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Finding Hospitals - Hackathon Project

Employee Name: Venkata Naga Sai Nivas Mangu

Employee ID: 2304060

The outcomes of Hackathon deliverables are:

  • Explore the Innovative Implementations.
  • Implement Best practices such as creating Smoke and Regression suite.
  • Implement Maven on the created automation test scripts
  • Explore Jenkins to execute the test scripts periodically on Selenium Grid.
  • Explore Selenium Grid to run test scripts on different platforms and against different browsers.
  • Integrate Jenkins with version controller (GIT) and scheduled builds to run automatically.

Problem Description

  1. Search Doctors (any one speciality like Dentist, Cardiologist, etc) for any City (like Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, etc). Apply filters for Patient Stories, Experience, Fees, Availability and any one Sorting; Fetch & display the first 5 Doctor details
  2. Go to "Surgeries". Extract & store all the surgeries in a List & display them in console output.
  3. Under "For Corporate -> Health and Wellness Plan", fill the form with invalid email id & valid details for other fields, validate if "Taking a demo" button is disabled. Print the observation in console output. Then provide email in valid format & click the button and validate "Thank You" message is displayed

Key Automation Scope

  • Handling alert, different browser windows, search option
  • Navigating back to home page
  • Extract multiple options items & store in collections
  • Filling form (in different objects in web page)
  • Capture warning message