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Merge pull request #11 from scallister/separate-cli-logic
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Separate cli logic
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scallister committed Mar 19, 2018
2 parents 733b8eb + eb126fe commit d2f4ecd
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -82,11 +82,14 @@ Several ways to use your own plugins with Fossor
3. Build and wrap Fossor
- Fossor is both a CLI and a Python library. Import the Fossor engine into your own tool, and add any local plugins you've made by passing a module or a filesystem path to add_plugins().
from fossor.engine import Fossor
from fossor.cli import main
f = Fossor()
from fossor.engine import Fossor
from fossor.cli import main

def main(context, **kwargs):
f = Fossor()**kwargs)

### Example Plugins
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194 changes: 138 additions & 56 deletions fossor/
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import logging
import setproctitle
import parsedatetime as pdt

from functools import wraps
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from fossor.engine import Fossor

default_plugin_dir = '/opt/fossor'

@click.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True, allow_extra_args=True, help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])) # noqa: C901
@click.option('-p', '--pid', help='Pid to investigate.')
@click.option('--product', help='Product to investigate.')
@click.option('--plugin-dir', default=default_plugin_dir, help=f'Import all plugins from this directory. Default dir: {default_plugin_dir}')
@click.option('--hours', default=1, help='Sets start-time to X hours ago, defaults to 24 hours. Plugins may optionally implement and use this.')
@click.option('-r', '--report', default='StdOut', help='Report Plugin to run.')
@click.option('--start-time', default='', help='Plugins may optionally implement and use this.')
@click.option('--end-time', default='', help='Plugins may optionally implement and use this. Defaults to now.')
@click.option('-t', '--time-out', default=600, help='Default timeout for plugins.')
@click.option('-d', '--debug', is_flag=True)
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--no-truncate', is_flag=True)
def main(context, pid, product, plugin_dir, hours, report, start_time, end_time, time_out, debug, verbose, no_truncate):
def setup_logging(ctx, param, value):
level = logging.CRITICAL
if value:
level = logging.DEBUG
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=level)
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
return value

def get_timestamp(value):
'''Return timestamp from a human readable date'''

if not value:

# If already a timestamp return a float
timestamp = float(value)
return timestamp
except ValueError:

# Convert human readable string to timestamp
cal = pdt.Calendar()
timestamp = (cal.parseDT(value)[0]).timestamp()
return timestamp

def set_start_time(ctx, param, value):
if 'start_time' in ctx.params and ctx.params['start_time'] is not None:
return ctx.params['start_time']
return get_timestamp(value)

def set_end_time(ctx, param, value):
return get_timestamp(value)

def set_relative_start_time(ctx, param, value):
'''Overrides start time relative to number of {value} hours'''
hours = value

start_time = ( - timedelta(hours=hours)).timestamp()
ctx.params['start_time'] = start_time

class CsvList(click.ParamType):
name = 'Csv-List'

def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
result = value.split(',')
return result

def fossor_cli_flags(f):
'''Add default Fossor CLI flags'''
# Flags will appear in reverse order of how they are listed here:
f = add_dynamic_args(f) # Must be applied after all other click options since this requires click's context object to be passed

# Add normal flags
csv_list = CsvList()
f = click.option('--black-list', 'blacklist', type=csv_list, help='Do not run these plugins.')(f)
f = click.option('--white-list', 'whitelist', type=csv_list, help='Only run these plugins.')(f)
f = click.option('--truncate/--no-truncate', 'truncate', show_default=True, default=True, is_flag=True)(f)
f = click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True)(f)
f = click.option('-d', '--debug', is_flag=True, callback=setup_logging)(f)
f = click.option('-t', '--time-out', 'timeout', show_default=True, default=600, help='Default timeout for plugins.')(f)
f = click.option('--end-time', callback=set_end_time, help='Plugins may optionally implement and use this. Defaults to now.')(f)
f = click.option('--start-time', callback=set_start_time, help='Plugins may optionally implement and use this.')(f)
f = click.option('-r', '--report', type=click.STRING, show_default=True, default='StdOut', help='Report Plugin to run.')(f)
f = click.option('--hours', type=click.INT, default=24, show_default=True, callback=set_relative_start_time,
help='Sets start-time to X hours ago. Plugins may optionally implement and use this.')(f)
f = click.option('--plugin-dir', default=default_plugin_dir, show_default=True, help=f'Import all plugins from this directory.')(f)
f = click.option('-p', '--pid', type=click.INT, help='Pid to investigate.')(f)

# Required for parsing dynamics arguments
f = click.pass_context(f)
f = click.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True, allow_extra_args=True, help_option_names=['-h', '--help']))(f)
return f

def add_dynamic_args(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
context = args[0]
dynamic_kwargs = parse_dynamic_args(context.args)
kwargs = {**kwargs, **dynamic_kwargs} # Merge these dict objects
function(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper

def set_process_title(arg=None):
Decorator for setting the process title
Can be applied in two ways:
Defaults to 'fossor'
title = 'fossor'
if type(arg) == str:
title = arg

def real_decorator(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
setproctitle.setproctitle(title + ' ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
function(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# If called as @set_process_title
if callable(arg):
return real_decorator(arg)
# If called as @set_process_title('new_title')
return real_decorator

def main(context, **kwargs):
"""Fossor is a plugin oriented tool for automating the investigation of broken hosts and services.
Multiple additional internal variables may be passed on the command line in this format: name="value".
This is intended for testing or automation.
""" # \b makes click library honor paragraphs
setproctitle.setproctitle('fossor ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
if debug:
log_level = logging.DEBUG
verbose = True
log_level = logging.CRITICAL
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=log_level)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

f = Fossor()**kwargs)

# Add pre-defined args
f.add_variable('timeout', time_out)
if product:
f.add_variable('product', product)
if pid:
f.add_variable('pid', pid)
if no_truncate:
f.add_variable('truncate', False)
f.add_variable('verbose', verbose)

# Add dynamic args
log.debug(f"Remaining Arguments that will be used for dynamic args now that hardcoded cli flags have been removed: {context.args}")
def parse_dynamic_args(context_args):
'''Return a dict of arguments with their values. Intended to parse leftover arguments from click's context.arg list'''
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.debug(f"Remaining Arguments that will be used for dynamic args now that hardcoded cli flags have been removed: {context_args}")
format_help_message = "Please use --help to see valid flags. Or use the name=value method for setting internal variables."
for arg in context.args:

kwargs = {}
for arg in context_args:
a = arg.strip()
if a.startswith('-'):
raise ValueError(f"Argument: {arg} is invalid {format_help_message}.")
name, value = a.split('=')
f.add_variable(name, value)
kwargs[name] = value
log.debug(f"Using dynamic variable {name}={value}")
except Exception as e:
log.exception(f"Failed to add argument: \"{arg}\". {format_help_message} Exception was: {e}")
raise e

# Get start/end times
cal = pdt.Calendar()
if start_time:
start_time = (cal.parseDT(start_time)[0]).timestamp()
start_time = ( - timedelta(hours=hours)).timestamp()
f.add_variable('start_time', str(start_time))
if end_time:
end_time = (cal.parseDT(end_time)[0]).timestamp()
end_time =
f.add_variable('end_time', str(end_time))

# Import plugin dir if it exists

log.debug("Starting fossor")
return kwargs

if __name__ == '__main__':
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45 changes: 34 additions & 11 deletions fossor/
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Expand Up @@ -102,12 +102,16 @@ def _import_submodules_by_path(self, path: str) -> set:
def add_plugins(self, source=fossor):
Recursively return a dict of plugins (classes) that inherit from the given parent_class) from within that source.
source accepts a path as a string or a module.
source accepts either a python module or a filesystem path as a string.
if source is None:

if type(source) == str:
modules = self._import_submodules_by_path(path=source)
modules = self._import_submodules_by_module(source)

for module in modules:
for obj_name, obj in module.__dict__.items():
# Get objects from each module that look like plugins for the Check abstract class
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,6 +286,11 @@ def _convert_simple_type(self, value):

return value

def add_variables(self, **kwargs):
for name, value in kwargs.items():
self.add_variable(name=name, value=value)
return True

def add_variable(self, name, value):
'''Adds variable, converts numbers and booleans to their types'''
if name in self.variables:
Expand All @@ -295,21 +304,35 @@ def add_variable(self, name, value):
self.log.debug("Added variable {name} with value of {value} (type={type})".format(name=name, value=value, type=type(value)))
return True

def run(self, report='StdOut', check_whitelist=[], check_blacklist=[], variable_plugin_whitelist=[], variable_plugin_blacklist=[]):
def _process_whitelist(self, whitelist):
if whitelist:
whitelist = [name.casefold() for name in whitelist]
self.variable_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.variable_plugins if plugin.get_name().casefold() in whitelist}
self.check_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.check_plugins if plugin.get_name().casefold() in whitelist}

def _process_blacklist(self, blacklist):
if blacklist:
blacklist = [name.casefold() for name in blacklist]
self.variable_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.variable_plugins if plugin.get_name().casefold() not in blacklist}
self.check_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.check_plugins if plugin.get_name().casefold() not in blacklist}

def run(self, report='StdOut', **kwargs):
'''Runs Fossor with the given report. Method returns a string of the report output.'''
self.log.debug("Starting Fossor")


# Add kwargs as variables

# Add directory plugins

# Gather Variables
if variable_plugin_whitelist:
self.variable_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.variable_plugins if plugin.get_name() in variable_plugin_whitelist}
for variable_plugin in variable_plugin_blacklist:
self.variable_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.variable_plugins if plugin.get_name() not in variable_plugin_blacklist}

# Run Checks
if check_whitelist:
self.check_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.check_plugins if plugin.get_name() in check_whitelist}
if check_blacklist:
self.check_plugins = {plugin for plugin in self.check_plugins if plugin.get_name() not in check_blacklist}
# Run checks
output_queue = self._run_plugins_parallel(self.check_plugins)

# Run Report
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38 changes: 11 additions & 27 deletions test/
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Expand Up @@ -33,41 +33,25 @@ def test_convert_simple_type():
assert type(f._convert_simple_type('foo')) == str

def test_variable_plugin_whitelist():
def test_plugin_whitelist():
f = Fossor()
f.add_variable('timeout', 1)
assert len(f.variable_plugins) > 2
whitelist = ['Hostname', 'PidExe']
assert len(f.check_plugins) > 2
whitelist = ['BuddyInfo', 'LoadAvg', 'hostname', 'pidexe'] # Should be case insensitive
assert len(f.variable_plugins) == 2
assert len(f.check_plugins) == 2

def test_variable_plugin_blacklist():
def test_plugin_blacklist():
f = Fossor()
f.add_variable('timeout', 1)
assert fossor.variables.hostname.Hostname in f.variable_plugins
blacklist = ['Hostname']
blacklist = ['hostname', 'BuddyInfo', 'LoadAvg'] # Should be case insensitive
assert 'Hostname' not in f.variable_plugins
assert 'BuddyInfo' not in f.check_plugins
assert 'LoadAvg' not in f.check_plugins
assert len(f.variable_plugins) > 0

def test_check_plugin_whitelist():
f = Fossor()
f.add_variable('timeout', 1)
assert len(f.check_plugins) > 2
whitelist = ['BuddyInfo', 'LoadAvg']
assert len(f.check_plugins) == 2
assert fossor.checks.buddyinfo.BuddyInfo in f.check_plugins

def test_check_plugin_blacklist():
f = Fossor()
f.add_variable('timeout', 1)
assert len(f.check_plugins) > 2
assert fossor.checks.buddyinfo.BuddyInfo in f.check_plugins
blacklist = ['BuddyInfo', 'LoadAvg']
assert fossor.checks.buddyinfo.BuddyInfo not in f.check_plugins
assert len(f.check_plugins) > 1
assert len(f.check_plugins) > 0

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