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File metadata and controls

216 lines (123 loc) · 6.97 KB


models are the core of limpyd, it's why we're here. A RedisModel is a class, in a database, with some fields. Each instance of this model is a new object stored in Redis by limpyd.

Here a simple example:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    foo = field.StringField()
    bar = field.StringField()

To create an instance, it's as easy as:

>>> example = Example(foo='FOO', bar='BAR')

By just doing this, the fields are created, and a PKField is set with a value that you can use:

>>> print("New example object with pk #%s" %
New example object with pk #1

Then later to get an instance from Redis with it's pk, it's as simple as:

>>> example = Example(1)

So, to create an object, pass fields and their values as named arguments, and to retrieve it, pass its pk as the only argument. To retrieve instances via other fields than the pk, check the collections section in this documentation.

If you don't pass any argument to the RedisModel, default one from fields are taken and are saved. But if no arguments and no default values, you get an empty instance, with no filled fields and no pk set.

The pk will be created with the first field. It's important to know that we do not store any concept of "model", each field is totally independent, though the keys to save them in Redis are based on the object's pk. So you can have 50 fields in a model and save only one of them.

Another really important thing to know is that when you create/retrieve an object, there is absolutely no data stored in it. Each time you access data via a field, the data is fetched from Redis.

Model attributes

When defining a model, you will add fields, but there is also some other attributes that are mandatory or may be useful.


The database attribute is mandatory and must be a RedisDatabase <database> instance. See database


You can't have two models with the same name on the same database. Except if you use namespacing.

Each model has a namespace, default to an empty string.

The namespace can be used to regroup models. All models about registration could have the namespace "registration", ones about the payment could have "payment", and so on.

With this you can have models with the same name in different namespaces, because the Redis keys created to store your data is computed with the namespace, the model name, and the pk of objects.


If you have many models sharing some field names, and/or within the same database and/or the same namespace, it could be useful to regroup all common stuff into a "base model", without using it to really store data in Redis.

For this you have the abstract attribute, False by default:

class Content(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    namespace = "content"
    abstract = True

    title = fields.InstanceHashField()
    pub_date = field.InstanceHashField()

class Article(Content):
    content = fields.StringField()

class Image(Content):
    path = fields.InstanceHashField()

In this example, only Article and Image are real models, both using the main_database database, the namespace "content", and having title and pub_date fields, in addition to their own.


By default, when updating am indexable field, update of the same field for all other instances of the model are locked while the update is not finished, to ensure consistency.

If you prefer speed, or are sure that you don't have more than one thread/process/server that write to the same database, you can set this lockable attribute to False to disable it for all the model's fields.

Note that you can also disable it at the field's level.

Model class methods


Return an instance of the model given a pk, or some fields to filter on. See the collections section in this documentation.

It will raises a DoesNotExist exception if no instance was found with the given arguments, and ValueError if more than one instance is found.

article = Article.get(12)
article = Article.get(pk=12)
article = Article.get(title='foo', content='bar')


Try to get an instance from the database, or create it if it does not exists. Uses the same arguments as get.

article = Article.get_or_connect(title='foo')
same_article = Article.get_or_connect(title='foo')


Check if an instance with the given pk or filters exists in the database. Uses the same arguments as get.

if not Article.exists(title='foo'):
    article = Article(title='foo', content='bar')


This is an advanced feature. It takes a PK and create an object with this PK without checking for its existence in the database until an operation is done with the instance.

existing = Article.lazy_connect(10)
existing.title.get()  # connects only now to the database

non_existing = Article.lazy_connect(11)
non_existing.title.get()  # will raise ``DoesNotExist``


Also an advanced/debug feature, allows to retrieve (as a generator, or can be casted to a set, for example) all the keys related to this model: collection, max pk used, indexes and all instances fields.

print('Keys used for model Article:')
for key in Article.scan_model_keys():
    print(' - ' + key)


Returns a generator of instances, created from primary keys given as an iterable

for article in Article.from_pks([10, 11]):

It accepts a lazy argument, default to False, that, if set to True, will use lazy_connect to create the instances.

Also note that the primary keys that does not exist are ignored.


Calling Model.instance(filter1=..., filter2=...) is a shortcut for Model.collection(filter1=..., filte2=...).instances()

It accepts a lazy argument (named or, if positional, is the first one), default to False, that will be passed to the instances method of the collection.

Model instance methods


Will delete the instance and remove its content from the indexes if any.

article = Article(title='foo')


Also an advanced/debug feature, allows to retrieve (as a generator, or can be casted to a set, for example) all the keys related to this instance (ie keys holding all defined fields or the ones with a default values):

print('Keys used for Article #%s:' %
for key in article.scan_keys():
    print(' - ' + key)