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This gem provides a command toggl-worktime, that summarises your Toggl time entries into working time chunks, which is useful for reporting your working hours. You can easily report your working hours from its output.


$ toggl-worktime 6 12
Tomoya Kabe
2017-06-12 09:54:34 - 2017-06-12 12:40:45
2017-06-12 13:29:09 - 2017-06-12 19:23:23

or you can specify year (default is "this" year)

$ toggl-worktime 2017 6 12
Tomoya Kabe
2017-06-12 09:54:34 - 2017-06-12 12:40:45
2017-06-12 13:29:09 - 2017-06-12 19:23:23


$ toggl-worktime 6 10
Tomoya Kabe
nil - nil

Calendar mode

You can see your monthly worktime in calendar view

$ toggl-worktime --calendar 2021 1
│Sun     │Mon              │Tue              │Wed              │Thu              │Fri              │Sat     │
│        │                 │                 │                 │                 │Day: 1           │Day: 2  │
│        │                 │                 │                 │                 │-                │-       │
│        │                 │                 │                 │                 │00:00:00         │00:00:00│
│Day: 3  │Day: 4           │Day: 5           │Day: 6           │Day: 7           │Day: 8           │Day: 9  │
│-       │-                │10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│-       │
│00:00:00│00:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │00:00:00│
│Day: 10 │Day: 11          │Day: 12          │Day: 13          │Day: 14          │Day: 15          │Day: 16 │
│-       │-                │10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│-       │
│00:00:00│00:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │00:00:00│
│Day: 17 │Day: 18          │Day: 19          │Day: 20          │Day: 21          │Day: 22          │Day: 23 │
│-       │10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│-       │
│00:00:00│07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │00:00:00│
│Day: 24 │Day: 25          │Day: 26          │Day: 27          │Day: 28          │Day: 29          │Day: 30 │
│-       │10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│10:00:00-18:00:00│-       │
│00:00:00│07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │07:00:00         │00:00:00│
│Day: 31 │                 │                 │                 │                 │                 │        │
│-       │                 │                 │                 │                 │                 │        │
│00:00:00│                 │                 │                 │                 │                 │        │

You can change the beginning day of the week with -b option:

$ toggl-worktime --calendar 2021 1 -b Mon


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'toggl-worktime'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install toggl-worktime


Toggl API Token

Write your Toggl API token on to ~/.toggl.


You can get your API token from Toggl at your profile settings page.


Place configuration file in ~/.toggl_worktime. Or you can specify your favorite path with -c CONFIG option.

# -*- yaml -*-

# working time interval within <working_interval_min> minutes is ignored
working_interval_min: 10
# Split the day at <day_begin_hour> o'clock
day_begin_hour: 6
# Timezone
timezone: Asia/Tokyo

# Time entries which match the condition below will not be counted as working time
# Multiple conditions can be specified as an array in top level,
# multiple keys (only "tags" for now) can be specified as hash keys in a condition,
# and multiple values can be specifeid as an array.
# Array conditions will be treated as "OR"
# Hash conditions will be treated as "AND"
  - tags:
      - vacation

Just run

toggl-worktime MONTH DAY


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Toggl::Worktime project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.