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An asynchronous, event driven multi-threaded framework.


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ZAB - A coroutine-enabled asynchronous framework.

example workflow

An asynchronous framework for building event-driven, multi-threaded programs.

The original goal of this library was to learn the new coroutines TS for C++. I found the most difficult part of the coroutine TS is when you want to develop an asynchronous architecture or "executer/runtime" that can handle re-entrant code across possibly different threads. Thus, ZAB was born.

The goal then became to provide a generic framework so users can utilise coroutines to easily develop concise, multi-threaded asynchronous code.

The framework is fairly opinionated with the aim of providing multi-threaded and asynchronous functionality in a way that works like within high-level languages with built-in async support. The design largely takes inspiration from libuv and its use with javascript in the node.js runtime.



ZAB is still very much in the alpha stage so all feedback and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. I do not expect the interface to change significantly but it is possible. Tests are provided and I've tried to be thorough but I don't have the capacity to test everything at this stage. If people are interested in using the ZAB framework, I will work to release a fully stable version.

Library Contents


Portability has not been the primary focus in the creation of ZAB. Any and all help with porting and verifying ZAB works across different platforms and compilers is much appreciated.

Built Tested on:

  • x86 g++ 10.2.0 and 10.3.0
mkdir build
cd ./build
cmake -GNinja ..
#run tests

Standard make also works if you do not want to use ninja.


Set Up

/* Create an engine with configs - this example has at least 4 event loop threads running */
zab::engine e(zab::event_loop::configs{
    .threads_ = 4

/* Add your class(s) that inherit from engine_enabled */
your_class yc;

/* Start the engine and block - your class can be bootstrapped through its initialise function */

/* Some where else it can be stopped */

In Class Usage

/* An asynchronous function that returns nothing - it can return execution without finishing itself */

/* An asynchronous function that can be awaited (can return void too) */

/* An asynchronous generator that can return multiple things (can return void too) */

/* Doing asynchronous behavior ( all is non blocking )*/
    /* Async function usage */

    /* trigger a async function */
    /* An async_function function will return execution on its first suspend. */

    /* trigger an async function and get the result */
    /* A co_await'ed simple_future will return execution once it has co_return'ed a value. */
    auto value = co_await bar();

    /* Keep getting values */
    /* A co_await'ed reusable_future will return execution once it has co_return'ed or co_yield'ed a value. */
    while (auto f = baz(); !f.complete()) {
        auto value_2 = co_await f;

    /* Async behavior */

    /* yield control for a time (2 seconds) and return in default thread */
    co_await yield(zab::order::in_seconds(2));

    /* yield control and resume in a different thread (thread 2)*/
    co_await yield(zab::thread::in(2));

    /* or both (but resuming in any thread ) */
    co_await yield(zab::order::in_seconds(2), zab::thread::any());

    /* pause this function for an arbitrary amount of time */
    co_await pause(
        [this](auto* _pause_pack) {

            /* Can be resumed at any time... in any thread... */
            _pause_pack->thread_ = zab::thread::in(1);
            unpause(_pause_pack, now());

    /* concurrently await a series of futures */
    auto[result_1, result_2] = co_await wait_for(

    /* We can do some non-blocking synchronisation */

    /* mutex - for mutual exclusion */
    zab::async_mutex mtx(get_engine());

        /* Acquire a scoped lock */
        auto lck = co_await mtx;

    /* binary semaphore - for signalling - created in locked mode  */
    zab::async_binary_semaphore sem(get_engine(), false);

    /* release the sem */

    /* aquire the sem */
    co_await sem;

    /* Lots more synchronisation primitives in the library... */

    /* File IO */
    zab::async_file file(get_engine(), "test_file.txt", async_file::Options::kRWTruncate);

    std::vector<char> buffer(42, 42);
    /* write to file! */
    bool success = co_await file.write_to_file(buffer);
    if (success)
        /* Reset position and read from file  */
        std::optional<std::vector<char>> data = co_await file.read_file();

    /* Networking */

    /* acceptors or connectors make tcp streams! */
    zab::tcp_acceptor acceptor(get_engine());
    if (acceptor_.listen(AF_INET, 8080, 10)) {

        std::optional<zab::tcp_stream> stream;
        while (stream = co_await acceptor.accept())
            /* got a tcp stream! */

            /*  Read some data */
            auto data = co_await stream->read();

            /* Write some data */
            auto amount_wrote = co_await stream->write(buffer);

            /* await a graceful shutdown */
            co_await stream->shutdown();


Example Application - Echo Server

See example/echo_server.cpp for an example implementation of an Echo Server application using the ZAB framework.

Core Library

ZAB is event-driven and provides methods for creating generic events, signal handling, and file/network IO. ZAB also ensures thread safety for cross-thread events and communication.


The engine is the core object in ZAB which represents the framework. The engine is responsible for running the event loops, ordering events for execution, handling cross thread events, and providing both Signal Handling and Descriptor Notifications.

The engine can be constructed with the following configurations:

event_loop::configs {

    enum thread_option {
        kAny,     /* Ignore threads_ var and have number of processors - 1 event loops */
        kAtLeast, /* Have std::max(threads_, number or processors - 1) event loops */
        kExact    /* Have exactly threads_ event loops */

    /* How many different event loops to run */
    std::uint16_t threads_ = 1;

    /* Options to apply to threads_ */
    thread_option opt_ = kAny;

    /* Set core affinity to threads. */
    bool affinity_set_ = true;

    /* If affinity_set_, what core to start with.                                    */
    /* event loop n is bound to thread (n + affinity_offset_) % number of processors */
    std::uint16_t affinity_offset_ = 0;

The amount of threads that can be made is bounded by 2^16 - 2 (although I don't expect anyone to need anywhere near that amount).

Ordering and Threads

An order_t is a strongly typed std::size_t. This specifies the delay to apply in the event loop. The class represents a timestamp for when it is expected to be executed. Each event loop for every thread will execute events in ascending order.

It defaults to order::now() which means on the next available time. This is a neutral ordering. It is possible to select positive ordering such as order::now() + order::seconds(10). This specifies to execute on the next available time after 10 seconds has passed. It also possible to specify negative ordering such as order::now() - order::seconds(10). This specifies that this event should have execute priority over events that were added up until 10 seconds ago. Negative ordering can be useful if you have certain events that must be done quickly. For example, negative ordering is used for Signal Handling to ensure a quick notification.

A thread_t is a strongly typed std::uint16_t which is used to select a thread to be used. This can have different meaning in different contexts. Typically event_loop::kAnyThread can be used to select which thread currently has the least amount of work to do. Thread bounds are not checked, so specifying an index larger than the number of threads in the engine is undefined behavior.


engine_enabled<Base> is a helper class that uses CRTP to aid in setting up you classes for easy use of the engine class. It also provides configurations and member function bindings to remove common boiler plate. The interface and its uses are shown in the example. Note: You can include as little or as much of the configurations and function bindings you choose. If a configuration is not defined in your class, the default is used.

class your_class : public engine_enabled<your_class> {

     * Select the default thread to execute in when default
     * parameters are used to select the thread.
     * Defaults to `event_loop::kAnyThread` which means the
     * thread with the least work.
    static constexpr zab::thread_t kDefaultThread = event_loop::kAnyThread;

     * This function is executed after the object is
     * "registered" with the engine. This occurs once.
     * Use of `get_engine()` results in undefined behavior
     * until `initialise()` is called. Or in the case there is
     * no `initialise()` after `register_get_engine()` is called.
    void initialise() noexcept;

     * What thread to run the `initialise()` function in.
     * Defaults to kDefaultThread.
    static constexpr zab::thread_t kInitialiseThread = kDefaultThread;

     * This function is bound in a event cycle and executed
     * repeatably on a given cadence and thread.
    void main() noexcept;

     * How often to execute the `main()` function.
     * Defaults to order::seconds(30).
    static constexpr zab::order_t kMainCadence =  order::seconds(30)

     * What thread to run the `main()` function in.
     * Defaults to kDefaultThread.
    static constexpr zab::thread_t kMainThread = kDefaultThread;

engine_enabled<Base> provides the following public function:

 * Registers the engine binding the correct functions and allowing
 * access to `get_engine()`
register_engine(engine& _engine);

 * Gets the `engine` that was registered.
 * Returns `nullptr` until `register_get_engine()` is called.

engine_enabled<Base> also provides easy access to all of Asynchronous Primitives.

Descriptor Notifications

The engine provides an asynchronous descriptor notification service. This is used to power the Networking Overlay. You can use this service to receive notifications on any posix Descriptor that is compatible with epoll. The service is essentially a wrapper for a epoll with the notification flags being equivalent.

You can get access to the notification service through descriptor_notification& engine::get_notification_handler(). This class provides the method:

[[nodiscard]] std::optional<descriptor_waiter>
subscribe(int _fd);

Returning a valid descriptor_waiter on successfully subscribing the Descriptor to the notification service. The user can use the descriptor_waiter object to set what flags to be notified by, what timeout to use (if any), and to co_await for a notification. For example:

int desc = ...;
auto desc_awaiter = get_engine()->get_notification_handler().subscribe(desc);

if (desc_awaiter) {
    /* In milliseconds */

    // Equiv and interchangeable to EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI
    desc_awaiter->set_flags(descriptor_notification::kRead | descriptor_notification::kException);

    /* If you are in an engine thread, this will return in the same thread. */
    /* If you are not in an engine thread, this will return you in an engine thread. */
    auto return_flags = co_await *desc_awaiter;

    /* zab specific flag that indicates the notification service was shut down. This most likely
     * indicates the engine has been stopped. */
    if (return_flags == kDestruction) { /* clean up */ }

    /* Both flags are not necessarily exclusive... */
    if (return_flags | descriptor_notification::kRead) { /* read data */ }

    if (return_flags | descriptor_notification::kException) { /* handle exception */}

Signal Handling

The engine provides rudimentary signal handling that utilises the "self-pipe trick". Your class can access the signal_handler through signal_handler& engine::get_signal_handler() and use this to register for notification every time a signal is caught.

bool signal_handler::handle(
    int _sig, 
    thread_t _thread, 
    handler&& _function
    ) noexcept;
  • _sig The signal to catch.
  • _thread The thread to run the notification in.
  • _function The notification function to execute.

Coroutine Types

Coroutine types represent different asynchronous functions types available as apart of the ZAB library. The coroutine type affects how the function can be called. The body of the coroutine code can be configured by Promise Types. All coroutine types take a corresponding promise type as a template parameter.

ZAB currently supports: async_function<Execution>, simple_future<T, Returnable> and reusable_future<T, Reoccurring>.


A function can mark itself as a coroutine by having a return type of async_function.

The promise type for an async_function must satisfy the Execution concept. The default promise type is the execution_promise.

foo() noexcept 
   /* async behaviour goes here... */


A function can mark itself as a coroutine by having a return type of simple_future<T, Promise>. The purpose of a simple_future is to provide a method for asynchronous functions to have a return type. Since the simple_future<T> may exhibit asynchronous behaviour the return type must be accessed through co_await. A simple_future<T> will wake up the waiting coroutine and return a value to it be using the co_return keyword.

The promise type for an simple_future<T> must satisfy the Returnable concept. The default promise type is the simple_promise<T>.

template <typename T = void>
future_value() noexcept 
    /* async behaviour goes here... */
    co_return T{};

    template <typename T>
    using guaranteed_future = simple_future<promise_always_resolves<T>,  simple_promise<promise_always_resolves<T>>>;
template <typename T = void>
guaranteed_future_value() noexcept 
    /* async behaviour goes here... */
    co_return T{};

foo() noexcept 
    /* no return type (just awaitable)- void */
    co_await future_value<>();

    /* Simple return type - bool */
    bool predicate = co_await future_value<bool>();

    /* All others return an std::optional<T> - std::size_t */
    std::optional<std::size_t> value = co_await future_value<std::size_t>();

    /* Turn off optional by guaranteeing it will resolve - std::size_t */
    std::size_t value = co_await guaranteed_future_value<std::size_t>();

The return type is taken from Promise::ReturnType.

Note: A simple_future may return to you in a different thread than was entered (if the application explitelty does the swap in the body). Proxies can be used for simple thread coordination.


A function can mark itself as a coroutine by having a return type of reusable_future<T, Promise>. A reusable future is essentially simple_future<T, Promise> that can be co_await'ed multiple times. The return type is always wrapped in an std::optional since the reusable_future<T, Promise> may have finished or hit an error. A user can use the bool complete() to distinguish the two. A reusable_future<T, Promise> can be viewed as a generator that may exhibit asynchronous behavior. A reusable_future<T> will wake up the waiting coroutine and return a value to when the Promise uses either the co_yield or co_return keywords. co_yield will return a value, but allow a the reusable_future<T, Promise> to be co_awaited again. co_return will complete the coroutine and any further co_await attempts on the reusable_future<T, Promise> will fail.

The difference in use cases between using a simple_future<T. Promise> many times and having a single reusable_future<T, Promise> is that a reusable_future<T, Promise> can store state about its context between value returns.

The promise type for an reusable_future<T, Promise> must satisfy the Reoccurring concept. The default promise type is the reusable_promise<T>.

An example of reusable_future<T> using the yield Asynchronous Primitive is:

attempt_foo() noexcept;

your_class::exponential_delay(std::size_t _max) noexcept 
    std::size_t delay = 2;

    while (delay < _max)

        co_await yield(order_t(order::now() + order::seconds(delay)));

        delay *= 2;

        co_yield delay;

    /* dealyed to long... */
    co_return std::nullopt_t;

your_class::run() noexcept 
    while (auto delay_func = exponential_delay(256); !delay_func.complete())

        std::optional<std::string> foo = co_await attempt_foo();

        if (foo)

            std::cout << "Got foo: " << *foo << "\n";

            std::optional<std::size_t> delay_length = co_await delay_func;

            if (delay_length) { std::cout << "Delayed for: " << *delay_length << "\n"; }

                std::cout << "Timed out\n";

Hint: A reusable_future<std::variant<T...>> can be used to implement state-machines that have differing return types.

Promise Types

Promise types are used to configure the functionality of coroutine body and to define how return/yield results make it to the underlying Coroutine Type.


This is the most basic promise. It simply begins execution on creation, and cleans itself up after completion. execution_promise satisfies the Execution concept.

The only coroutine key word available is co_return (void) and co_await (AwaitableProxy).


A defer_block_promise is an extension of execution_promise that allows deferred execution of some function/s. defer_block_promise satisfies the Execution concept.

The coroutine key words available are co_return (void), co_yield (defer_block), co_yeild (purge_block). The coroutine can also suspend using co_await (AwaitableProxy).

The defer_block_promise allows the user to save a/many callable/s of signature void(void) which will executed during the final suspend phase of the coroutine (after co_return is called). If multiple callable's are saved, they will be executed in reverse order of deferment.

A code block can be deferred by using the co_yield (defer_block) operator. All deferred code blocks can be removed through the co_yeild (purge_block) operator. These operators do not actually suspend the coroutine.

Access to local variables in the functions scope is questionably undefined behavior. For example, capturing from the function scope by reference. The deconstuctors will have been called but the memory would have not been de-allocated. Accessing local variables with trivial / no de-constructors (file descriptors) is not a memory violation. Experimentation indicates correct behavior although optimizations present or future could easier mess it up. Accessing local variables with non-trivial de-constructors is undefined behavior.


defer_example() noexcept 
    co_yield defer_block(
        () noexcept
                std::cout << "This will not run :(\n";

    /* Remove all defer blocks... */
    co_yield purge_block{};

    co_yield defer_block(
        () noexcept
                std::cout << "This will run 2nd :)\n";

    co_yield defer_block(
        () noexcept
                std::cout << "This will run  1st :)\n";

    /* The defer blocks will run after this return... */


A simple_promise<T> is the simplest "returning" promise. The internal state maintains an optional<T> which is set by the coroutine body. This allows a coroutine Type to pull out the return type and provide it to the caller. simple_promise<T> satisfies the Returnable concept.

The coroutine key words available are co_return (ARG) where T is constructible from ARG, co_return (std::nullopt_t) in the case the promise cannot be fulfilled and co_await (AwaitableProxy) for suspension.


A visitor_promise<T> is an extension of simple_promise<T> that allows deferred execution of some function/s to "visit" or "preview" the returned type. visitor_promise<T> satisfies the Returnable concept.

The visitor_promise<T> allows the user to save a/many callable/s of signature void(T&) which will executed during the final suspend phase of the coroutine (after co_return is called). If multiple callable's are saved, they will be executed in reverse order of deferment.

A code block can be deferred by using the co_yield (VistorBlock<T>) operator. All deferred code blocks can be removed through the co_yeild (purge_block) operator. These operators do not actually suspend the coroutine.


 * template<typename T = void>
 * using visitor_future = simple_future<T, visitor_promise<T>>;
 * This function would return 3.
always_odd() noexcept 
    co_yield defer_block(
        [this, code_]
        (std::size_t& _size) noexcept
                std::cout << "Tried to return " << _size << "\n";
                /* Make sure the return value is odd... */
                _size |= 1;

    co_return 2;
    /* The defer blocks will run after this return... */


A reusable_promise<T> allows a coroutine to return values to the caller multiple times. reusable_promise<T> satisfies the Reoccurring concept.

The coroutine key words available are co_yield (ARG), co_return (ARG) where T is constructible from ARG, and co_yield (std::nullopt_t), co_return (std::nullopt_t) in the case the promise cannot be fulfilled.

Asynchronous Primitives

Classes that inherit from engine_enabled<your_class> have four main asynchronous primitives: yield(...), pause(...), wait_for(...) and proxy(...). The first three have equivalents that can be used outside of a engine_enabled<your_class> but require an additional engine* parameter and have no default parameters.


Defer computation of the current function by passing control back to the event loop. This defers the execution of the function without blocking the event loop.

auto yield(
        order_t _order = Base::now(),
        thread_t _thread  = Base::kDefaultThread
        ) noexcept;

auto yield(
        thread_t _thread
        ) noexcept;


  • _order specifies when to resume the function. This is useful for imposing delays or breaking up expensive functions in order not to block the event loop.
  • _thread specifies what thread to return into. This can be used to jump execution of your function into different threads (to access shared state) or to specify that you don't care what thread this executes in event_loop::kAnyThread.

Example Usage:

delay() noexcept 
    /* wait 10 seconds then resume in thread 2. */
    co_await yield(
        order::now() + order::seconds(10),


pause the execution of the current coroutine until it is manually resumed. Useful for deferring for an unspecified or unknown amount of time. For example, waiting for the user to do something.

struct pause_pack {
    std::coroutine_handle<> handle_ = nullptr;
    thread_t                thread_ = kDefaultThread;
    std::uintptr_t               data_   = 0;

template <typename Functor>
        requires(std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<Functor, pause_pack*>)
pause(Functor&& _pause) noexcept;

        pause_pack& _pause,
        order_t _order = Base::now()

A pause_pack has a non-owning reference to the coroutines state and also provides two options to set for resumption: The data to return and the thread to resume in.

After the coroutine has been paused thread_ and data_ can be set to the desired state and then the coroutine can be resumed using unpause(...). This resumption is thread-safe so may be called in any thread, but the coroutine will be resumed in the thread specified by thread_.

pause(...) will give the Functor a non-owner ptr to the pause_pack. This ptr is valid until unpause has been called with it.

Example Usage:

your_class::do_pause() noexcept 
    pause_pack return_pp = co_await pause(
        (pause_pack* _pp) noexcept
                /* resume the coroutine in thread 1*/
                _pp->thread_ = thread_t{1};
                /* Set the data to 42 */
                 _pp->data_ = 42;
                /* wait 10 seconds and resume */
                unpause(_pp, order::now() + order::seconds(10));  

    /* now executing in thread 1 */
    assert(return_pp.data_ == 42);
    assert(return_pp.thread_.thread_ == 1);


Creates a simple_future out of a series of simple_futures or reusable_futures. This function will run all passed simple_futures in parallel and return the results after all have complete. The dynamic overload (2) requires all simple_futures are of the same type.

/* (1) static number of arguments known at compile time. */
template <typename... Promises>
    typename details::ExtractPromiseTypes<Promises...>::types
wait_for(Promises&&... _args);

/* (2) dynamic number of arguments known at run time. */
template <typename T>
    std::vector<typename simple_future<T>::return_value>
wait_for(std::vector<simple_future<T>>&& _args)
  • _args The simple_futures to run.

(1) The return type of co_await wait_for(...) is a tuple filled with the concatenation of all the simple_future::return_values for every passed simple_future or reusable_future.

(2) The return type of co_await wait_for(...) is a vector filled with the simple_future::return_value. The vector will be the same size of _args.

If a void specialisation of simple_future is given then an empty details::promise_void struct is used as simple_future::return_value instead.

Example Usage:

template <typename T = void>
simple_future<T> future_value() noexcept 
   /* async behaviour goes here... */
   co_return T{};

your_class::foo() noexcept 
    > result = co_await wait_for(

Unlike other simple_futures<T>, wait_for will always return the caller in the same thread. Coroutine arguments are thread safe, so can return in any thread they choose.


A proxy is a way for classes to expose asynchronous functions through their public interface that have thread based pre and post conditions. A proxy to a member function places the path of execution into the indicated thread before calling/re-entering the member function then returning the path of execution to the calling thread on exiting. In the case of simple_futures<T> and reusable_futures<T> this switch occurs on co_await. If you are already in the correct thread, the proxy code no-ops.

The gerneral format for a proxy call is:

RET<> proxy(
    RET (your_class::*)(ARGS1...),

Where ARGS1 is constructible from ARGS2. NOTE: ARGS2 is always taken by copy because using parameter packs with universal references and stacked coroutines almost always ends in undefined behavior. If your member function takes references, it will be references to the proxy created arguments, not the caller arguments. For simple_futures<T> and reusable_futures<T> this is recommended, as the proxy created arguments are guarantied to live longer then the member coroutine, and reduces an extra copy. For async_function, since there is no waiting, the copied parameters will live until the first suspension.

An example of using proxy with a simple_future<T> is:



    do_foo(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& _p1, int _p2)
        return proxy(
            &your_class::Foo, /* Proxies the Foo function */
            thread_t{2}      /* Foo will execute in thread 2*/


     foo(std::vector<std::uint8_t>& _f1, int _f2)
        /* Here _f1 is a reference to the proxy copied _p1         */
        /* This is why we can take by reference, even though DoFoo */
        /* takes by const reference...                             */


    /* We are running in thread 1 */

    /* The proxy will execute this in thread 2 */
    auto result = co_await DoFoo({1, 2, 3}, 2);

    /* We will return in thread  1*/

A proxy is the only asynchronous primitive with dedicated thread coordination. It will always return into the calling thread, and always call the member function in the specified thread. It can be used for basic Asynchronous Synchronisation but is far more general then the constructs provided in there. A proxy will remove any benefits of parallelism for the entire member function given (which you may want). For more multi-thread friendly coordination, using the Asynchronous Synchronisation constructs will give better results.

Asynchronous Synchronisation

ZAB provides synconisation mechanisms similar to those provided by the C++ standard thread support library. The main difference is that these synchronisation mechanisms are non-blocking in terms of the event loop. This allows mutual exclusion and thread co-ordination without interfering with the event loops. This also allows the same thread to "wait" or "co-ordinate" with itself. For example, the same thread may have different coroutines all blocking on the same async_mutex.


A pause_token is the only synchronisation class in ZAB that has no standard library equivalent. It is used for pauseing and unpausing coroutines in a thread safe manner. All pause_token functions except the deconstructor are thread safe. The pause_token is constructed in a paused state.

If paused, coroutines that co_await the pause_token will have their execution suspended. Otherwise, co_await no-ops.

If the pause_token changes from a paused state to an unpaused state, all coroutines that had their execution suspended will be resumed in the same thread they were suspended in.

The pause_token is re-usable and can be switched between paused and unpaused states. There is no maximum number of coroutines that can be suspended. Although, unpausing is linear in the number of suspended coroutines.

Example Usage:

your_class::worker(thread_t _thread, pause_token& _pt)
    /* Move into our thread */
    co_await yield(order_t{order::now()}, _thread);

    /* If it was already unpaused this will just no-op */
    co_await _pt;

    std::cout << "At work " << _thread << "\n";

your_class::pause_example(pause_token& _pt)
    const auto threads = get_engine()->get_event_loop().number_of_workers();
    pause_token pt(get_engine());

    for (std::uint16_t t = 0; t < threads; ++t) {
        worker(thread_t{t}, pt);

    /* wait 5 second... */
    co_await yield(order_t{order::now() + order::seconds(5)});

    std::cout << "Putting to work\n";


A async_counting_semaphore is the equivalent of the std::counting_semaphore.

A counting_semaphore is a lightweight synchronization primitive that can control access to a shared resource. Unlike a std::mutex, a counting_semaphore allows more than one concurrent access to the same resource, for at least LeastMaxValue concurrent accessors. The program is ill-formed if LeastMaxValue is negative.

A counting_semaphore contains an internal counter initialized by the constructor. This counter is decremented by calls to operator co_await, and is incremented by calls to release(). When the counter is zero, operator co_await suspends until the counter is incremented, but try_acquire() does not block;

try_acquire_for() and try_acquire_until() are not included in this interface.


your_class::do_work(thread_t _thread, async_counting_semaphore<>& _sem)
    /* Move into our thread */
    co_await yield(_thread);

    /* Consumer loop wont block as it suspends... */
    while (true)

        /* Process work as it comes in... */
        co_await _sem;

        /* Do some work... */

    /* Move into thread 0 */
    co_await yield(thread_t{0})

    async_counting_semaphore<> sem(get_engine(), 0);

    /* Create worker [logical] threads 1 - n */
    const auto threads = get_engine()->get_event_loop().number_of_workers();
    assert(t > 1);
    for (std::uint16_t t = 1; t < threads; ++t)
        do_work(thread_t{t}, sem);

    /* Producer loop wont block as it suspends... */
    while (true)
        /* Get work from somewhere */
        auto to_wake_up = co_await to_wake_up();

        /* notify to wake up threads */


A async_binary_semaphore is the equivalent of the std::binary_semaphore.

binary_semaphore is an alias for specialization of std::counting_semaphore with LeastMaxValue being 1. Implementations may implement binary_semaphore more efficiently than the default implementation of std::counting_semaphore.

Same description and basic interface as async_counting_semaphore.


Semaphores are also often used for the semantics of signalling/notifying rather than mutual exclusion, by initializing the semaphore with 0 and thus blocking the receiver(s) that try to acquire(), until the notifier "signals" by invoking release(n).

For mutual exclusion see async_mutex.

Example Usage:

simple_future<void> your_class::get_work();

your_class::do_work(thread_t _thread, async_counting_semaphore<1>& _sem)
    /* Move into our thread */
    co_await yield(_thread);

    /* Consumer loop wont block as it suspends... */
    while (true) {

        /* Process work as it comes in... */
        co_await _sem;

        /* Do some work... */

    /* Move into thread 0 */
    co_await yield(thread_t{0})

    async_counting_semaphore<1> sem(get_engine(), false);

    /* Create worker [logical] threads 1 - n */
    const auto threads = get_engine()->get_event_loop().number_of_workers();
    assert(t > 1);
    for (std::uint16_t t = 1; t < threads; ++t) {
        do_work(thread_t{t}, sem, work_orders);

    /* Producer loop wont block as it suspends... */
    while (true) {

        /* Get work from somewhere */
        co_await get_work();

        /* notify a thread */


The async_mutex is a merger of a std::mutex and a std::lock_guard.

The mutex class is a synchronization primitive that can be used to protect shared data from being simultaneously accessed by multiple coroutines.

mutex offers exclusive, non-recursive ownership semantics:

With async_mutex, non-recursive and locking multiple times in the same thread are different. Multiple independent coroutines in the same thread can attempt to acquire the async_mutex. Although, if a coroutine acquires the lock, that same coroutine or any coroutines it is currently co_awaiting (to any depth) cannot attempt to acquire the async_mutex. This will lead to a deadlock.

  • A calling coroutine owns a mutex from the time that it successfully calls either operator co_await or try_lock until it calls unlock. -When a coroutine owns a mutex, all other coroutines will block (for calls to operator co_await) or receive a false return value (for try_lock) if they attempt to claim ownership of the mutex.
  • A calling coroutine or dependents on the coroutine must not own the mutex prior to calling operator co_await or try_lock.

The behavior of a program is undefined if a mutex is destroyed while still owned by any threads, or a thread terminates while owning a mutex.

mutex is neither copyable nor movable.

With regards to the return value of operator co_await, async_lock_guard:

The class lock_guard is a mutex wrapper that provides a convenient RAII-style mechanism for owning a mutex for the duration of a scoped block.

When a lock_guard object is created, it attempts to take ownership of the mutex it is given. When control leaves the scope in which the lock_guard object was created, the lock_guard is destructed and the mutex is released.

The lock_guard class is non-copyable.

Example Usage:

struct ProectedObject {
    async_mutex mtx_;
    int needs_protecting_;

set_value(ProectedObject _object, int _value)
    /* suspend until we can get the lock */
    async_lock_guard lock = co_await _object.mtx_;

    /* We can safely edit the value      */
    _object.needs_protecting_ = _value;

    /* We can safely exhibit asynchronous behavior without deadlocks */
    co_await yield();

    /* lock will be released by RAII                           */
    /* Note: resumption of blocked coroutines is not done here */
    /* Resumption is yielded and performed later...            */


An async_latch is the equivalent of the std::latch.

The latch class is a downward counter of type std::ptrdiff_t which can be used to synchronize threads. The value of the counter is initialized on creation. Coroutines will be suspended on the latch until the counter is decremented to zero. There is no possibility to increase or reset the counter, which makes the latch a single-use barrier.

Concurrent invocations of the member functions of latch, except for the destructor, do not introduce data races.

wait_for is an good example for where latches are useful. In particular the ability to use within the same thread multiple times.

Example Usage:

your_class::do_work(thread_t _thread, async_latch& _latch)
    /* Move into our thread */
    co_await yield(_thread);

    /* Do some pre-work or something... */

    co_await _latch.arrive_and_wait();

    /* Do some work... */

    const auto threads = get_engine()->get_event_loop().number_of_workers();
    async_latch latch(get_engine(), threads + 1);

    /* Create worker [logical] threads 0 - n */
    for (std::uint16_t t = 0; t < threads; ++t) {
        do_work(thread_t{t}, latch);

    co_await _latch.arrive_and_wait();

    /* If we get here, all coroutines are in the correct thread  */
    /* and completed their pre-work */


A async_barrier is the equivalent of the std::barrier.

The class template std::barrier provides a thread-coordination mechanism that allows at most an expected number of threads to suspend until the expected number of threads arrive at the barrier. Unlike std::latch, barriers are reusable: once the arriving threads are resumed from a barrier phase's synchronization point, the same barrier can be reused.

A barrier object's lifetime consists of a sequence of barrier phases. Each phase defines a phase synchronization point. Threads that arrive at the barrier during the phase can suspend on the phase synchronization point by calling wait, and will be resumed when the phase completion step is run.

See Unbounded use of async_barrier for some oddities around phases and phase sequencing. This can occur more evidently then the thread based std::barrier,

A barrier phase consists following steps:

  • The expected count is decremented by each call to arrive[ , arrive_and_wait] or arrive_and_drop.
  • When the expected count reaches zero, the phase completion step is run. The completion step invokes the completion function object, and resumes all suspended frames on the phase synchronization point. The end of the completion step strongly happens-before the returns from all calls that were suspended by the completion step.
  • When the completion step finishes, the expected count is reset to the value specified (barrier count) at construction less the number of calls to arrive_and_drop since, and the next barrier phase begins. Concurrent invocations of the member functions of barrier, except for the destructor, do not introduce data races.

The implementation differs (so far) in terms of arrival_token and the use of arrival_token arrive().

  • You cannot specifiy an amount to decrement for arrive()
  • The lifetime of the arrival_token must be greater then the phase it arrived out (see Unbounded use of async_barrier)
  • The arrival_token can live past its own phase and the next phase without causing undefined behavior
  • There is no corresponding wait(arrival_token&&) function and suspension can be achieved by co_awaiting the arrival_token.

With async_barrier the completion function is allowed to be asynchronous. If the completion function satisfies NoThrowAwaitable the barrier will co_await the function before continuing.

Example Usage:


using ExampleBarrier = async_barrier<std::function<async_function<>()>>;

your_class::do_reduce(thread_t _thread, std::shared_ptr<ExampleBarrier> _barier, std::size_t _iterations)
    /* Move into our thread */
    co_await yield(_thread);

    /* Consumer loop wont block as it suspends... */
    while (_iterations) {

        /* wait for all threads to synchronize... */
        co_await _barier->arrive_and_wait();

        /* Do some work... */


    /* Remove us from the barrier */

your_class::map_reduce(std::size_t _parelle_count)
    /* Move into thread 0 */
    co_await yield(thread_t{0})

    std::vector<Work*> work_orders;

    /* A barrier with _parelle_count threads at a time... */
    auto barrier = std::make_shared<ExampleBarrier>(
                /* now all threads are waiting    */
                /* lets do our unsafe map work    */
                co_await do_map();

                /* After this all threads will    */
                /* start reducing again           */

            } -> simple_future<>,

            thread_t{0} /* Map needs to happen in thread 0 */
    /* Create worker [logical] threads 0 - _parelle_count */
    for (std::uint16_t t = 0; t < _parelle_count; ++t) {
        do_reduce(thread_t{t}, barrier, t + 10);

Unbounded use of async_barrier

std::barrier (although std::barrier does not) mentions the concept of "thread binding" which requires that the same threads be used every time, and therefore the number of threads using the std::barrier must remain constant (ignoring arrive_and_drop) and must be equal to the barrier count.

async_barrier can not only handle a arbitrary amounts of different threads, the same thread can arrive at the barrier multiple times by suspending corountines. As a result of this, for a barrier phase there might actually be more then the barrier count frames suspended. This can lead to a phonenum for queued phase waiting. This happens more evidently as async_barrier will never block. So we must suspend the co-routines instead of blocking until they can successfully become part of a phase (decrement the counter).

In terms of function guaranties, the "current phase" is not the currently executing phase, but the phase that its arrival frame will form part of. This is important when considering when a function strongly happens-before the start of the phase completion step for the current phase.

For example, a barrier that has a barrier count of 5, there might be 15 frames currently suspended at the barrier. This would be very rare and would require some odd thread scheduling by the OS (priority inversion limiting the control thread) or user code blocking the control thread. Essentially, the exhibited behavior would be as expected: as if the 10 extra frames have not suspended yet but are about to. The control thread calls the completion function then will resume the first 5 frames. If the amount of left over frames is greater then barrier count a new control thread is picked to repeat. The application would see: [completion_function() -> process 5 -> completion_function() - > process 5 -> completion_function() -> process 5] in rapid succession.

The use of arrive_and_drop() seemingly adheres to the standard, but in the presence queued phase waiting might behave oddly according to your application. According to the published std::barrier, arrive_and_drop() does not block. So this function will never block even if the drop in count does not count towards the next executing phase. In the above example, arrive_and_drop() could be called before the first phase is complete, but it applies to the last phase queued. This means that arrive_and_drop() returns, but the phase it applies to has not yet started. In this case the application would see: [completion_function() -> process 5 -> completion_function() - > process 5 -> completion_function() -> process 5 -> decrement barrier count] in rapid succession but arrive_and_drop() may return before this occurs.


Overlays represent some functionality built by using the above asynchronous primitives that represent complex operations. Zab includes some basic overlays to give the expected functionality of an event loop framework.

File IO

The file IO overlay provides simple asynchronous read/write operations to the user. An async_file is essentially just a wrapper for fopen, fread, and fwrite.

Unlike other event loops, file io is not designated to its own thread. This is because, by default, zab utilises all physical cores on the running device already. Instead, all file io is designated to the last event loop maintained by the engine. For example, if the engine is running 4 threads, all file io is done in thread 3. This is a common theme for zab, where all "system" or "overlay" functionality that does not rely on a specific thread, will be placed in the last thread.

See includes/zab/file_io_overlay.hpp for more comprehensive documentation.

async_file usage in an engine_enabled class:

    /* Open with read, write, and truncate */
    async_file file(get_engine(), "test_file.txt", async_file::Options::kRWTruncate);

    std::vector<char> buffer(42, 42);

    /* Write data to file - return in the io thread  */
    bool success = co_await file.write_to_file(file.io_thread(), buffer);

    /* Note: returning and entering file functions to/from the io thread */
    /* will result in sliglty faster code (slightly...)                  */

    /* Note 2: async_file is not thread-safe. Only use in 1 thread at a time. */

    if (success)

        /* Re position the file ptr */
        success = file.position(0);

        if (success)

            /* Read the data and return to our default thread    */
            /* We are entering this function from the io thread. */
            std::optional<std::vector<char>> data = co_await file.read_file(default_thread());

            if (data && *data == buffer) { std::cout << "File io was successful.": }


The zab networking overlay is intended to provide low level posix network control. The goal here was not to create a higher level of abstraction for networking, but to provide a standard non-blocking asynchronous model for common network activities. At the moment, TCP/IP is only supported. More complex overlays can be built on-top to provide more structured or simpler networking functionality (for example: a HTTP server). The overlay comprises of three main networking classes: tcp_acceptor, tcp_connector and tcp_stream.

See includes/zab/network_overlay.hpp or includes/zab/tcp_stream.hpp for more comprehensive documentation.


The TCPAccptor represents the traditional server side of a connection. It will listen for connections on an inbound port. Deconstruction or moving the tcp_connector while in use results in undefined behavior. Having more then one waiter also results in undefined behavior.

Example Usage:

    tcp_acceptor acceptor(get_engine());
    // listen for IPv4 on port 8080 with a maximum backlog of 10
    // See bind(2) and listen(2) for more details...
    if (acceptor.listen(AF_INET, 8080, 10))
        while (true)
            std::optional<tcp_stream> stream_opt = co_await acceptor.accept();

            if (stream_opt) 
                std::cout << "Got a connection\n"; 
                std::cout << "Got a error" << acceptor.last_error() << "\n";


The tcp_connector represents the traditional client side of a connection. It will attempt to connect to a listening host. Deconstruction or moving the tcp_connector while in use results in undefined behavior. Having more then one waiter also results in undefined behavior.

Example Usage:

    tcp_connector connector(get_engine());

    /* Fill out posix struct for host details... */
    struct addrinfo  hints;
    struct addrinfo* addr;

    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
    hints.ai_family   = AF_INET;
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
    auto success      = getaddrinfo("localhost", "8080", &hints, &addr);

    if (success)
        for (auto current = addr; (bool) addr; addr = addr->ai_next)

            std::optional<tcp_stream> stream_opt = co_await connector_.connect(
                (struct sockaddr_storage*) current->ai_addr,

            if (stream_opt) { 
                std::cout << "Got a connection\n"; 
                std::cout << "Got a error" << connector_.last_error() << "\n";



The tcp_stream represents the a duplex network stream for writing and reading data. Read, Shutdown and CancelRead on not thread safe. Write and related functions are thread safe. Deconstruction or moving the tcp_stream while in use results in undefined behavior. A user should make sure to ensure to Shutdown and wait for any readers to leave the function before deconstructing the object.

Example Usage:

YouClass::run_stream(tcp_stream&& _stream)
    /* Save locally so doesnt go out of scope when we suspend */
    tcp_stream stream(std::move(_stream));

    auto data_to_send = "hello world";
    std::size_t written = co_await stream.Write(data_to_send);

    if (written == ::strlen(data_to_send)) {

        /* Get 1 byte back as confirmation */
        auto buffer_opt = co_await stream.Read(1);

        /* Read can return less then requested but not more... */
        if (buffer_opt && buffer_opt->size()) {
            std::cout << "Received: " << << "\n";

    /* Ensure we shut it down! (flushes all writes and wakes any readers) */
    co_await stream.ShutDown();

    /* RAII will clean up for us! */


An asynchronous, event driven multi-threaded framework.







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