed when a user opens a new shell or logs in to the server (including compute nodes) so that their environment is set correctly. In platforms that are not preconfigured, the NCEPLIBS-provided shell script (|.csh) should be sourced in the same way.

BASH (edit ~/.bashrc):

export UFS_INPUT=/path/to/inputs
export UFS_SCRATCH=/path/to/outputs
export PROJECT=your_compute_project
export UFS_DRIVER=nems
export CIME_MODEL=ufs
source /path/to/nceplibs/bin/

BASH (edit ~/.tcshrc):

setenv UFS_INPUT /path/to/inputs
setenv UFS_SCRATCH /path/to/outputs
setenv PROJECT your_compute_project
setenv UFS_DRIVER nems
setenv CIME_MODEL ufs
source /path/to/nceplibs/bin/setenv_nceplibs.csh


The user might need to create the ~/.bashrc or ~/.tcshrc file.

How can I see/check the steps in my workflow?

A good way to see what case.submit will do, is to use the preview_run command, which will output the environment for your run along with the batch submit and mpirun commands.


How can I run an individual task in the existing workflow?

The CIME allows you to run a specific task in the workflow by supplying the --only-job parameter to the case.submit command.

The following example will run only the preprocessing utility chgres_cube:

./case.submit --only-job case.chgres

This will create the initial conditions for the model simulation using the raw input files that are provided by NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS).

To run the simulation:

./case.submit --only-job

If the user wants to define the first job submitted in a workflow, the --job parameter can be passed to the case.submit command.

./case.submit --job

In this case, two dependent jobs will be submitted: model simulation and post-processing.

How can I change the wall clock time and queue for specific tasks in the workflow?

These can be done by using the xmlchange command.

For example, the following command can be used to set the job wall clock time to 10 minutes for chgres_cube

./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=00:10:00 --subgroup case.chgres

The following command will change the job queue to bigmem for chgres_cube:

./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=bigmem --subgroup case.chgres


Without the --subgroup option, the xmlchange command changes the job wall clock time for all submitted jobs.

What should the wall clock time be for a C768 24-hour forecast on Gaea?

For this run you should set the JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME to one hour. For instructions on how to do that, see the FAQ above.

How can I change the project account that will be used to submit jobs?

There are two ways to change project account that is used to submit job:

  • Set PROJECT environment variable before creating case
  • Use the xmlchange command to change the project account (please replace PROJECT ID with an appropriate project number).
./xmlchange PROJECT=[PROJECT ID]


A PROJECT environment variable setting will take precident over the case XML setting.

How do I change the processor layout for the UFS Weather Model?

The total number of processor used by the UFS Weather Model can be modified by using xmlchange command and editing the user_nl_ufsatm file.

To query the default configuration of the processor layout:


and to change the default processor layout:

./xmlchange NTASKS_ATM=150

This will set the total number of processors to 150, but the model configuration files (model_configure and input.nml) must be changed to be consistent with the total number of processors set by the xmlchange command.

In this case, the following namelist options need to be modified accordingly:

  • layout: Processor layout on each tile.
  • ntiles: Number of tiles on the domain. For the cubed sphere, this should be 6, one tile for each face of the cubed sphere.
  • write_groups: Number of group for I/O tasks.
  • write_tasks_per_group: Number of I/O tasks for each group.

The number of tasks assigned to a domain for UFS Medium-Range Weather Model must be equal to:

NTASKS\_ATM = layout_x * layout_y * ntiles + write\_tasks\_per\_group * write\_groups

to have consistent model configuration with NTASKS_ATM defined above. user_nl_ufsatm can be changed as following:

! Users should add all user specific namelist changes below in the form of
!   namelist_var = new_namelist_value
! Note - that it does not matter what namelist group the namelist_var belongs to
layout = 3,8
write_groups = 1
write_tasks_per_group = 6


The model resolution also needs to divide evenly with the layout pair. For the given configuration (C96 resolution), 96/3 = 32 and 96/8 = 12.

How do I change the number of OPENMP threads?

The user may need to change the number of threads to reduce memory consumption for each compute node. This is especially true for high-resolution cases, and is already set by CIME for C768. This can be done using the following command:

./xmlchange NTHRDS_ATM=4
./case.setup --reset
./ --clean-all


The model needs to be built again if threading is changed from 1. Setting NTHRDS_ATM does not require changes in the model configuration files. The job submission scripts handle it automatically and submit jobs using more compute nodes.

How do I restart the model?

To restart the model the xmlchange command can be used:


In this case, CIME makes the required changes to the model namelist files (model_configure and input.nml) and also copies the files from the RESTART to the INPUT directory.


If there are restart files belonging to multiple time snapshots (i.e. with 20190829.060000., 20190829.120000. prefixes if written every 6-hours), CIME gets the latest one (the files with 20190829.120000. prefix) automatically.

The restart interval can also be changed to a 6 hourly interval as follows:

./xmlchange REST_OPTION=nhours
./xmlchange REST_N=6


The default value of the restart_interval namelist option is zero (0), and the model writes a single restart file at the end of the simulation.

The following example demonstrates the 48 hour model simulation split into an initial 24-hour simulation with a cold start plus an additional 24-hour simulation with warm start.

The initial 24 hours simulation:

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nhours
./xmlchange STOP_N=24

and restart the model for 24 hours simulation:



The restart run length can be changed using the xmlchange command and setting STOP_N and STOP_OPTION.

The model outputs always start from 000 (e.g.,,, and don't depend on the model start time and method (warm or cold start).

How do I change a namelist option for chgres_cube or the model?

From the case directory running ./preview_namelists will generate the namelists for the run. This is normally run by case.submit, but you can also run it from the command line after running the command case.setup. Run it once before editing user_nl_ufsatm and examine input.nml to see the default value, then edit user_nl_ufsatm and run it again to see the change.

Typical usage of preview_namelists is simply:


The input.nml will be generated under the directory CaseDocs,

ls CaseDocs
atm_in  config.nml  input.nml  itag.tmp  model_configure

To set model namelist options in CIME, edit the file user_nl_ufsatm in the case and add the change(s) as name-value pairs. For example:

! This file can be used to change namelist options for:
! - Chgres
! - UFS MR-Weather Model
! - NCEP Post
! Users should add all user-specific namelist changes below in the form of
!  namelist_var = new_namelist_value
! To change the namelist variables that are defined as multiple times under
! different namelist groups
!  namelist_var@namelist_group = new_namelist_value
! Following is the list of namelist variables that need to be accessed by
! specifying the namelist groups:
! alpha@nam_physics_nml
! alpha@test_case_nml
! avg_max_length@atmos_model_nml
! avg_max_length@gfs_physics_nml
! debug@atmos_model_nml
! debug@gfs_physics_nml
! icliq_sw@gfs_physics_nml
! icliq_sw@nam_physics_nml
! iospec_ieee32@fms_nml
! iospec_ieee32@fms_io_nml
! ntiles@fv_core_nml
! ntiles@nest_nml
! read_all_pe@fms_io_nml
! read_all_pe@fms_nml
! regional@chgres
! regional@fv_core_nml
do_skeb = T

Then run ./case.submit. This will update the namelist and submit the job.

If you want to review what you have done before you submit the case, you can run ./preview_namelists and then examine the namelist(s) in the run directory or the case subdirectory CaseDocs/.

Some variables are tied to xml in the case and can only be changed via the xmlchange command. Attempting to change them by editing the file user_nl_ufsatm may generate an error. The parameters that need to be changed via xmlchange are defined in namelist_definition_ufsatm.xml.

cd src/model/FV3/cime/cime_config
cat namelist_definition_ufsatm.xml | grep "modify_via_xml"
<entry id="ccpp_suite" modify_via_xml="CCPP_SUITES">
<entry id="start_year" modify_via_xml="RUN_STARTDATE">
<entry id="start_month" modify_via_xml="RUN_STARTDATE">
<entry id="start_day" modify_via_xml="RUN_STARTDATE">
<entry id="start_hour" modify_via_xml="START_TOD">
<entry id="start_minute" modify_via_xml="START_TOD">
<entry id="start_second" modify_via_xml="START_TOD">
<entry id="nhours_fcst" modify_via_xml="STOP_N">
<entry id="restart_interval" modify_via_xml="REST_N”>

The changes are required to ensure consistency between the model configuration and the CIME.


The user_nl_ufsatm file is also used to control namelist options for chgres_cube and NCEP-Post. Different namelist groups in the model namelist and the pre-, post-processing tools could have the same namelist variable. In this case, just using the namelist variable causes failures in the automated namelist generation. The following is the list of namelist variables that needs to be used along with their group name.

How do I turn on stochastic physics?

There are three types of stochastic physics supported with this release: SPPT, SHUM, and SKEB. They can be used together or separately, and their use is controlled by setting model namelist options DO_SPPT, DO_SHUM, DO_SKEB to true or false. These options are set to false by default for all supported compsets and physics suites.

In addition to the namelist variables that turn stochastic physics on or off, there are several variables that control the behavior of the physics. Those are explained in the Stochastic Physics User's Guide.

In order to set variables DO_SPPT, DO_SHUM, DO_SKEB to true in the model namelist, as well as to set the values of the variables that customize the stochastic physics, please see FAQ entry How do I change a namelist option for chgres_cube or the model?

Can I customize the UPP output?

Starting with v1.1.0, you may customize your output following the instructions in :numref:`Section %s <upp_output_files>`.

How do I find out which platforms are preconfigured for the MR Weather App?

Preconfigured machines are platforms that have machine specific files and settings scripts and should run the MR Weather Application out-of-the-box (other than potentially needing to download input files). Preconfigured platforms are usually listed by their common site-specific name.

To see the list of preconfigured, out of the box platforms, issue the following commands:

cd $SRCROOT/cime/scripts
./query_config --machines

The output will contain entries like the following:

cheyenne (current) : NCAR SGI platform, os is Linux, 36 pes/node, batch system is PBS
('      os             ', 'LINUX')
('      compilers      ', 'intel,gnu,pgi')
('      mpilibs        ', ['mpt', 'openmpi'])
('      pes/node       ', '36')
('      max_tasks/node ', '36')

What are the compsets and physics suites supported in this release?

There are two compsets supported in this release: GFSv15p2 and GFSv16beta, corresponding to the physics suites associated with the operational GFS v15 model and with the developmental physics for the future implementation of GFS v16. However, there are four physics suites supported for this release: GFSv15p2, GFSv15p2_no_nsst, GFSv16beta, and GFSv16beta_no_nsst. The difference between a suite and its no_nsst counterpart is that the no_nsst suites do not include the Near Sea Surface Temperature (NSST) ocean parameterization. Instead, they employ a simple ocean scheme (sfc_ocean) that keeps the sea surface temperature constant throughout the forecast. Compset GFSv15p2 can use either the GFSv15p2 suite or the GFSv15p2_no_nsst suite. Similarly, Compset GFSv16beta can use either the GFSv16beta suite or the GFSv16beta_no_nsst suite. The choice is made based on the format of the initial conditions file. When GRIB2 format is chosen, the non_nsst suites are used. When NEMSIO or netCDF format is chosen, the suites with NSST are chosen. These differences are needed because the GRIB2 files do not have all the fields needed to initialize the operational NSST parameterization.

How can I change number of task used by chgres_cube or UPP (NCEP-Post)?

By default, CIME automatically sets number of tasks used by chgres_cube and NCEP-Post (:term:`UPP`) based on the resolution of the created case using following logic:

  • chgres_cube

    It requires that number of task used by chgres_cube need to be divided evenly with the number of tiles (6).

    • C96: closest number of task to tasks_per_node, which can be divided by 6
    • C192: closest number of task to tasks_per_node, which can be divided by 6
    • C384: closest number of task to 2 * tasks_per_node, which can be divided by 6
    • C768: closest number of task to 4 * tasks_per_node, which can be divided by 6
  • UPP

    • C96: tasks_per_node
    • C192: tasks_per_node
    • C384: 2 * tasks_per_node
    • C768: 4 * tasks_per_node

The number of tasks will increase along with the increased horizontal resolution due to the memory consumption of the pre-processing tool and tasks_per_node is defined for the each platform using MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE element (i.e. 36 for NCAR Cheyenne and 48 for TACC Stampede2).

To change the values set automatically by CIME-CSS, the xmlchange command can be used:

./xmlchange task_count=72 --subgroup case.chgres

This command will change the number of tasks used by chgres_cube to 72. If the user wants to change the number of task for NCEP-Post, the subgroup option needs to set to case.gfs_post.

How can I run the MR Weather App for another date without overriding my previous run?

Before running the App for a second date, you should save your previous run in another directory by moving that directory to a different location.

From the case directory do:

RUNDIR = ` ./xmlquery RUNDIR --value`
mv $RUNDIR $RUNDIR.forecastdate

How do I diagnose a failure with a high-resolution run?

One possible source of failure with high-resolution runs is lack of memory. To diagnose if this is the problem, try a low resolution run first.

How can I diagnose errors when building the model?

If the ./ step fails, the first step is to inspect the build logs in the case build directories. These files are called ufs.bldlog.YYMMDD-HHMMSS and atm.bldlog.YYMMDD-HHMMSS, and may be compressed using gzip. In this case, unzip them using gunzip.

How can I fix build errors of type Make Error at CMakeLists.txt:180

If the model build fails with an error message like

then this usually means that one of the linker flags that the build process gathered from the ESMF MK file is either empty or has trailing whitespaces. The easiest way to fix this is to locate (in the NCEPLIBS install directory, under lib or lib64) and check the following entries:


If any of these is empty, simply add -g and make sure that there is no trailing whitespace added after it. For all others, check that there are no trailing whitespaces. It is advisable to take a backup copy of this file before editing it manually.