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A high performance bridge for lua and java in Android with mutil-thread and almost all java features supported


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Both lua(5.1-5.3) and luajit(2.0.5 and 2.1.0-beta3) are supported.

Configure by setting LUA_LIB :=(lua or luajit) to choose the proper version.

Currently, lua 5.3.5 is in lua dir and luajit 2.1.0 beta-3 is in luajit dir.

Load the lib by in the module app or add System.loadLibrary("") to your code.

Module lib is the true library that you can embedded into your code. Module app is a lua editor for running test in android.


Around 2100000 method call(Math.abs) per second on my Oneplus 5 device. Note that if you run it in debug mode,CheckJni mode is enabled by the vm,and it will take away more than half of the efficiency.



The below are functions exported as global values in lua.'...' means repeating the previous one if following some code or means any if it's inside a body.

  • import:

    Imports a package or a class.

    Usage: import "android.os.*" or import "android.os.Process"

    If you import a package then you can call Type('shortName') to get a type. For example,

        import "android.os.*"
        local p=Type('Process')
        local pr=Type('android.os.Process')

    If you import a Type then the returned value is the type and a global value named the short name is set.If the short name contains the character '$' which is used by inner class name, the character will be changed to '_'.If the short name contains '-' or non-ascii characters, the global value won't be set, but you can still use the return value to get it; For example,

       local p=import "android.os.Process"
       import "android.os.Process"
       import "android.view.View$OnClickListener"

    By default,"java.lang.*", "java.util.*", "android.view.*", "android.widget.*", and "*" are imported,but only "java.lang.*" is allowed to be overwritten.

  • using:

    Import all of the classes under the specified package, or add a external class loader. See import for the import way.

    Usage: using 'java.lang'or using(externalClassLoader)

    For example:

        using "android.os"
        using "java.lang"
        --for xposed environment only
        using ""

    Note: The function is kind of time-consuming, especially at first call(about 40ms on my device), and will hold a large memory(around 1.5 m) to store all loaded class names.On the other hand, it can't make sure that all classes can be found,cause some classloaders may use proxy classloader to load classes.

    Internally,it gets all classes like dalvik.system.DexFile#entries . For DexFile constructor has has been deprecated since Android O and unusable for boot class loader since Android P, I turned to read boot dex files from ClassLinker and return class list from classdefs since Android L. Dalvik need no optimization as no sort is performed, and current art runtime has been optimize by getClassList.

    For non-ascii characters or '$' or '-' in class name, see import

    If a previously imported class has the same name with the a class under the package, then the class won't be imported, but the previous class will be set to the globle table.

    If you add a external class loader, then any class inside it is available for type or import.

  • new:

    Constructs a new instance.

    Usage: new(type,args...)

    This is equal to call type(args...) or


     import "java.lang.StringBuilder"
  • newArray:

    Constructs an array.

    Usage: newArray(ComponentType,length,initial args...)

    The length of initial args must be less than or equal to the length. If the length==-1 then the length = the length of initial args

    Alternative: new(ArrayType,length,initial args...) ,but the previous one is more efficient.



    Note:Never pass a type into the initial args.Type cast won't be accepted,since only one type is acceptable.Auto conversion will be performed if needed.

  • Type:

    Returns a type by give className,shortName or class

    Usage:Type(full name) or Type(short name) or Type(Class Object)

       Type('Object') -- the package must be imported

    Note: In module java the name is "type",the global function is changed to upper case to avoid conflict with the internal function type,which returns the type of a lua object.

    To get a primitive type,pass it's name,e.g to get 'int', pass in 'int', rather than jni identifier 'I'.

    The full name you pass in is the name from Class#getName,and the short Name is from Class#getSimpleName.

    Inner class must pass in qualified name like 'View$OnClickListener' instead of 'View.OnClickListener' or 'OnClickListener'

    You can put in multiple args actually, and the return value is according to the args number. e.g.

  • instanceof:

    To check whether the given object is an instance of the give type.

    Equals to object.instanceof(type)

    Usage: instanceof(object,type)

  • sync:

    Equals to synchronized(object){...}

    Usage:sync(object,function()... end)

    Note: before lua 5.3, yield is not supported cause it will break lock scope and have object unlocked

  • object:

    Converts a lua object to java object,if no type provided, it works according to the following mapping,or it will works according to Automatic Conversion section The type is passed in like a general java method call. Primitive type is treated as its box type.

    • number ->java.lang.Long or java.lang.Double,according to the value
    • string ->java.lang.String
    • boolean ->java.lang.Boolean
    • userdata ->null
    • table ->java.util.LinkedHashMap
    • function ->com.oslorde.luadroid.LuaFunction
    • java object is unchanged

    Usage:object(lua object...)


    using 'java.lang'
    --then i is a String object and k is an Integer object 
  • unbox UnBox a boxed value,e.g. java.lang.Integer-> int Object will not be changed when unboxing.This method is designed for map operation for type like SparseArray.

    Usage: 'unbox(boxedValue)'

  • charString:

    Converts an integer to an one-character string by its value,e.g. 10 -> '\n'


  • charValue:

    Convert one-character string to an integer by its value,e.g. '\n'-> 10

    Usage:charValue(on-character string)

  • try:

    Starts java try,both lua error and java exception are caught.


     try(body function,[exception type,ecpection handler function]...
         ,["all",all exception handler function],[finally function])
            function () end,--body
            catch=function (e) end --catch all exceptions,alternative
            or --alternative
            { [exception type 1]=function (e) end,
              [exception type 2]=function (e) end,
              all=function catchAll(e) end
            finally=function () end--alternative


       catch=function (e) throw e end,
       finally=function print "JJ" end
          throw "haha"
       [Type('RuntimeException']=function (e) print(e) end,
       Exception=function (e) print(e) end,
       all=function (e) throw e end
       finally=function print "JJ" end

    The handler order and re-throw is according to java specifications However, you can just try without finally or catch, which will return the error code and the exception on error and nil on the other cases. The type can be a type name string rather than a java type.

    Note:yeild is supported inside any function you passed in since lua 5.3, but finally function may be un-called if yield not return. Lua built-in function pcall can also catch the error, while try will append stacktrace info to the error but pcall won't.

  • throw:

    Throws a java exception, which ,while not an exception, will be converted to a string and wrapped as a LuaException, and finally, it will be caught by the above try function or try catch in your java code.

    Usage: throw(exception object)


       throw "Ha Ha"

    Notice: If you use pcall you will receive a java exception object as error info, and the exception won't be caught by upper try anymore. The call throw(java excption object) has the close meaning as error(java exception object) but differs by throw adding stacktrace info to the exception while error won't

  • proxy:

    To implement interfaces ,alternatively plus with extending a class


    proxy([class to extend or object of class to extend],
     [interfaces to implement]..., 
     [method name,parameter types...,handler function]...,--or
     [function] --for functional interface only
     [shared classloader],--for extension type only
     [initial args for constructor]...)--for extension type only


     --auto detected,nilable
     super=class to extend or implement, object of class to extend,
     interfaces={interfaces to implement},--nilable
     --super and interfaces can't be nil at the same time
     methods=function (...) end,--function to handle the only method of a functional interface
      methodName=function(...) end,--function to handle all method with the same name
       [param types...,function (...) end]...--handle specific method
     } ,
     --alternative,default is false for extension type only
     shared=true or false, 
     --alternative for extension type only,constrctor args


    proxy(Type('Runanble'),function() print 'ty' end).run()
    proxy(Type('Runanble'),'run',function() print 'ty' end).run()
    local obj=Type('ArrayList')(5)
    proxy(obj,'equals',function(obj,thiz) return obj==thiz end).
      equals=function(obj,thiz) return obj==thiz end


    If you passed an object to extend,then the proxy object is directly allocated and have all fields from the object to be copied into the return object without constructor call. See ClassBuilder#cloneFromSuper for more information

    A value representing the proxy object is appended after args during function callback

    For extension usage,a value represents the super is appended

    Interface implementation is supported by java.lang.reflect.Proxy but class extension is supported by dexmaker, which may consume several time to generate and load a dex file.

    Whether the object is multi-thread supported is determined by whether localFunction is set in the constructor of ScriptContext

    When the object is multi-thread supported, then when function is saved, its upvalues will be copied in. However, since the global values it refers to can't be determined, make sure the function doesn't refers to any value it can't access in another thread.

Multi-thread Support

A userdata named 'cross' is imported to support cross-thread communication. It behaves like a table,so you can just put any lua object to it.

Note that userdata is shared by memory copy so if it has a _gc metamethod,error will be raised, since it may induce memory corrupt ion.Corutine can't be shared also since it has it's own lua state, and a lua state can't be shared cross thread.Take care that all key will be converted to string.Never put a value has references to the global table, or a stack overflow error may occur.

Member Access

Once you have a type from import or Type,you can access its static fields like or Type['name'] and its methods like or Type['name'](...). Once you got a java object you can do the similar operation to its non-static fields or methods.

However,if the class has some fields and methods with the same name, you can't get or set the field by or Instead, you must use (Type or obj).name[any value you like] to use the field.

Another special case is that the field with the same name but different types,which is not allowed by the compiler but ok in jvm. To distinguish it,use (Type or obj).name[according type] to operate on the field.

Google ban access to some black list members and warn about gray list members since Android Pie. However, it makes me feel sad cause logcat is performance killer, so I disable this feature once the lib is loaded.


Type.class will return the class object represented by the type will construct a new object like new does if no static field or method named new in that type.This is syntax sugar for new.

Type.assignableFrom(anotherType) will return whether the object of this type can be cast to the other type if no static field or method named assignableFrom in that type.

javaObject.instanceof(givenType) will return whether the object can be cast to the given type if no non-static field or method named instanceof in that type. This is a short way for the instanceof method.

'.length' of an array object will return its length,you can use '#' operator to get the length of an array object also.'#' operator also works for any object with length() or size() method declared.

The lua method 'tostring' works for any java object and java type,and toString() method will be invoked.

'==' operator for java object will always return true if the two object is the same java object

'..' operator will concat a java object with any lua object with tostring to be called,and return a lua string.

The lua method 'pairs' works for any java object work Collection or Map or SparseArray or Array, or you can add custom iterator,false is return for null key or value. Though I don't add a function to convert a map to lua table, you can use iteration to work on it like the below

function toTable(map)
   local t={}
   for k,v in ipairs(map) do
   return t

You can index any java object with set/put,get/at methods.When you index or add an index, these two methods will be invoked,or you can add custom indexer. For example,

   using "java.util"
   local arr=HashMap({a=5,b=6})
   for k,v in ipairs(arr) do

If an object has getter/setter method for an non-static property without associated field, then you can operator on the property like a true field. However If the property has only getter method, then set operation will raise an error,and vise versa. For Example,

   using "android.view"
   using "android.widget"

Type Specification

You can add a type before the arg in method call,new(),newArray or the args in proxy(),so as to indicate the type you wish the argument to be, and then have the proper method or constructor to be called.

Method Deduction

If type is supplied,the closet type is considered first.

For integer value,if it's in int32 range,then it's assumed to be int.The rank is according to which range is closer to the value. Float type can accept integer value if no integer type found and float is considered before double.For long type below lua 5.3,a library call 'i64' is imported to represent value can't be represent by double,so long type accept i64 value also.Boxed type will be used if no primitive type found.

For float value,double has more weight than float.

For string,if the type is char and the string length is one,then ranks first,string ranks second,followed by any assignble from java.lang.String.

For nil,treated as (Type)null;

For java object,evaluating in terms of class hierarchy.Specically, if no object type found for a boxed type, primitive type will be in consideration.

For function,any functional interface is considered ok

For table,if the type is convertible from table in registered table converters,the type is considered first,or if the value have the below layout

   {methodName=function() end...}

and the type is interface, then it's considered as an implementation for the interface.

User date is treated as integer.

Automatic Conversion

For field set and method call or proxy return,lua object will be converted automatically according to the type.Type check ha thse same rule in method deduction.If type check failed,an exception may be thrown

For primitive types,like a static_cast(value).

For char type, only one-character is acceptable,and return value will be converted to one-character string.

For object types,no conversion.

For function,like call proxy with only one type and one function provided.

For table, if the table is convertible, it's converted by the table converter else it's like call proxy with super set to the type and methods set to the table if it's valid to be converted to be proxied. Additionally, generic type check and conversion will be performed automatically, That's to say, Type such as List,List or List<List> will be supported.

User date is treated as integer.

Note: All primitive types accept their boxed types and all boxed types accept their primitive types.Autobox and auto-unbox will be performed if necessary.

Module Name in Lua

The module java is loaded once the lua state initialize with all its members exported to the global table if you specified importAllFunctions (default true) in the constructor of ScriptContext. And the global value java refers to the table. Note that java.type is exported as Type to avoid conflict. e.g.

  print(java.type == Type)--true
  print(java.import == import)--true
  print( == new)--true

ScriptContext Api

  • constructor:see Module name in lua and proxy

  • compile:return a Compiled Script you can pass to run

  • run:run a script with several arguments,and all it returned is stored in an Object[] and values are converted the same as object() function with no type provided

  • changeCallSite: change the method you wish the lua function to agent,so that it can accept proper arguments and you can receive proper result.

  • putTableConverter:put a converter to support automatic table conversion

  • putIndexer:put an indexer to support index or new index operation

  • putIteratorFactory:put an iterator factory to generate a proper iterator


 import com.oslorde.luadroid.*;
 ScriptContext context=new ScriptContext();
 Object[] results ="print 'Hello World'");

ClassBuilder Api

Class Builder is imported default to support dynamic class generation. Lua function callback rule is the same as proxy. e.g.

 ClassBuilder.declare().addMethod("run:,"V",function () print "ggg" end)

It doesn't support generating static methods or constructors cause class object won't be freed in dalvik. When the mini sdk version of this project turn to 21, I will add support for them. ###LUA FILE SYSTEM API Module lfs is imported default to support chdir operation. Check here for documenation


For more information,see java doc in doc directory



A high performance bridge for lua and java in Android with mutil-thread and almost all java features supported







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  • C 46.6%
  • Java 35.7%
  • C++ 17.6%
  • Makefile 0.1%