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Provides a structured standup discussion to share amongst team members, along with scheduling at specific times/days for each user.

The original code for this library was constructed by Josh Bassett and others at The Conversation, and then generously shared with myself to extend and open source.

It has been written with Slack in mind as the adapter, but extensions to make it more friendly with other platforms are very welcome.

The converation prompts:

the conversation prompts

And the shared results:

the shared results


This handler adds the following public commands via direct messages to your Lita bot:

  • standup – begins a standup conversation with three questions (what have you been working on, what's next, what's getting in the way). Once these questions are answered, the result is shared in the target channel.
  • standup schedule – see your personal schedule for standup conversations.
  • standup schedule TIME DAY DAY DAY – set your personal schedule for standup conversations. e.g. standup schedule 10:00 monday tuesday friday. All days are accepted, and the time is 24 hours, and respects the user's time zone if set (otherwise, defaults to UTC).
  • standup schedule clear – clear out your personal schedule (useful for when you're on holiday).

If you want to get stuck into the internals of this handler, there are two hidden commands that may be useful:


Add lita-updates to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-updates"

Then, in your Lita configuration, you'll want to set the channel where standup messages are shared: = "standup"


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


lita-updates is developed and maintained by Pat Allan for Limbr, based on code by the team at The Conversation, and is released under the open MIT Licence.


A lita handler for standup communication.


Code of conduct





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