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File metadata and controls

274 lines (142 loc) · 9.98 KB

Light_UploadGems, conception notes

2020-04-10 -> 2020-10-23

This is a helper that replaces the Light_AjaxFileUploadManager plugin.

It's used when the user uploads a file via a js client, and you want to process the information server side.

It helps you organize your data in gems.

Each gem is a babyYaml file which contains the information necessary for your server side script to do the upload in the way you want.

Basically, you can put information that you want in a gem, and the client refers to it with an id.

Our service basically helps access those gems. The gems are usually put in a directory chosen by your plugin, the default is ${app_dir}/config/data/${yourPluginName}/Light_UploadGems, but you can change it.

In addition to that, we provide useful tools that can speed up your development time, such as validation tools on the uploaded blob, and basic actions (such as copying a file, redimensioning images, these kinds of things...).

The basic synopsis

2020-04-10 -> 2020-05-14

When your script receives the gem id, he asks for our helper, using the getHelper method.

Our service then returns the helper object, which contains all the methods that you can use.

You can use the following methods:

  • applyNameTransform to update the name via some of our methods (such as randomization).
  • applyNameValidation to validate the name against some validation rules defined in the name_validation section of the gem (see the name_validation section below).
  • applyChunkValidation to validate the current chunk against the validation rules defined in the gem (see the chunk validation section below).
  • applyValidation to validate the file against the validation rules defined in the gem (see the validation section below).
  • applyCopies to create copies of the uploaded file.
  • getCustomConfig to access the custom config section of the gem file.

The gem id and the gems organization

2020-04-10 -> 2020-10-23

The gem id is passed by the client, and parsed by our service which returns a helper object.

To access the configuration, we use the Light_Nugget system, with relPath being:

  • Light_UploadGems/gems

Please refer to their documentation for more info.

The gem structure

2020-04-10 -> 2020-05-14

A gem contains five parts (all optional):

  • name
  • name_validation
  • chunk_validation
  • validation
  • copies
  • config

The name, name_validation, copies and validation parts are services provided by us, while the config part is where you put any information your script needs to accomplish the upload task.

The name and name_validation parts apply to the filename defined in the helper.

Both the copies and the validation parts apply on the uploaded binary.



With the name section of the gem, you can apply transformations on the filename set in the helper.

This is done by calling the applyNameTransform method.

It's important to understand that the applyValidation and applyCopies methods use the helper's filename if set. Therefore you generally want to use the applyNameTransform method before the applyValidation and applyCopies methods.

The name section contains an array of transformers, amongst the following:

  • randomize($length, $keepExtension=true): returns a random name of $length character ($length being an int of your choice).
  • snake: returns the snake version of the file name. See the toSnake method for more info.
  • changeBasename($newName): changes the file basename to $newName, the file extension (string part after the last dot of the string) is kept intact.
  • changeFileName($newName): changes the whole filename (including the file extension) to $newName.

Name validation


With the name_validation section of the gem, we provide you with a quick way to validate the filename of the uploaded file.

The validation action is triggered manually by your script, using our helper's applyNameValidation method, which returns either true (in case of success), or an error message otherwise (if the validation fails).

The validation configuration is as following (all optional):

  • maxFileNameLength: int, the maximum number of characters allowed for the filename.
  • allowSlashInFileName: bool, whether slash characters are allowed in the filename.
  • extensions: string|array, the allowed extensions.



With the validation section of the gem, we provide you with a quick way to validate the uploaded file.

The validation action is triggered manually by your script, using our helper's applyValidation method, which returns either true (in case of success), or an error message otherwise (if the validation fails).

The validation configuration is as following (all optional):

  • maxFileSize: string, the maximum size for the file. You can put human like values (2M, 500ko, 1g, ...).
  • mimeType: string|array, the allowed mime types.

Chunk validation


Same as validation, but meant to be applied at the chunk level rather than at the whole file level.


2020-04-10 -> 2020-04-13

Our helper provides an applyCopies method, which let you copy the uploaded file any number of times, with the possibility of applying a transformation on every copy, such as image redimensioning for instance.

You define a chain (i.e. array) of copies (at least one copy), and each copy returns a path that is re-used as the input of the next copy, and so on.

The applyCopies method returns the path of the desired copy (which is the return of the last copy by default), so that your script can process the uploaded file further.

Each copy is a configuration array which contains the following (all optional):

  • input: int, indicates the index of a previous copy which output to use as the input. This is 1-based indexed, so 0 refers to the original uploaded file, 1 to the first copy, 2 the second copy, etc...

  • isLast: bool, set this to true if you wish that this copy's return is used as the return of the applyCopies method.

    Note: there can be at most only one copy with this property set to true.

  • basename: string, will change the basename of that copy, leaving the file extension unchanged.

  • filename: string, will change the filename of that copy, including the file extension

  • path: string, sets the destination path where the file should be copied to. The path is absolute if it starts with slash (/). Otherwise it's relative to the directory containing this copy source. The use of directory traversal sequences (../) is allowed in relative paths. The {app_dir} tag can be used in absolute paths and refers to the light application directory. Note: if the path starts with the {app_dir} tag, it's considered absolute too.

  • dir: string, sets the directory where to put the file. It uses the same rules as the path property.

  • imageTransformer: string, an image transform string. This will apply only if the uploaded file is an image.

    If the given file is not an image, the transform will silently be ignored and the processing will continue.

    The possible values are:

    • resize($width=null, $height=null): this transformer will resize the image (up-resizing or down resizing are both permitted, but keep in mind that the up-resizing is associated with a loss of quality of the image).

      The way it works is that this transformer always keeps the original ratio of the image. If only one parameter is specified and the other set to null (for instance width=500 and height=null), then the specified parameter is the absolute width (or height) that the resulting image will have.

      When both parameters are specified at the same time, they represent the maximum width and maximum height that the resulting image can have.

      If none of the parameters are specified, the original image will be simply copied with the same dimensions. You shouldn't use the transformer without specifying any parameter (it's faster to not use an image transformer at all in this case).


      • resize(800)
      • resize(800, 300)
      • resize(null, 300)

Note that the basename, filename, path and dir properties might overlap themselves if you don't use them appropriately. Implementation wise they are executed in the following order: path else dir, then basename, then filename (i.e. filename will always prevail).

In addition to this system, you can define some custom tags and provide them to the helper, and they will be converted in the destination path of each copy, before the file is actually copied.

To use a tag, wrap its name with curly brackets like {that}.

So for instance if the filepath of your copy ends up being /my/path/{my_dir}/avatar{size}.png, then the my_dir and size tags will be replaced with whatever value you defined in your tags, such as:

  • my_dir: "images/small"
  • size: "-64x64"


2020-04-10 -> 2020-04-17

This part contains an array which you define.

It's just a storage facility for your script to use.

You can access it using the getCustomConfig method.

Other methods of our service


In addition to the methods aforementioned, our service provides the following methods that can help you reduce up your development time:

  • checkPhpFile (array phpFile), throws an error if the given php file (from $_FILES) is erroneous