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Fix #199 by distinguishing term imports, type imports, and term+type …
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Li Haoyi committed Jan 31, 2016
1 parent a57a4bd commit 3645628
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Showing 5 changed files with 135 additions and 37 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion repl/src/main/scala/ammonite/repl/Util.scala
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,14 @@ case class Evaluated(wrapper: String,

case class ImportData(fromName: String,
toName: String,
prefix: String)
prefix: String,
importType: ImportData.ImportType)
object ImportData{
case class ImportType(name: String)
val Type = ImportType("Type")
val Term = ImportType("Term")
val TermType = ImportType("TermType")

* Encapsulates a read-write cell that can be passed around
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57 changes: 36 additions & 21 deletions repl/src/main/scala/ammonite/repl/interp/AmmonitePlugin.scala
Expand Up @@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ object AmmonitePlugin{

def decode(t: g.Tree) = {
val sym = t.symbol
(sym.decodedName, sym.decodedName, "")
(sym.isType, sym.decodedName, sym.decodedName, "")

val stats = unit.body.children.last.asInstanceOf[g.ModuleDef].impl.body
val symbols = stats.filter(x => !Option(x.symbol).exists(_.isPrivate))
.foldLeft(List.empty[(String, String, String)]){
.foldLeft(List.empty[(Boolean, String, String, String)]){
// These are all the ways we want to import names from previous
// executions into the current one. Most are straightforward, except
// `import` statements for which we make use of the typechecker to
Expand All @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ object AmmonitePlugin{
val prefix = rec(expr).reverseMap(x => Parsers.backtickWrap(x.decoded)).mkString(".")
val renamings =
for(t @ g.ImportSelector(name, _, rename, _) <- selectors) yield {
Option(rename).map(name.decoded -> _.decoded)
Option(rename).map(x => name.decoded -> (name.isTypeName, x.decoded))
val renameMap =
val info = new g.analyzer.ImportInfo(t, 0)
Expand All @@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ object AmmonitePlugin{
if sym.toString != "package class-use"
if sym.toString != "object package-info"
if sym.toString != "class package-info"
} yield sym.decodedName
} yield {
(sym.isType, sym.decodedName)

val syms = for{
// For some reason `info.allImportedSymbols` does not show imported
Expand All @@ -77,9 +79,9 @@ object AmmonitePlugin{
// As opposed to via import scala.reflect.macros._.
// Thus we need to combine allImportedSymbols with the renameMap
sym <- symNames.toList ++ renameMap.keys
(isType, sym) <- symNames.toList ++ renameMap.keys
} yield {
(renameMap.getOrElse(sym, sym), sym, prefix)
(isType, renameMap.getOrElse((isType, sym), sym), sym, prefix)
syms ::: ctx
case (ctx, t @ g.DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _)) => decode(t) :: ctx
Expand All @@ -90,21 +92,34 @@ object AmmonitePlugin{
case (ctx, t) => ctx

for {
(fromName, toName, importString) <- symbols
// _ = println(fromName + "\t"+ toName)
val grouped =
.groupBy{case (a, b, c, d) => (b, c, d) }

// pprint.log(grouped, "grouped")
val open = for {
((fromName, toName, importString), items) <- grouped
// _ = println(fromName + "\t"+ toName)

// Probably synthetic
if !fromName.contains("$")
if fromName != "<init>"
if fromName != "<clinit>"
if fromName != "$main"
// Don't care about this
if fromName != "toString"
// Behaves weird in 2.10.x, better to just ignore.
if fromName != "_"
} yield ImportData(fromName, toName, importString)
// Probably synthetic
if !fromName.contains("$")
if fromName != "<init>"
if fromName != "<clinit>"
if fromName != "$main"
// Don't care about this
if fromName != "toString"
// Behaves weird in 2.10.x, better to just ignore.
if fromName != "_"
} yield {
val importType = items match{
case Seq(true) => ImportData.Type
case Seq(false) => ImportData.Term
case Seq(_, _) => ImportData.TermType
ImportData(fromName, toName, importString, importType)
// pprint.log(open, "open")
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions repl/src/main/scala/ammonite/repl/interp/ClassLoaders.scala
Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,19 @@ object Frame{
// At the end of the day we re-reverse the trimmed list and return it.
val importData = importss.flatten
val stomped = mutable.Set.empty[String]
val stompedTypes = mutable.Set.empty[String]
val stompedTerms = mutable.Set.empty[String]
val out = mutable.Buffer.empty[ImportData]
for(data <- importData.reverseIterator){
if(!stomped(data.toName)) {
val stomped = data.importType match{
case ImportData.Term => Seq(stompedTerms)
case ImportData.Type => Seq(stompedTypes)
case ImportData.TermType => Seq(stompedTerms, stompedTypes)
if (!stomped.exists(_(data.toName))){
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12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions repl/src/main/scala/ammonite/repl/interp/Evaluator.scala
Expand Up @@ -170,10 +170,15 @@ object Evaluator{
val grouped = mutable.Buffer[mutable.Buffer[ImportData]]()
for(data <- importData){
if (grouped.isEmpty) grouped.append(mutable.Buffer(data))
else if (grouped.last.last.prefix == data.prefix) grouped.last.append(data)
else grouped.append(mutable.Buffer(data))
else {
val last = grouped.last.last
// Group type imports differently from term imports, in case we
// import the same thing but rename it differently
if (last.prefix == data.prefix) grouped.last.append(data)
else grouped.append(mutable.Buffer(data))

// pprint.log(grouped)
// Stringify everything
val out = for(group <- grouped) yield {
val printedGroup = for(item <- group) yield{
Expand All @@ -183,6 +188,7 @@ object Evaluator{
"import " + group.head.prefix + ".{\n " + printedGroup.mkString(",\n ") + "\n}\n"
val res = out.mkString

Timer("importBlock 1")
Expand Down
80 changes: 72 additions & 8 deletions repl/src/test/scala/ammonite/repl/session/ImportTests.scala
Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ object ImportTests extends TestSuite{
* - check.session("""
@ object importing_issue {
@ object scala {
@ def evilThing = ???
Expand All @@ -133,20 +133,19 @@ object ImportTests extends TestSuite{
@ import importing_issue._
@ Duration.Inf
@ "foo" // Make sure this still works
res4: String = "foo"
@ "foo"
res5: String = "foo"
@ Duration.Inf // This fails due to a scala compiler bug
error: Compilation Failed
// This failed kinda non-deterministically in 0.5.2; it depended
// This failed kinda non-deterministically in 0.5.2 (#248); it depended
// on what ordering the imports were generated in, which depended
// on the ordering of the `scala.Map` they were stored in, which
// is arbitrary. Choosing different identifiers for `foo` `bar` and
// `baz` affected this ordering and whether or not it fail.
// Nevertheless, here's a test case that used to fail, but now doesn't
* - check.session("""
@ object baz { val foo = 1 }
@ object foo { val bar = 2 }
Expand All @@ -158,6 +157,71 @@ object ImportTests extends TestSuite{
@ bar
res4: Int = 2


// Make sure that you can have a term and a type of the same name
// coming from different places and they don't stomp over each other
// (#199) and both are accessible.
* - check.session("""
@ val Foo = 1
@ type Foo = Int
@ Foo
res2: Int = 1
@ 2: Foo
res3: Foo = 2

* - check.session("""
@ object pkg1{ val Order = "lolz" }
@ object pkg2{ type Order[+T] = Seq[T] }
@ import pkg1._
@ Order
res3: String = "lolz"
@ import pkg2._
@ Seq(1): Order[Int]
res5: Order[Int] = List(1)
@ Seq(Order): Order[String]
res6: Order[String] = List("lolz")

// Even though you can import the same-named type and term from different
// places and have it work, if you import them both from the same place,
// a single type or term of the same name will stomp over both of them.
// This is basically impossible to avoid in Scala unless we want to
// generate forwarder objects to import from which is very difficult
// (e.g. we would need to generate forwarder-methods for arbitrarily
// complex method signatures) or generate ever-more-nested wrapper
// objects for imports to make the later imports take priority (which
// results in a quadratic number of class files)
// This is sufficiently edge-casey that I'm gonna call this a wontfix
* - check.session("""
@ object bar { val foo = 1; type foo = Int }
@ object baz { val foo = 2 }
@ import
@ import
@ foo
res4: Int = 2
@ 1: foo
error: Compilation Failed
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