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Customizing your Hub

Adding software: Conda Environments

You can create any number of personal conda environments where you have complete control over the software available. To create and activate a new conda environment, run the following in a terminal:

$ conda create -n my_environment python=3
$ conda activate my_environment

Feel free to change "my_environment" to any environment name you desire. After activating the environment, you can use conda and pip commands to install any software you desire.

It may be helpful to install the mamba software, a faster version of conda:

$ conda install mamba

If the ipykernel package is installed in the environment, it will automatically show up in your list of kernels and be available for use in a Jupyter notebook.


To install ipykernel use this command,

$ conda install ipykernel


$ mamba install ipykernel


These environments are only accessible to you (they’re personal).