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React hooks library for Supabase


  1. Install
  2. Usage
  3. Run the Test
  4. API


npm install @limitkr/supabase-hooks
# or yarn package manager
yarn add @limitkr/supabase-hooks

⚠️ This is an experimental repo, still under development.


NextJS Example

Import the <SHProvider /> at the project root:

import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
import { SHProvider } from "@limitkr/supabase-hooks";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";

import type { Database } from "database.types"; // Supabase Database types

const client = createClient<Database>(
  /* Supabase URL */,
  /* Supabase Key */

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
    <SHProvider supabaseClient={client}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

And use the hook you want anywhere on the page.

import { useDatabase } from "@limitkr/supabase-hooks";

import type { Database } from "database.types"; // Supabase Database types

export default function MyPage() {
  const { data: posts, isLoading } = useDatabase<Database, "posts">("posts");
  return isLoading ? (
  ) : (
      { => (

Breaking changes

From version v1.0.0-beta.6, the second generic type must be put in the useDatabase hook to provide the correct type hint. For example:

const { data } = useDatabase<Database, "posts">("posts");

Use unstable feature

⚠️ This feature is still in the experimental stage. You may experience unintended bugs!

To use the hooks that are currently in development, you can import the exported hooks from the unstable folder. This package allows data fetching to be used with filters and uses better type definitions exported from Supabase.

import { unstable_useDatabase } from "@limitkr/supabase-hooks/unstable"

Check the documentation.

Run the Test

This project uses Jest's setupFiles feature to change the process.env variable before running the test. So you need to read the description below if you want to run the test.


At the root of the project, create a .jest folder. You can also create it with the command below:

mkdir .jest

And then create the setEnvVar.js file in the folder. assign the env variables in the setEnvVar.js.

// .jest/setEnvVar.js

process.env.SUPABASE_URL = /* Your Supabase URL */
process.env.SUPABASE_ANON_KEY = /* Your Supabase Key */

And create new empty supabase instance for testing, and create a new table like the image below.

create table example

Now you can run the test!



const useClient = <D extends BaseDatabase>() =>
  ReturnType<typeof createClient<D>>;

Returns the Supabase client.

useDatabase<D, K>(from)

const useDatabase = <D extends BaseDatabase = any>(
  from: TableKey<D>,
  options: UseDatabaseOptions
) => {
  return { data, isLoading, insertData, updateData, upsertData, deleteData };

Returns 4 Supabase database methods: insert, update, delete, upsert. Returns 2 Variables:

  • isLoading - Variable that indicate whether data is being loaded.
  • data - fetched data that Select a table using the 'key' value defined in the from parameter.

You can use filtering in some database methods. For example, to delete data when a specific ID matches:

import { useDatabase } from "@limitkr/supabase-hooks";

export default function Example() {
  const { deleteData } = useDatabase<Database, "posts">("posts");

  return (
    <button onClick={async () => await deleteData.eq("id", 1)}>Delete</button>

⚠️ In the data fetch(select) method, filtering options will be added soon.

from: K extends TableKey<D> | string

The table name to operate on.

ℹ️ If you use a database type extracted from 'Supabase' into the generic type, you can get a better type hint.

options: UseDatabaseOptions

interface UseDatabaseOptions {
  selectSingle?: boolean;
  disableFetch?: boolean;

selectSingle: boolean

default: false

If true, one single object type is returned, not an array type. This is the same method as below.

await supabaseClient.from(/* from */).select().single();

disableFetch: boolean

default: false

If true, the useDatabase hook does not automatically fetch data. This is useful if you want to use the useDatabase hook for data insertion or delete methods.