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Built with C3S

Peter Mesotten edited this page Sep 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

C3S is used for the following website. Visit them to see how fast C3S loads or check out the Github link to learn how they were built.

INR Diary

INR Diary screenshot

INR Diary is a medical app for following up an anticoagulation therapy, used by people that take blood thinner medication on a daily basis. This one-pager uses a repository in the background to store most content blocks. E.g. the people reviews section uses the randomise feature to show 12 random reviews from a total of 20 user reviews.

Barabas Bilzen

Barabas Bilzen screenshot

Barabas is a local tapas bar that uses a repository for displaying carousels, contact information, opening hours and the different menus. The site's content is maintained by the owners of the bar.

St.-Rochus Zutendaal

St.-Rochus Zutendaal screenshot

St.-Rochus Zutendaal is a local carabiners guild. A repository is used to store information about the carabiners and the competition games they play. There is also an album and a hall of fame section that safeguards the historic achievements of the club and its members. The site is maintained by the secretary of the guild.

Bridge Club Lanaken

Bridge Club Lanaken screenshot

Bridge Club Lanaken is a local club for bridge players. The repository stores the results of their sessions and informs members about upcoming events. Before the website, all of this information had to be sent by mail. The website is maintained by the secretary of the club.

Your own?

Have you built your website with C3S as well? Drop me an email to have it listed on this page!