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General overview of Lino Welfare

Database structure

Lino Welfare consists of many modules (called plugins or "apps"), each of which defines a series of database tables (called models). Each model defines a number of fields.

For each database model, Lino defines at least one table which it calls "default table".

The following table gives an overview of these things.

>>> print(settings.SITE.get_db_overview_rst()) ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +REPORT_UDIFF -SKIP 55 apps: staticfiles, about, bootstrap3, lino, appypod, printing, system, contenttypes, humanize, users, changes, countries, properties, contacts, addresses, uploads, outbox, excerpts, extensible, cal, reception, accounts, badges, iban, sepa, ledger, vatless, finan, boards, welfare, sales, pcsw, languages, cv, integ, isip, jobs, art61, immersion, active_job_search, courses, newcomers, cbss, households, humanlinks, debts, notes, aids, polls, beid, davlink, export_excel, dupable_clients, plausibility, tinymce. 149 models: ============================== =============================== ========= ======= Name Default table #fields #rows ------------------------------ ------------------------------- --------- ------- accounts.Account accounts.Accounts 19 76 accounts.Group accounts.Groups 9 14 active_job_search.Proof active_job_search.Proofs 7 10 addresses.Address addresses.Addresses 16 167 aids.AidType aids.AidTypes 23 11 aids.Category aids.Categories 5 3 aids.Granting aids.Grantings 12 55 aids.IncomeConfirmation aids.IncomeConfirmations 17 54 aids.RefundConfirmation aids.RefundConfirmations 18 12 aids.SimpleConfirmation aids.SimpleConfirmations 15 19 art61.Contract art61.Contracts 30 7 art61.ContractType art61.ContractTypes 10 1 badges.Award badges.Awards 6 0 badges.Badge badges.Badges 5 0 boards.Board boards.Boards 7 3 boards.Member boards.Members 4 0 cal.Calendar cal.Calendars 7 11 cal.Event cal.OneEvent 24 528 cal.EventType cal.EventTypes 19 8 cal.Guest cal.Guests 9 521 cal.GuestRole cal.GuestRoles 5 4 cal.Priority cal.Priorities 6 4 cal.RecurrentEvent cal.RecurrentEvents 22 9 cal.RemoteCalendar cal.RemoteCalendars 7 0 cal.Room cal.Rooms 5 0 cal.Subscription cal.Subscriptions 4 8 cal.Task cal.Tasks 19 34 cbss.IdentifyPersonRequest cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests 21 5 cbss.ManageAccessRequest cbss.ManageAccessRequests 24 1 cbss.Purpose cbss.Purposes 7 106 cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequest cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests 15 2 cbss.Sector cbss.Sectors 11 209 changes.Change changes.Changes 9 0 contacts.Company contacts.Companies 30 49 contacts.CompanyType contacts.CompanyTypes 9 16 contacts.Partner contacts.Partners 26 172 contacts.Person contacts.Persons 33 109 contacts.Role contacts.Roles 4 10 contacts.RoleType contacts.RoleTypes 6 5 contenttypes.ContentType contenttypes.ContentTypes 4 150 contenttypes.HelpText contenttypes.HelpTexts 4 5 countries.Country countries.Countries 9 8 countries.Place countries.Places 10 78 courses.Course courses.Courses 5 3 courses.CourseContent courses.CourseContents 2 2 courses.CourseOffer courses.CourseOffers 6 3 courses.CourseProvider courses.CourseProviders 31 2 courses.CourseRequest courses.CourseRequests 10 20 cv.Duration cv.Durations 5 5 cv.EducationLevel cv.EducationLevels 8 5 cv.Experience cv.Experiences 17 30 cv.Function cv.Functions 7 4 cv.LanguageKnowledge cv.LanguageKnowledges 9 119 cv.Obstacle cv.Obstacles 6 0 cv.ObstacleType cv.ObstacleTypes 5 4 cv.Proof cv.Proofs 5 4 cv.Regime cv.Regimes 5 3 cv.Sector cv.Sectors 6 14 cv.Skill cv.Skills 6 0 cv.SoftSkill cv.SoftSkills 5 0 cv.SoftSkillType cv.SoftSkillTypes 5 0 cv.Status cv.Statuses 5 7 cv.Study cv.Studies 14 22 cv.StudyType cv.StudyTypes 8 11 cv.Training cv.Trainings 16 20 debts.Actor debts.Actors 6 63 debts.Budget debts.Budgets 11 14 debts.Entry debts.Entries 16 716 dupable_clients.Word dupable_clients.Words 3 131 excerpts.Excerpt excerpts.Excerpts 12 14 excerpts.ExcerptType excerpts.ExcerptTypes 18 16 finan.BankStatement finan.BankStatements 11 0 finan.BankStatementItem finan.BankStatementItemTable 10 0 finan.Grouper finan.Groupers 10 0 finan.GrouperItem finan.GrouperItemTable 9 0 finan.JournalEntry finan.FinancialVouchers 9 0 finan.JournalEntryItem finan.JournalEntryItemTable 10 0 finan.PaymentOrder finan.PaymentOrders 11 0 finan.PaymentOrderItem finan.PaymentOrderItemTable 9 0 households.Household households.Households 29 14 households.Member households.Members 14 63 households.Type households.Types 5 6 humanlinks.Link humanlinks.Links 4 59 immersion.Contract immersion.Contracts 25 6 immersion.ContractType immersion.ContractTypes 9 3 immersion.Goal immersion.Goals 5 4 isip.Contract isip.Contracts 22 30 isip.ContractEnding isip.ContractEndings 6 4 isip.ContractPartner isip.ContractPartners 6 35 isip.ContractType isip.ContractTypes 11 5 isip.ExamPolicy isip.ExamPolicies 20 6 jobs.Candidature jobs.Candidatures 8 74 jobs.Contract jobs.Contracts 28 13 jobs.ContractType jobs.ContractTypes 10 5 jobs.Job jobs.Jobs 10 8 jobs.JobProvider jobs.JobProviders 31 3 jobs.JobType jobs.JobTypes 5 5 jobs.Offer jobs.Offers 9 1 jobs.Schedule jobs.Schedules 5 3 languages.Language languages.Languages 6 5 ledger.Journal ledger.Journals 20 3 ledger.MatchRule ledger.MatchRules 3 0 ledger.Movement ledger.Movements 11 44 ledger.PaymentTerm ledger.PaymentTerms 8 0 ledger.Voucher ledger.Vouchers 8 20 newcomers.Broker newcomers.Brokers 2 2 newcomers.Competence newcomers.Competences 5 7 newcomers.Faculty newcomers.Faculties 6 5 notes.EventType notes.EventTypes 10 9 notes.Note notes.Notes 17 110 notes.NoteType notes.NoteTypes 12 13 outbox.Attachment outbox.Attachments 4 0 outbox.Mail outbox.Mails 9 0 outbox.Recipient outbox.Recipients 6 0 pcsw.Activity pcsw.Activities 3 0 pcsw.AidType pcsw.AidTypes 5 0 pcsw.Client pcsw.Clients 67 63 pcsw.ClientContact pcsw.ClientContacts 7 14 pcsw.ClientContactType pcsw.ClientContactTypes 7 10 pcsw.Coaching pcsw.Coachings 8 90 pcsw.CoachingEnding pcsw.CoachingEndings 7 4 pcsw.CoachingType pcsw.CoachingTypes 8 3 pcsw.Conviction pcsw.Convictions 5 0 pcsw.Dispense pcsw.Dispenses 6 0 pcsw.DispenseReason pcsw.DispenseReasons 6 4 pcsw.Exclusion pcsw.Exclusions 6 0 pcsw.ExclusionType pcsw.ExclusionTypes 2 2 pcsw.PersonGroup pcsw.PersonGroups 4 5 plausibility.Problem plausibility.Problems 6 60 polls.AnswerChoice polls.AnswerChoices 4 88 polls.AnswerRemark polls.AnswerRemarks 4 0 polls.Choice polls.Choices 7 35 polls.ChoiceSet polls.ChoiceSets 5 8 polls.Poll polls.Polls 11 2 polls.Question polls.Questions 9 38 polls.Response polls.Responses 7 6 properties.PropChoice properties.PropChoices 7 2 properties.PropGroup properties.PropGroups 5 0 properties.PropType properties.PropTypes 9 3 properties.Property properties.Properties 7 0 sepa.Account sepa.Accounts 8 13 system.SiteConfig system.SiteConfigs 28 1 tinymce.TextFieldTemplate tinymce.TextFieldTemplates 5 2 uploads.Upload uploads.Uploads 17 11 uploads.UploadType uploads.UploadTypes 11 9 users.Authority users.Authorities 3 3 users.User users.Users 21 11 vatless.AccountInvoice vatless.Invoices 17 20 vatless.InvoiceItem vatless.InvoiceItems 6 24 ============================== =============================== ========= ======= <BLANKLINE>

List of window layouts

The following table lists information about all data entry form definitions (called window layouts) used by Lino Welfare.

Each window layout is viewable by a given set of user profiles.

Each window layout defines a given set of fields.

There are detail layouts, insert layouts and action parameter layouts.

>>> settings.SITE.catch_layout_exceptions = False >>> from lino.utils.diag import window_actions >>> print window_actions() ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +REPORT_UDIFF -SKIP - (viewable for all except anonymous) : server_status - about.Models.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : app, name, docstring, rows - accounts.AccountCharts.detail (viewable for admin) : name - accounts.Accounts.detail (viewable for admin) : ref, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, group, type, required_for_household, required_for_person, periods, default_amount - accounts.Accounts.insert (viewable for admin) : ref, group, type, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - accounts.Groups.detail (viewable for admin) : ref, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, id, account_type, entries_layout - accounts.Groups.insert (viewable for admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, account_type, ref - active_job_search.Proofs.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, client, company, id, spontaneous, response, remarks - addresses.Addresses.detail (viewable for admin) : country, city, zip_code, addr1, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, address_type, remark, data_source, partner - addresses.Addresses.insert (viewable for admin) : country, city, street, street_no, street_box, address_type, remark - aids.AidTypes.detail (viewable for 110, 210, 410, admin) : id, short_name, confirmation_type, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, excerpt_title, excerpt_title_fr, excerpt_title_de, excerpt_title_nl, body_template, print_directly, is_integ_duty, is_urgent, confirmed_by_primary_coach, board, company, contact_person, contact_role, pharmacy_type - aids.AidTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 210, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, confirmation_type - aids.Categories.insert (viewable for 110, 210, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - aids.Grantings.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, request_date, board, decision_date, aid_type, category, start_date, end_date, custom_actions - aids.Grantings.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : client, aid_type, signer, board, decision_date, start_date, end_date - aids.GrantingsByClient.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : aid_type, board, decision_date, start_date, end_date - aids.IncomeConfirmations.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, printed, company, contact_person, language, granting, start_date, end_date, category, amount, id, remark - aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : client, granting, start_date, end_date, category, amount, company, contact_person, language, remark - aids.RefundConfirmations.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, granting, start_date, end_date, doctor_type, doctor, pharmacy, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark - aids.RefundConfirmationsByGranting.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : start_date, end_date, doctor_type, doctor, pharmacy, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark - aids.SimpleConfirmations.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, granting, start_date, end_date, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark - aids.SimpleConfirmationsByGranting.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : start_date, end_date, company, contact_person, language, remark - art61.ContractTypes.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, ref - art61.Contracts.detail (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : id, client, user, language, type, company, contact_person, contact_role, applies_from, duration, applies_until, exam_policy, job_title, status, cv_duration, regime, reference_person, printed, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, subsidize_10, subsidize_20, subsidize_30, responsibilities - art61.Contracts.insert (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : client, company, type - boards.Boards.detail (viewable for admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - boards.Boards.insert (viewable for admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - cal.Calendars.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, color, id, description - cal.Calendars.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, color - cal.EventTypes.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, event_label, event_label_fr, event_label_de, event_label_nl, max_conflicting, all_rooms, locks_user, id, invite_client, is_appointment, email_template, attach_to_email - cal.EventTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, invite_client - cal.Events.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : event_type, summary, project, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, user, assigned_to, room, priority, access_class, transparent, owner, workflow_buttons, description, id, created, modified, state - cal.Events.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : summary, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, event_type, project - cal.EventsByClient.insert (viewable for all except anonymous, 210) : event_type, summary, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time - cal.GuestRoles.insert (viewable for admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - cal.GuestStates.wf1 (viewable for admin) : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent - cal.GuestStates.wf2 (viewable for admin) : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent - cal.Guests.checkin (viewable for admin) : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent - cal.Guests.detail (viewable for admin) : event, partner, role, state, remark, workflow_buttons, waiting_since, busy_since, gone_since - cal.Guests.insert (viewable for admin) : event, partner, role - cal.RecurrentEvents.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, id, user, event_type, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, every_unit, every, max_events, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, description - cal.RecurrentEvents.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, start_date, end_date, every_unit, event_type - cal.Rooms.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - cal.Tasks.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : start_date, due_date, id, workflow_buttons, summary, project, user, delegated, owner, created, modified, description - cal.Tasks.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : summary, user, project - cal.TasksByController.insert (viewable for all except anonymous, 210) : summary, start_date, due_date, user, delegated - cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, national_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, tolerance, gender, environment, ticket, response_xml, info_messages, debug_messages - cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : person, national_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, tolerance, gender - cbss.ManageAccessRequests.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, action, start_date, end_date, purpose, query_register, national_id, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date, result, environment, ticket, response_xml, info_messages, debug_messages - cbss.ManageAccessRequests.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : person, action, start_date, end_date, purpose, query_register, national_id, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date - cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, national_id, language, history, environment, ticket, response_xml, info_messages, debug_messages - cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : person, national_id, language, history - changes.Changes.detail (viewable for admin) : time, user, type, master, object, id, diff - contacts.Companies.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, client_contact_type, url, email, phone, gsm, fax, remarks, VouchersByPartner, id, language, activity, is_obsolete, created, modified - contacts.Companies.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : name, language, email, type, id - contacts.Companies.merge_row (viewable for admin) : merge_to, reason - contacts.Partners.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : overview, id, language, activity, client_contact_type, url, email, phone, gsm, fax, country, region, city, zip_code, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, remarks, VouchersByPartner, is_obsolete, created, modified - contacts.Partners.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : name, language, email - contacts.Persons.create_household (viewable for all except anonymous) : partner, type, head - contacts.Persons.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : overview, title, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender, birth_date, age, id, language, email, phone, gsm, fax, MembersByPerson, LinksByHuman, remarks, VouchersByPartner, activity, url, client_contact_type, is_obsolete, created, modified - contacts.Persons.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : first_name, last_name, gender, language - contenttypes.ContentTypes.insert (viewable for admin) : id, name, app_label, model, base_classes - countries.Countries.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : isocode, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, short_code, inscode, actual_country - countries.Countries.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : isocode, inscode, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - countries.Places.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, country, type, parent, zip_code, id - courses.CourseContents.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name - courses.CourseOffers.detail (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : id, title, content, provider, guest_role, description - courses.CourseOffers.insert (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : provider, content, title - courses.CourseProviders.detail (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, client_contact_type, url, email, phone, gsm, fax - courses.CourseRequests.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : date_submitted, person, content, offer, urgent, course, state, date_ended, id, remark, UploadsByController - courses.Courses.detail (viewable for 110, admin) : id, start_date, offer, title, remark - courses.Courses.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : start_date, offer, title - cv.Durations.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - cv.EducationLevels.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, is_study, is_training - cv.Experiences.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : person, start_date, end_date, termination_reason, company, country, city, sector, function, title, status, duration, regime, is_training, remarks - cv.Functions.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, sector, remark - cv.Regimes.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - cv.Sectors.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, remark - cv.Statuses.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - cv.Studies.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : person, start_date, end_date, type, content, education_level, state, school, country, city, remarks - cv.StudyTypes.detail (viewable for 110, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, id, education_level, is_study, is_training - cv.StudyTypes.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, is_study, is_training, education_level - cv.Trainings.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : person, start_date, end_date, type, state, certificates, sector, function, school, country, city, remarks - cv.Trainings.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : person, start_date, end_date, type, state, certificates, sector, function, school, country, city - debts.Budgets.detail (viewable for admin) : date, partner, id, user, intro, ResultByBudget, DebtsByBudget, AssetsByBudgetSummary, conclusion, dist_amount, printed, total_debt, include_yearly_incomes, print_empty_rows, print_todos, DistByBudget, data_box, summary_box - debts.Budgets.insert (viewable for admin) : partner, date, user - excerpts.ExcerptTypes.detail (viewable for admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, content_type, build_method, template, body_template, email_template, shortcut, primary, print_directly, certifying, print_recipient, backward_compat, attach_to_email - excerpts.ExcerptTypes.insert (viewable for admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, content_type, primary, certifying, build_method, template, body_template - excerpts.Excerpts.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, excerpt_type, project, user, build_method, company, contact_person, language, owner, build_time, body_template_content - finan.BankStatements.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, balance1, balance2, user, workflow_buttons, id, journal, year, number - finan.BankStatements.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, user, balance1, balance2 - finan.FinancialVouchers.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, user, narration, workflow_buttons, id, journal, year, number - finan.FinancialVouchers.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, user, narration - finan.Groupers.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, partner, user, workflow_buttons, id, journal, year, number - finan.Groupers.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, user, partner - finan.PaymentOrders.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, user, narration, total, execution_date, workflow_buttons, id, journal, year, number - households.Households.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : type, prefix, name, id - households.HouseholdsByType.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : type, name, language, id, country, region, city, zip_code, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, phone, gsm, email, url, remarks - households.Types.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - humanlinks.Links.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : parent, child, type - immersion.ContractTypes.detail (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, exam_policy - immersion.ContractTypes.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, exam_policy - immersion.Contracts.detail (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : id, client, user, language, type, goal, company, contact_person, contact_role, applies_from, applies_until, exam_policy, sector, function, reference_person, printed, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, responsibilities - immersion.Contracts.insert (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : client, company, type, goal - immersion.Goals.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : body - isip.ContractEndings.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, use_in_isip, use_in_jobs, is_success, needs_date_ended - isip.ContractPartners.insert (viewable for 110, admin) : company, contact_person, contact_role, duties_company - isip.ContractTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, ref, exam_policy, needs_study_type, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, full_name - isip.Contracts.detail (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : id, client, type, user, user_asd, study_type, applies_from, applies_until, exam_policy, language, date_decided, date_issued, printed, date_ended, ending, stages, goals, duties_asd, duties_dsbe, duties_person - isip.Contracts.insert (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : client, type - isip.ExamPolicies.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, max_events, every, every_unit, event_type, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday - jobs.ContractTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, ref - jobs.Contracts.detail (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : id, client, user, user_asd, language, job, type, company, contact_person, contact_role, applies_from, duration, applies_until, exam_policy, regime, schedule, hourly_rate, refund_rate, reference_person, printed, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, responsibilities - jobs.Contracts.insert (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : client, job - jobs.JobProviders.detail (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, client_contact_type, url, email, phone, gsm, fax - jobs.JobTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, is_social - jobs.Jobs.insert (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : name, provider, contract_type, type, id, sector, function, capacity, hourly_rate, remark - (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : preview - jobs.Offers.insert (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : name, provider, sector, function, selection_from, selection_until, start_date, remark - (viewable for 100, 110, admin) : body - jobs.Schedules.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - languages.Languages.insert (viewable for all except anonymous, 210) : id, iso2, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - (viewable for nobody) : body - ledger.Journals.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : ref, trade_type, seqno, id, voucher_type, journal_group, force_sequence, account, dc, build_method, template, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, printed_name, printed_name_fr, printed_name_de, printed_name_nl - ledger.Journals.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : ref, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, trade_type, voucher_type - (viewable for nobody) : body - newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach (viewable for 200, 300, admin) : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent - newcomers.Faculties.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, weight - newcomers.Faculties.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, weight - notes.EventTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, remark - notes.NoteTypes.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, build_method, template, special_type, email_template, attach_to_email, remark - notes.NoteTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, build_method - notes.Notes.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : date, time, event_type, type, project, subject, company, contact_person, user, language, build_time, id, body, UploadsByController - notes.Notes.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : event_type, type, subject, project - outbox.Mails.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : subject, project, date, user, sent, id, owner, AttachmentsByMail, UploadsByController, body - outbox.Mails.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : project, subject, body - pcsw.ClientContactTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - pcsw.ClientStates.wf1 (viewable for 200, 300, admin) : reason, remark - pcsw.Clients.create_visit (viewable for all except anonymous) : user, summary - pcsw.Clients.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : overview, gender, id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, age, national_id, nationality, declared_name, civil_state, birth_country, birth_place, language, email, phone, fax, gsm, image, AgentsByClient, SimilarClients, LinksByHuman, cbss_relations, MembersByPerson, workflow_buttons, broker, faculty, refusal_reason, in_belgium_since, residence_type, residence_until, group, is_seeking, unemployed_since, work_permit_suspended_until, needs_residence_permit, needs_work_permit, UploadsByClient, skills, obstacles, ExcerptsByProject, VouchersByProject, activity, client_state, noble_condition, unavailable_until, unavailable_why, is_obsolete, created, modified, remarks - pcsw.Clients.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : first_name, last_name, national_id, gender, language - pcsw.Clients.merge_row (viewable for admin) : merge_to, aids_SimpleConfirmation, aids_IncomeConfirmation, aids_RefundConfirmation, pcsw_Coaching, pcsw_Dispense, dupable_clients_Word, reason - pcsw.CoachingEndings.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, seqno - pcsw.Coachings.create_visit (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : user, summary - plausibility.Checkers.detail (viewable for admin) : value, name, text - polls.AnswerRemarks.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : remark, response, question - polls.ChoiceSets.insert (viewable for admin) : name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - polls.Polls.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : ref, title, workflow_buttons, details, default_choiceset, default_multiple_choices, id, user, created, modified, state - polls.Polls.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : ref, title, default_choiceset, default_multiple_choices, questions_to_add - polls.Questions.insert (viewable for admin) : poll, number, is_heading, choiceset, multiple_choices, title, details - polls.Responses.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : poll, partner, date, workflow_buttons, AnswersByResponse, user, state, remark - polls.Responses.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : user, date, poll - properties.PropGroups.insert (viewable for admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl - properties.PropTypes.insert (viewable for admin) : id, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, choicelist, default_value - reception.BusyVisitors.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : event, client, role, state, remark, workflow_buttons - reception.GoneVisitors.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : event, client, role, state, remark, workflow_buttons - reception.MyWaitingVisitors.detail (viewable for all except anonymous, 210) : event, client, role, state, remark, workflow_buttons - reception.WaitingVisitors.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : event, client, role, state, remark, workflow_buttons - system.SiteConfigs.detail (viewable for admin) : site_company, next_partner_id, job_office, master_budget, signer1, signer2, signer1_function, signer2_function, system_note_type, default_build_method, propgroup_skills, propgroup_softskills, propgroup_obstacles, residence_permit_upload_type, work_permit_upload_type, driving_licence_upload_type, default_event_type, prompt_calendar, client_guestrole, team_guestrole, cbss_org_unit, sector, ssdn_user_id, ssdn_email, cbss_http_username, cbss_http_password - tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.detail (viewable for admin) : id, name, user, description, text - tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.insert (viewable for admin) : name, user - uploads.AllUploads.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : file, user, upload_area, type, description, owner - uploads.AllUploads.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : type, description, file, user - uploads.UploadTypes.detail (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : id, upload_area, shortcut, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, warn_expiry_unit, warn_expiry_value, wanted, max_number - uploads.UploadTypes.insert (viewable for 110, 410, admin) : upload_area, name, name_fr, name_de, name_nl, warn_expiry_unit, warn_expiry_value - uploads.Uploads.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : user, project, id, type, description, start_date, end_date, needed, company, contact_person, contact_role, file, owner, remark - uploads.Uploads.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : type, file, start_date, end_date, description - uploads.UploadsByClient.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : file, type, end_date, description - uploads.UploadsByController.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : file, type, end_date, description - users.Users.change_password (viewable for admin) : current, new1, new2 - users.Users.detail (viewable for admin) : username, profile, partner, first_name, last_name, initials, email, language, id, created, modified, remarks, event_type, access_class, calendar, newcomer_quota, coaching_type, coaching_supervisor, newcomer_consultations, newcomer_appointments - users.Users.insert (viewable for admin) : username, email, first_name, last_name, partner, language, profile - vatless.Invoices.detail (viewable for all except anonymous) : id, date, project, partner, user, due_date, your_ref, workflow_buttons, amount, journal, year, number, narration, state - vatless.Invoices.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : journal, project, partner, date, amount - vatless.InvoicesByJournal.insert (viewable for all except anonymous) : project, partner, date, amount <BLANKLINE>


Test whether everybody can display the detail of a client:

>>> o = pcsw.Client.objects.get(id=177) >>> r = dd.plugins.extjs.renderer >>> for u in 'robin', 'alicia', 'theresia', 'caroline', 'kerstin': ... print(E.tostring(rt.login(u, renderer=r).obj2html(o))) ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <a href=",{ &quot;record_id&quot;: 177 })">BRECHT Bernd (177)</a> <a href=",{ &quot;record_id&quot;: 177 })">BRECHT Bernd (177)</a> <a href=",{ &quot;record_id&quot;: 177 })">BRECHT Bernd (177)</a> <a href=",{ &quot;record_id&quot;: 177 })">BRECHT Bernd (177)</a> <a href=",{ &quot;record_id&quot;: 177 })">BRECHT Bernd (177)</a>

Miscellaneous tests

See 20130508:

>>> for model in (debts.Entry,): ... for o in model.objects.all(): ... o.full_clean()

Default template for excerpts

Check whether Lino returns the right default template for excerpts.

lino.modlib.excerpts defines a template excerpts/Default.odt, and lino_welfare.modlib.welfare :overrides this template.

The rule is that the *last* plugin wins when Lino searches for templates.

This means that if we want to see the welfare-specific version, our get_installed_apps <> in lino_welare.projects.std.settings must yield lino_welfare.modlib.welfare after lino.modlib.excerpts.

The following test verifies this rule:

>>> print(settings.SITE.find_config_file('Default.odt', 'excerpts')) ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +REPORT_UDIFF -SKIP /.../welfare/config/excerpts/Default.odt