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568 lines (480 loc) · 16.9 KB


version 1.31

Bug fix version.

Changes in this version are:

  • Updated the version of the libraries included in the distribution
  • Bug fix of various problems when installing STklos
  • Bug fix for MacOs UTF8 detection
  • Added SRFI-112
  • Updated documentation

version 1.30

The goal of this version consists to be more R7RS compliant. All the R5RS functions which have been extended in R7RS are now conform to R7RS (for instance assoc and member accept now an optional parameter which is a compare function, vector->list accepts the start and end parameters, ...)

Changes in this version are:

  • Implementations R7RS I/O
    • Ports can now be binary or textual (standard ports are both)
    • New functions:
      • write-string
      • wite-shared & write-simple
      • functions to input and output bytevectors
      • read-u8 peek-u8 and u8-ready?
      • call-with-port
      • textual-port?
      • binary-port?
      • open-binary-input-file
      • open-binary-output-file
      • utf8->string & string->utf8
  • Updated various functions to be R7RS compliant.
  • Added the R7RS functions on bytevectors
  • Added R7RS #true and #false constants
  • Added R7RS exceptions
  • Added R7RS system functions
  • Upgraded the libraries embedded in STklos source tree
  • Optimization of circular structure reading & writing
  • New primitives - display-simple & display-shared - R7RS symbol=? - R7RS boolean=?
  • Updated documentation
  • Added SRFI-111
  • Bug fixes

version 1.20

Even if previous version was released more than seven years ago, STklos is not completely dead.

Now the developement tree of STklos is available on Gitlab and Github.

Changes in this version are:

  • Corrected some problems on UTF8 encoding
  • Bug fix of a long standing bug on call/cc.
  • Function can now be created with the UTF8 symbol λ
  • Added the #!fold-case and #!no-fold-case special notations of R7RS
  • Updated documentation
  • Bug fixes

version 1.10

This version brings the support of UTF-8 encoding and begins to support some (future) R7RS traits:

  • Added full support for UTF-8 strings and symbols
  • Added support for Win32 support under Cygwin
  • Added some support for R7RS traits:
    • bytesvectors
    • hexadecimal chars in strings and symbols
    • continuations lines in strings
    • New primitives
      • char-foldcase
      • string-foldcase
      • string-foldcase!
      • make-list
      • string-map
      • string-for-each
      • vector-for-each
      • vector-map
  • Added support for MacOs X Lion
  • Added back support for Win32 using Cygwin (this support has still rough edges. See the file PORTING-NOTES in the distribution directory for details)
  • Bug Fixes

version 1.01 (2010 12 29)

This is mainly a maintenance version.

  • Documentation update
  • Modifications to support ScmPkg on MacOs MacPorts
  • Fix incompatibilities in FFI introduced in 1.00
  • Better x86_64 support
  • Bug fixes

version 1.00 (2010 08 11)

The version 1.00 is finally here (work on STklos started 10 years before ...). The main difference with this version and the pre-1.0 ones is that it does not integrate GTK+ 1.x support. In fact, GTK+ support is now available through several ScmPkg packages. Otherwise:

  • Complete rewriting of GMP-lite, the provided gmp compatible package for system which does not provide it
  • Remove the old extension installation mechanism (stklos-install). Use the ScmPkg mechanism for extending STklos now
  • functions, generic functions and methods cans now have documentation strings
  • Added GNU readline support in REPL if the readline lib can be loaded dynamically
  • Configuration files location can now be changed
  • Added an interactive help system
  • libffi uptated to version 3.0.9
  • New implemented SRFIs
    • SRFI-74 (Octet-Addressed Binary Blocks)
    • SRFI-96 (SLIB Prerequisites )
    • SRFI-98 (Interface to access environment variables)
    • SRFI-100 (define-lambda-object)
  • New primitives
    • port?
    • help
    • make-directories
    • ensure-directories-exist
  • Bug fixes

version 0.98 (2008 04 15)

  • Replaced the C/invoke FFI library by libffi: Now GTk2 ScmPkg packages work on MacOs
  • Added option --build-sync-file to ease personal ScmPkg repository maintenance
  • Bug fixes

version 0.97 (2007 12 16)

  • Fixed support for recent versions of SLIB
  • Added boxes: they were used by the system but unavailable to the user.
  • Improved the stklos-pkg command
  • Fixed several mutexes bugs
  • Minor improvements of the FFI
  • Updated PCRE to version 7.4
  • New implemented SRFIs
    • SRFI-45 (Primitives for expressing iterative lazy algorithms)
    • SRFI-59 (Vicinity)
    • SRFI-88 (Keyword Objects)
    • SRFI-89 (Optional and named parameters)
  • Bug fixes

version 0.96 (2007 06 30)

This release introduces a simple FFI (Foreign Function Interface).

  • Better support for FreeBSD
  • Fixed a bug when using the -j option of make during bootstrap
  • Fixed several problems with ScmPkg packages installation

version 0.95 (2007 06 08)

This is a major version introducing support for the ScmPkg source packaging system.

  • Better support for lexical analyzer generation
  • Added some support for fixnum operations
  • Added here-strings support
  • Added partial module import
  • Macros can be local
  • Added some peephole optimizations
  • Added new options to the compiler
  • Added support for reading the tar files
  • void and eof objects are now printed back as #void and #eof and can be read back
  • New primitives
    • signal-error
    • md5sum
    • md5sum-file
    • file-prefix
    • file-suffix
    • condition-set!
  • Bug fixes

version 0.82 (2006 12 19)

  • Added the --debug option to the interpreter
  • Better error messages when in debug mode and more correct line numbers
  • Updated Dominique Boucher lalr parser to the latest version
  • Better error messages for POSIX functions
  • Internal macro definition are allowed now
  • New parameters for controlling compilation
  • New primitives
    • null-environment
    • scheme-report-environment
    • interaction-environment
    • directory-files
    • make-directory
    • delete-directory
  • Bug fixes

version 0.81 (2006 11 06)

This is a bug-fix version. Previous release had a bug which prevent to compile it on some architectures/systems.

  • Corrected a deadlock when compiling the system
  • Corrected bugs in SRFI-0 and SRFI-13

version 0.80 (2006 10 27)

This is a version with important changes to support multi-threading. This version provides two kinds of threads: LURC threads and Posix threads (aka pthreads). LURC threads are implemented using the LURC library, the Light ULM/Reactive library for C developed at INRIA. LURC supports the creation of synchronous cooperative threads, synchronizing and communicating with each other using signals in a deterministic scheduler (see for details).

  • Thread support
  • Better error messages
  • Added the possibility to compile byte-codes to a C file.
  • New optimizations
  • More customizable REPL
  • New primitives
    • read-byte
    • write-byte
    • printf
    • fprintf
    • base64-{en|de}code
    • current-second
  • New implemented SRFIs
    • SRFI-18 (Multithreading support)
  • Bug fixes

version 0.72 (2006 01 04)

This is a minor release.

  • New primitives
    • string-blit!
    • print
    • printerr
  • New implemented SRFIS
    • SRFI-66 (Octet Vectors)
  • Bug fixes

version 0.71 (2005 11 03)

  • Added virtual ports (ports defined by user functions)
  • The reader accepts now #eof to denote the eend of file object
  • Fix problems with SunOS support
  • Fix problems with gcc4 compilation
  • Hash tables are now compliant to SRFI-69 (Basic Hash Tables). This implies some (compatible) changes in the hash-tables function names.
  • New primitives
    • finite?
    • infinite?
    • unsetenv!
    • file-size
  • New implemented SRFIs
    • SRFI-62 (S-expression comments)
    • SRFI-69 (Basic Hash Tables)
    • SRFI-70 (Numbers)
  • Bug fixes

version 0.70 (2005 05 27)

The main changes in this release are: a new back-trace system, a conform call/cc/dynamic-wind implementation and some performance enhancements.

  • Added a way to have a back-trace when an error occurs
  • call/cc has been completely implemented. Its interaction with dynamic-wind is now conform to R5RS.
  • Perfomance improvements
  • Added some infrastructure for auto-testing a newly built system.
  • New primitives
    • port-rewind
    • port-seek
    • current-loading-file
    • decode-float
    • read/ss
    • write/ss
    • repl
  • Multiple EOF can be seen now on an input file to allow staged REPLs
  • Added the configure options --with-provided-gc and --with-provided-regexp to force the usage of our GC and PCRE versions, even if there are some version already installed on the system
  • The boot file is now integrated in the VM instead of being read from a file. This enhances the loading time of the interpreter a bit.
  • Describe shows more information for structures types and conditions.
  • The object system takes now into account conditions and conditions types
  • Documentation updated
  • Bug fixes

version 0.61 (2005 04 05)

  • Documentation updated
  • Distribution uses now PCRE 5.0 for regexp
  • Build process has changed
  • Performance improvement thanks to VM and I/O optimizations
  • Added a way to download and install STklos extensions
  • Better error signaling on undefined variables when compiling files
  • Minor enhancements:
    • Some corrections in the reader
    • Parameter objects SRFI-39 (Parameters objects) can be used now in generalized set! SRFI-17 (Generalized set!)
    • Reader can be case-sensitive now (the system can be bootstraped using case sensitive read)
    • ...
  • New primitives
    • eval-from-string
    • require/provide
    • read-chars
    • read-chars!
    • write-chars
    • get-password
  • Implementation of SRFI-60 (Integers as bits)
  • Bug fixes

version 0.60 (2004 11 29)

This version is mostly a correcting version which fixes a serious bug on file loading introduced in release 0.59. Very minor changes since previous release

  • SRFIs can also have symbolic names
  • Minor modifications to allow the compilation of Skribe with STklos on Win32
  • A bunch of functions on dates
  • Implementation of SRFI-55 (Require-extension)
  • Bug fixes

Supported SRFIs: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 48, 55.

version 0.59 (2004 11 04)

Supported SRFIs: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 48.

version 0.58

  • Better Win32 port (was no more fully functional since 0.55)
  • Added a way to configure the system with our version of GMP even
  • if GMP is installed
  • Added structure types
  • Stack size can be changed when the VM is launched
  • New port on Octane/SGI Irix (by Joshua Boyd) and Itanium
  • Added the --interactive option for embedded VM
  • Compiler can add line information to the generated code to ease debugging
  • error locations are more accurate now
  • New primitives
    • winify-file-name (for Win32 only)
    • sleep
  • New implemented SRFIs
    • SRFI-34 (Exception Handling for Programs)
    • SRFI-35 (Conditions)
    • SRFI-36 (I/O Conditions)
    • SRFI-48 (Intermediate Format Strings)
  • Bug fixes

Supported SRFIs: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 48

version 0.57

  • Added support for non Finked Mac-OS X
  • Added the Danny Dub� SIlex lexical analyser generator to the distribution. Thanks to Danny for allowing me to do so
  • New primitives
    • fork
    • register-exit-function!
    • html->string
    • uri-parse
    • chmod
  • New implemented SRFIs
    • SRFI-16 (Syntax for procedures of variable arity)
    • SRFI-26 (Notation for Specializing Parameters without Currying)
  • Bug corrections

Supported SRFIs: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 38, 39

version 0.56

  • The reader recognizes now the DSSL keywords #!rest, #!optional and #!key
  • New implemented SRFIs: 27 (random), 38 (external representation of shared structures) and 39 (parameter objects)
  • New parameter: REAL-PRECISION allow to change the precision used when displaying a real number
  • Modified primitives: GENSYM, PARSE-ARGUMENTS
  • Added the definition of feature 'stklos' for SRFI-0
  • Bug corrections

Supported SRFIs: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 27 28, 30, 31, 38, 39

version 0.55

  • New PCRE vesion (4.3)
  • New primitive: COPY-FILE
  • Bug corrections

version 0.54

  • Evaluation of parameters is now from left to right rather than the opposite.
  • Socket Support
  • Added support for SRFI-23 (Error)
  • Added support for SRFI-30 (Nested comments)
  • Added support for SRFI-31 (REC form)
  • Changed the Boehm GC version to 6.1
  • Code cleaning (again) to be accepted by gcc-3.x
  • New Ports: Solaris, Win32, Mac OS X
  • Bug corrections
  • ...

Supported SRFIs: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 28, 30, 31

version 0.53

  • Added support for SRFI-7
  • Added support for SRFI-11
  • Added support for SRFI-14
  • Added support for SRFI-28
  • Better LDAP support
  • Added TRACE
  • Added APROPOS
  • New syntax: IN-MODULE
  • Changed the Boehm GC version to 6.1 alpha5
  • Code cleaning to be accepted by gcc-3.x
  • Bug corrections
  • ...

Supported SRFIs: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 22, 28

version 0.52

  • Compiler has been rewritten and deliver code which is more efficient
  • New command 'compile-file' to compile a stklos file to byte-codes
  • Complete rewriting of GTklos (support of GTK+ in STklos) the rewriting is still incomplete and needs some work - support of the Canvas widget (nearly completely finished) - more general event management
  • All the demos have been rewritten
  • Better error reporting
  • Errors can now be browsed with Emacs next-error previous-error
  • Added support for SRFI-2
  • Added support for SRFI-4
  • Added support for SRFI-8
  • Added support for SRFI-9
  • Added support for SRFI-22
  • new option: "--no-init-file"
  • Added bitwise operations on bignums
  • Virtual slots can now have an initial value
  • Added the Bigloo MATCH-CASE and MATCH-LAMBDA
  • New form PARSE-ARGUMENTS to simplify argument parsing
  • Better support of dynamic loading.
  • Minimal support of LDAP.
  • Support of active-slots (as in old STk)
  • PCRE package used is now 3.7
  • GC package used is now 6.0
  • More documentation
  • There are now man pages for stklos and utilities
  • Many small improvements
  • Bug corrections
  • ...

version 0.51

  • Added R5RS hygienic macros
  • Added compatibility with the Aubrey Jaffer's SLIB
  • New port on Alpha/Linux
  • Added SRFI 0
  • Added SRFI 1
  • Some parts of the VM have been rewritten to integrate full CALL/CC (not yet finished)
  • Exact reals can be read now (e.g #e3.14 => 157/50)
  • New demo: edit.stk
  • Bug corrections

version 0.50 (released on 2001-01-17)

  • First public release