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Google Workspace Resource Provider

The Google Workspace Resource Provider lets you manage Google Workspace resources.


You'll have to install this locally for now.


The following configuration points are available for the Googleworkspace provider:

  • googleworkspace:access_token A temporary [OAuth 2.0 access token] obtained from the Google Authorization server, i.e. the Authorization: Bearer token used to authenticate HTTP requests to Google Admin SDK APIs. This is an alternative to credentials, and ignores the oauth_scopes field. If both are specified, access_token will be used over the credentials field.
  • googleworkspace:credentials (environment: GOOGLEWORKSPACE_CREDENTIALS OR GOOGLEWORKSPACE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON OR GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS) Either the path to or the contents of a service account key file in JSON format you can manage key files using the Cloud Console). If not provided, the application default credentials will be used.
  • googleworkspace:customer_id The customer id provided with your Google Workspace subscription. It is found in the admin console under Account Settings.
  • googleworkspace:impersonated_user_email The impersonated user's email with access to the Admin APIs can access the Admin SDK Directory API. impersonated_user_email is required for all services except group and user management.
  • googleworkspace:oauth_scopes (List of String) The list of the scopes required for your application (for a list of possible scopes, see Authorize requests)
  • googleworkspace:service_account The service account used to create the provided access_token if authenticating using the access_token method and needing to impersonate a user. This service account will require the GCP role Service Account Token Creator if needing to impersonate a user.