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LinkedIn API JavaScript Client Examples

This directory contains examples showing how to use the LinkedIn API JavaScript client library.

Steps to Run

  1. Navigate inside the /examples directory
  2. Run npm install
  3. Create a .env file that contains the following variables that will be used when running the examples. Only some of these variables may actually be needed to run a particular script. Check the specific example comments on more specific requirements (e.g. required scopes for the access token).
  1. Execute the desired example script: npx ts-node {script filename}. For example: npx ts-node get-profile.ts

Example Notes

Example filename Description
oauth-member-auth-redirect.ts Demonstrates the member oauth redirect flow (authorization code flow) to obtain a 3-legged access token.
get-profile.ts Uses Sign In With LinkedIn v1 to fetch member profile. Also demonstrates use of field projections and decoration.
create-posts.ts Uses Sign In With LinkedIn and Share on LinkedIn to create posts.
crud-ad-accounts.ts Performs create, get, finder, partial update, and delete requests on ad accounts.
batch-get-campaign-groups-query-tunneling.ts Demonstrates a request that requires query tunneling, which is performed automatically by the client.
retry-and-interceptors.ts Adds retry logic and response interceptors to the client.