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1. Coding Test

a) Create a RESTful API using Express.js that allows users to manage a collection of

books. The API should support the following operations: • Create a new book. • Retrieve a specific book by its ID. • Update an existing book. • Delete a book.

b) Implement database integration using an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library

such as Sequelize or Mongoose. Design the book schema with the following properties: • ID (auto-generated) • Title (string) • Author (string) • Genre (string) • Published Date (date) • Description (text)

c) Add authentication and authorization to the API using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Implement the following: • User registration endpoint (/api/register) to create a new user. • User login endpoint (/api/login) to authenticate and generate a JWT. • Protect the book management endpoints by verifying the JWT.

2. Performance Test: Given a dataset of 100,000 books in JSON format, write a

script that performs the following tasks efficiently: a) Reads the dataset from a file. b) Filters the books based on a specific genre. c) Sorts the filtered books by the published date in descending order. d) Writes the sorted books to a new file in JSON format. The script should be optimized to handle large datasets efficiently and minimize memory usage.

3. Database Optimization:

Assume you have an existing PostgreSQL database with a table named "orders" that has the following columns: • id (integer), • customer_id (integer), • order_date (date), • total_amount (decimal). Optimize the following SQL query to improve its performance: sqlCopy code SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_id = 123 ORDER BY order_date DESC;

4. System Design:

Imagine you are building a microservices architecture for an e-commerce platform. The system should handle the following functionalities: • User management (registration, authentication, and authorization). Product catalog (creation, retrieval, and updating product information). • Shopping cart management (add/remove items, calculate total price). • Order processing (place an order, payment integration). • Describe the high-level architecture of the system, including the communication between microservices, data storage, and any other components needed.

5. Debugging Test:

Given a Node.js application that is failing to start and throws an error, analyze the provided error message, review the codebase, and identify and fix the issue causing the error.


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