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Training a Neural Actor model

Table of contents

Data preparation

Please follow the steps to request the full datasets. Each dataset has the following structure (testing/training sets):

|-- intrinisc         
    |-- 0000.txt
    |-- 0001.txt
|-- pose             
    |-- 0000.txt
    |-- 0001.txt
|-- testing
    |-- rgb_video
        |-- 000.avi
        |-- 001.avi
    |-- normal_modifysmpluv0.1_smooth3e-2.avi
    |-- tex_modifysmpluv0.1_smooth3e-2.avi
|-- training
    |-- rgb_video
        |-- 000.avi
        |-- 001.avi
    |-- normal_modifysmpluv0.1_smooth3e-2.avi
    |-- tex_modifysmpluv0.1_smooth3e-2.avi

We provide the script to extract images from videos, and get the downloaded dataset into following format. For example,

python scripts/ -i <dataset_path>/training/ -o <dataset_path>/training_images -f 0,1000  # start_frame=0, end_frame=1000

# copy the camera parameters
cp -r <dataset_path>/pose <dataset_path>/training_images/
cp -r <dataset_path>/intrinisc <dataset_path>/training_images/

We can specify the desired sequence from the video file by setting -f start,end.

Also download the additional files from Google drive as stated, and put them together with the extracted files as follows:

|-- canonical.obj         # a SMPL mesh of standard canonical pose
|-- transform_tpose.json  # a json file for transforming the standard canonical pose to a desired space
|-- uvmapping.obj         # a mesh saved uv coordinates to the texture map
|-- skinning_weight.txt   # skinning weights for each joint defined
|-- intrinisc             # camera intrinsics for each camera, fixed across all frames 
    |-- 0000.txt
    |-- 0001.txt
|-- pose                  # camera poses for each camera, fixed across all frames
    |-- 0000.txt
    |-- 0001.txt
|-- transform             # json files defined the target pose transformation (produced by EasyMocap) 
    |-- 000000.json       
    |-- 000001.json  
|-- normal                # generated normal maps from the poses
    |-- 000000.png
    |-- 000001.png
|-- tex                   # ground-truth texture images obtained from real rgb images
    |-- 000000.png
    |-- 000001.png
|-- rgb                   # ground-truth RGB image for each frame and each camera
    |-- 000000            # frame id
        |-- 0000.png
        |-- 0001.png
    |-- 000001            # camera id
        |-- 0000.png
        |-- 0001.png

Learn Texture Prediction

Our texture prediction model is based on vid2vid. For more details, please follow the original README for dataset preparation and training arguments. Due to the inflexibility of the imaginaire implementation, we have to link the dataset folders to images and seg_maps before training.

For example, we train a vid2vid texture map predictor from the normal map sequence as follows:

  • Prepare dataset
mkdir -p <dataset_path>/training_images/vid2vid
cd <dataset_path>/training_images/vid2vid
ln -s ../tex images         # softlink texture images as target
ln -s ../normal seg_maps    # softlink normal images as input
  • Train on single GPU
pushd imaginaire
python --config ../vid2vid.yaml --single_gpu --traindir <dataset_path>/training_images/vid2vid --logdir <output_path>

# or training with multi-GPUs
# python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=N --config ../vid2vid.yaml --traindir <dataset_path>/training_images/vid2vid --logdir <output_path>

The learned model and log will be saved in <output_path>.

Learn Neural Rendering

Our neural renderer is trained given the ground-truth texture maps and tracked pose information. The following is an example to train a default neural actor model over the processed dataset (lan):

# data/checkpoint settings
mkdir -p $SAVE/$ARCH

# hyperparameters
COMMON_FLAGS="--user-dir fairnr --task single_object_rendering --no-sampling-at-reader --no-preload --load-video-dataset --num-workers 0 --broadcast-buffers"
DATA_FLAGS="--train-views 0..11 --view-resolution ${RES} --valid-views 0,3,7,10 --valid-view-resolution ${RES} --subsample-valid 200 --subsample-train 1"
INPUT_FLAGS="--mesh ${DATASET}/canonical.obj --weights ${DATASET}/skinning_weight.txt --texuv ${DATASET}/uvmapping.obj --new-tpose ${DATASET}/transform_tpose.json"
ENCODER_FLAGS="--min-dis-eps 0.06 --use-local-coordinate --additional-deform pos --texture-layers 3 --texture-to-deformation --use-texture-encoder"
NERF_FLAGS="--fixed-num-samples 64 --inputs-to-texture feat:0:256,attnout:0:256,texture:0:512,ray:4:3:b --transparent-background 1.0,1.0,1.0 --background-stop-gradient --discrete-regularization"
LOSS_FLAGS="--color-weight 1.0 --alpha-weight 0.01 --criterion srn_loss"
OPTIMIZER_FLAGS="--optimizer adam --adam-betas (0.9,0.999) --lr-scheduler exp --decay-steps 250000 --lr 0.0002 --warmup-updates 1 --clip-norm 0.0" 
CHECKPOINT_FLAGS="--save-interval-updates 500 --max-update 300000 --virtual-epoch-steps 5000 --save-interval 1 --keep-interval-updates 5 --keep-last-epochs 5 --no-epoch-checkpoints"
TRAIN_FLAGS="--batch-size 1 --view-per-batch 1 --pixel-per-view 1024 --chunk-size 256"
LOG_FLAGS="--log-interval 10 --log-format json --tensorboard-logdir ${SAVE}/tensorboard/${ARCH} --save-dir ${SAVE}/${ARCH}"

# launch training
python ${DATASET} --arch $MODEL --seed 2 \