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  1. Set up
  2. Scaffold a configuration file by lintnet init
  3. Scaffold a lint file and a test file by lintnet new
  4. Lint data files by lintnet lint
  5. Test lint files by lintnet test
  6. Use Modules

Scaffold a configuration file by lintnet init

Please run lintnet init.

lintnet init

Then a configuration file lintnet.jsonnet is created. If you want to hide the file, you can rename it to .lintnet.jsonnet.

Scaffold a lint file and a test file by lintnet new

Please run lintnet new.

lintnet new

Then a lint file main.jsonnet and its test file main_test.jsonnet are created.

Edit the configuration file


About configuration files, please see the official document too.

You can see files foo.json, which is a data file linted by lintnet. Please edit lintnet.jsonnet to lint foo.json with main.jsonnet.

cat > lintnet.jsonnet <<EOF
function(param) {
  targets: [
      data_files: [
        // Glob is available
        // e.g. *.json, **/*.json
      lint_files: [
        // Glob is available

Lint data files by lintnet lint


About lint rules, please see the official document too.

Basically, you have to edit main.jsonnet after running lintnet new, but in this tutorial you don't have to edit this.

Please run lintnet lint.

main.jsonnet is a simple rule checking if data has a field description. foo.json doesn't have the field description, so lintnet lint would fail.

lintnet lint
  "lintnet_version": "0.4.7",
  "env": "darwin/arm64",
  "errors": [
      "name": "description is required",
      "lint_file": "main.jsonnet",
      "data_file": "foo.json"

Please add the field description to foo.json.

cat > foo.json <<EOF
  "name": "hello",
  "description": "Hello, lintnet"

And rerun lintnet lint. Then the command would succeed.

$ lintnet lint # Output nothing
$ echo $?

Test lint files by lintnet test


About testing, please see the official document too.

Basically, you have to edit main_test.jsonnet after running lintnet new, but in this tutorial you don't have to edit this.

Please create testdata for testing.

mkdir testdata
cat > testdata/pass.json <<EOF
  "name": "hello",
  "description": "Hello, lintnet"

: This testdata has a bug.
cat > testdata/fail.json <<EOF
  "name": "hello",
  "description": "Hello, lintnet"

The test file of <A>.jsonnet must be <A>_test.jsonnet.

Let's run lintnet test command.

lintnet test
Test Name: fail
Lint file: main.jsonnet
Test file: main_test.jsonnet
Diff (- Expected + Actual)
- 	map[string]any{"name": string("description is required")},


The test fails because the testdata is wrong. Let's fix testdata/fail.json.

cat > testdata/fail.json <<EOF
  "name": "hello"

And run lintnet test again. Then the test succeeds.

$ lintnet test # Output nothing
$ echo $?

Use Modules


About Modules, please see the official document too.

In this tutorial, let's try an official Module ghalint/action_ref_should_be_full_length_commit_sha. This module checks if GitHub Actions action refs are full commit hash.

Move to use-module.

cd use-module

Please see lintnet.jsonnet. The module is used.

modules: [

Run lintnet lint. Then lint fails because the data file .github/workflows/test.yaml violates the lint rule.

lintnet lint
  "lintnet_version": "0.4.7",
  "env": "darwin/arm64",
  "errors": [
      "name": "action's ref should be full length commit SHA",
      "links": [
          "title": "Module source",
          "link": ""
      "lint_file": "github_archive/",
      "data_file": ".github/workflows/test.yaml",
      "location": {
        "job": "test",
        "uses": "actions/checkout@v4"

See also

This tutorial described only basic things. To learn further, please see the document and other examples.