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API Docs


The TrackedQueue is a single data structure with the following interface:

interface TrackedQueue<T> {
  at(index: number): T | undefined;
  range(config: { from: number; to: number }): T[];
  pushBack(value: T): T | undefined;
  popBack(): T | undefined;
  pushFront(value: T): T | undefined;
  popFront(): T | undefined;
  prepend(values: T[]): T[];
  append(values: T[]): T[];
  includes(value: T): boolean;
  map<U>(fn: (t: T) => U): TrackedQueue<U>;
  size: number;
  front: T | undefined;
  back: T | undefined;
  isEmpty: boolean;


  • at(index: number): T | undefined: Get the value at an index within the queue. Notes:

    • queues are 0-indexed: the first item is available .at(0) (equivalent to using .front)
    • if you request an item outside the bounds of the queue, always returns undefined
  • range(config: { from: number; to: number }): T[];: Get a range of values from within the queue, inclusive of from and exclusive of to. As with at, the ranges are over a zero-indexed queue.

    For example, given a queue of numbers (1, 2, 3):

    let queue = new TrackedQueue<number>({ capacity:  3 });
    queue.append([1, 2, 3]);
    queue.range({ from: 0, to: 3 }); // [1, 2, 3]
    queue.range({ from: 1, to: 2 }); // [2]

    Throws if from > to, if from < 0, if from > size, if to < 0, or if to > size

  • pushBack(value: T): T | undefined: Push a new item onto the end of the queue. If pushing the item exceeds the capacity of the queue, the first item in the queue (.front) will be replaced. Returns The value at the front of the queue, if it was popped off to make room for the new item.

  • popBack(): T | undefined: Remove the last item on the queue, if any.

  • pushFront(value: T): T | undefined: Push a new item onto the front of the queue. If pushing the item exceeds the capacity of the queue, the last item in the queue (.back) will be replaced. Returns he value at the back of the queue, if it was popped off to make room for the new item.

  • popFront(): T | undefined: Remove the first item on the queue, if any.

  • prepend(values: T[]): T[]: Add a series of values to the front of the queue. Returns any entries which had to be popped off of the queue to make room for the newly-prepended values.

    Note: This preserves the order of the values passed in and the values popped from the queue. That is, given a queue with values (1, 2, 3), executing queue.prepend([4, 5, 6]) will result in the queue containing (4, 5, 6) and popped values [1, 2, 3].

  • append(values: T[]): T[]: Creates a new TrackedQueue by applying a function to each of the values in the existing TrackedQueue. The resulting TrackedQueue will have the same size, front, back, etc., but will not necessarily have the same layout in its backing storage.

  • includes(value: T): boolean: Determines whether a queue includes a certain element. Uses object identity (===) for comparison. Worst case performance is O(N).

  • clear(): Delete all the items in the queue.

  • map<U>(fn: (t: T) => U): TrackedQueue<U>: Creates a new TrackedQueue by applying a function to each of the values in the existing TrackedQueue. The resulting TrackedQueue will have the same size, front, back, etc., but will not necessarily have the same layout in its backing storage.


  • size: number: The number of items in the queue.

  • front: T | undefined: The item at the front of the queue. That is:

    • the first item pushed onto the back of the queue which has not been popped by pushing onto the back of the queue, or
    • the most recent item pushed onto the front of the queue which has not been popped off by pushing onto the back of the queue
  • back: T | undefined: The item at the end of the queue, that is, the item most recently pushed onto the back of the queue which has not been popped by pushing onto the front of the queue.

  • isEmpty: boolean: Does the queue have any items in it?


The queue also uses Symbol.iterator with a generator function to implement iterability, so you can consume it via the spread operator ..., can pass it to any type which accepts an iterable like Array.from, and can use it with for...of.

TypeScript Niceties

When using this library in TypeScript, you can also use "type narrowing" to have nicer feedback via runtime checks. The exported type of TrackedQueue<T> is the union of two interfaces which extend from the base shape _TrackedQueue:

export interface EmptyQueue<T> extends _TrackedQueue<T> {
  size: 0;
  front: undefined;
  back: undefined;
  isEmpty: true;

export interface PopulatedQueue<T> extends _TrackedQueue<T> {
  size: number;
  front: T;
  back: T;
  isEmpty: false;

export type TrackedQueue<T> = EmptyQueue<T> | PopulatedQueue<T>;

This means that if you check that isEmpty is true, TypeScript will correctly indicate that front and back will never be undefined, eliminating redundant runtime checks or needless casts.