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增加 gesturez 模块
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linxinhong committed Dec 13, 2019
1 parent a321bd7 commit d30991b
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Showing 24 changed files with 972 additions and 589 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,6 @@
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
# quickz
由 Autohotkey 编写的快速工具,可以快速设置 仿 vim 化的快捷键和自定义菜单。

# 使用

先运行 loadPlugins.ahk 加载插件

然后运行 quickz.ahk 文件即可
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/vimd.rst
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Expand Up @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@

286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions lib/class_gesturez.ahk
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@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
CoordMode, mouse, Screen
; SetBatchLines, -1
DetectHiddenWindows On

class gesturez {
static self := new gesturez._instance

class _instance {
__new() { := {}
this.gestureList := {}
this.gestruePNGdir := A_ScriptDir "\ges\"
this.gesturePNGSave := false
this.ElapsedTime := 200
this.OCRMode := false
this.OCRMode_min_direction_count := 1

class PosRecord {
__new(Width, Height) {
this.xmax := 0
this.ymax := 0
this.xmin := Width
this.ymin := Height
this.Count := 0
this.List := []

Push(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
this.Count += 1
this.List.push({x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2})
If (x1 >= this.xmax) {
this.xmax := x1
If (x2 >= this.xmax) {
this.xmax := x2
If (x1 <= this.xmin) {
this.xmin := x1
If (x2 <= this.xmin) {
this.xmin := x2
If (y1 >= this.ymax) {
this.ymax := y1
If (y2 >= this.ymax) {
this.ymax := y2
If (y1 <= this.ymin) {
this.ymin := y1
If (y2 <= this.ymin) {
this.ymin := y2
; tooltip % this.xmax "`n" this.xmin "`n" this.ymax "`n" this.ymin


add(gesName, gesAction) {
gesturez.self.gestureList[gesName] := gesAction

DoAction(gesName) {
Action := gesturez.self.gestureList[gesName]
if (IsFunc(Action)) {
else if (IsLabel(Action)) {
Gosub, %Action%
else if (IsObject(Action)) {

Recognize() {
OCRMode := gesturez.self.OCRMode
OCRMode_min_direction_count := gesturez.self.OCRMode_min_direction_count
direction_count := 0
gesturez.self.action := action
StartTime := A_TickCount
MouseGetPos, x_init, y_init, win, ctrl
x_start := x_init
y_start := y_init
x_angle_start := x_init
y_angle_start := y_init
if (not pToken := GDIP_StartUp()) {
Width := A_ScreenWidth , Height := A_ScreenHeight
Gui, gesturez: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +OwnDialogs +Owner +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, gesturez: Show, NA W%Width% H%Height%
Gui, gesturez: Default
hwnd1 := WinExist()
hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, Height)
hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)
pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(gesturez.ARGB_FromRGB(0xAA, 0xff), 3) := new gesturez.PosRecord(Width, Height)
Loop {
if (not GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
GUI, gesturez:Destroy
WinActive("ahk_id " win)
ElapsedTime := A_TickCount - StartTime
if (ElapsedTime < gesturez.self.ElapsedTime) {
send {%A_ThisHotkey%}
else {
if (OCRMode) {
else {
SelectObject(hdc, obm)
MouseGetPos, x_end, y_end
moveradius := gesturez.GetRadius(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)
if (direction_count <= OCRMode_min_direction_count) {
x_angle_end := x_end
y_angle_end := y_end
angleRadius := gesturez.GetRadius(x_angle_start, y_angle_start, x_angle_end, y_angle_end)
if (angleRadius >= 20) {
LastDirection := gesturez.GetDirection(gesturez.GetAngle(x_angle_start, y_angle_start, x_angle_end, y_angle_end))
if (LastDirection <> PrevDirection) {
direction_count += 1
DirectionList .= LastDirection
PrevDirection := LastDirection
x_angle_start := x_end
y_angle_start := y_end
else {
OCRMode := true
if (moveradius >= 3) {
Gdip_DrawLine(G, pPen, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end), y_start, x_end, y_end)
x_start := x_end
y_start := y_end
UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, 0, 0, Width, Height)
else {
sleep 50
Critical, off

Review() {
pr :=
pfile := gesturez.self.gestruePNGdir "GestureZ" A_Now ".png"
If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
width:= pr.xmax - pr.xmin + 20
height:= pr.ymax - pr.ymin + 20
xmin := pr.xmin - 10
ymin := pr.ymin - 10
pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(width, height)
G2 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G2, 4)
pBrushWhite := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xffffffff)
Gdip_FillRectangle(G2, pBrushWhite, 0, 0, w, h)
pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(0xffff0000,3)
Loop % pr.count
pos := pr.list[A_Index]
Gdip_DrawLine(G2, pPen, Pos.x1-xmin, Pos.y1-ymin, Pos.x2-xmin, Pos.y2-ymin)
pBitmap := gesturez.Gdip_ResizeBitmap(pBitmap, "w16 h16")
Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, pfile)
RunWaitOne( A_ScriptDir "\lib\tesseract.exe " pfile " " A_TEMP "\gesturez.output -l gesture --psm 7 --tessdata-dir " A_ScriptDir "\lib")
FileRead, gestext, %A_TEMP%\gesturez.output.txt
gesturez.DoAction(SubStr(gestext, 1, strlen(gestext) - RegExMatch(gestext, "\n")))

GetRadius(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY) {
a := Abs(endX-startX), b := Abs(endY-startY), Radius := Sqrt(a*a+b*b)
Return Radius

GetAngle(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY) {
x := EndX - StartX
y := EndY - StartY
if (x = 0) {
if (y > 0) {
return 180
else if ( y < 0 ) {
return 360
else {
deg := ATan(y/x)*57.295779513
if ( x > 0 )
return deg + 90
return deg + 270

GetDirection(Angle) {
if ( Angle > 337.5 ) OR ( Angle <= 22.5)
return 2
if ( Angle > 22.5 ) And ( Angle <= 67.5)
return 3
if ( Angle > 67.5 ) And ( Angle <= 112.5)
return 6
if ( Angle > 112.5 ) And ( Angle <= 157.5)
return 9
if ( Angle > 157.5 ) And ( Angle <= 202.5)
return 8
if ( Angle > 202.5 ) And ( Angle <= 247.5)
return 7
if ( Angle > 247.5 ) And ( Angle <= 292.5)
return 4
if ( Angle > 292.5 ) And ( Angle <= 337.5)
return 1

direction := RegExReplace(direction,"2","")
direction := RegExReplace(direction,"3","")
direction := RegExReplace(direction,"6","")
direction := RegExReplace(direction,"9","")
direction := RegExReplace(direction,"8","")
direction := RegExReplace(direction,"7","")
direction := RegExReplace(direction,"4","")
Return direction := RegExReplace(direction,"1","")

A := A & 0xFF, RGB := RGB & 0xFFFFFF
return ((RGB | (A << 24)) & 0xFFFFFFFF)

Gdip_ResizeBitmap(pBitmap, PercentOrWH, Dispose=1) { ; returns resized bitmap. By Learning one.
Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, origW, origH)
if PercentOrWH contains w,h
RegExMatch(PercentOrWH, "i)w(\d*)", w), RegExMatch(PercentOrWH, "i)h(\d*)", h)
NewWidth := w1, NewHeight := h1
NewWidth := (NewWidth = "") ? origW/(origH/NewHeight) : NewWidth
NewHeight := (NewHeight = "") ? origH/(origW/NewWidth) : NewHeight
else {
NewWidth := origW*PercentOrWH/100, NewHeight := origH*PercentOrWH/100
pBitmap2 := Gdip_CreateBitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight)
G2 := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap2), Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G2, 4), Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G2, 7)
Gdip_DrawImage(G2, pBitmap, 0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight)
if Dispose
return pBitmap2
} ;

RunWaitOne(command) {
RunWait %comSpec% /c %command%, , hide
;shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
;exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command)
;return exec.StdOut.ReadAll()
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions lib/class_menuz.ahk
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Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
menuz.self.varList[var] := function

SetExec(tag, function) {
SetCommand(tag, function) {
if (IsFunc(function) or IsObject(function)) {
menuz.self.execList[tag] := function
Expand All @@ -176,10 +176,13 @@
itemObject := menuz.self.menuList[item.uuid]
command := menuz.ReplaceExec(menuz.ReplaceVar(itemObject.exec), item)
if (StrLen(command)) {
param := menuz.ReplaceTag(menuz.ReplaceVar(itemObject.Param))
workdir := menuz.ReplaceTag(menuz.ReplaceVar(itemObject.workdir))
param := menuz.ReplaceTag(menuz.ReplaceVar(itemObject.Param))
workdir := menuz.ReplaceTag(menuz.ReplaceVar(itemObject.workdir))
if (StrLen(command) or StrLen(param)) {
quickz.log({command: command, param: param, workdir: workdir})
if (env.IsBreak) {
Run, %command% %param%, %workdir%, UseErrorLevel, PID
if (ErrorLevel) {
msgbox 运行失败:%command% %param%
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,6 +384,7 @@
this.isFileMulti := false
this.isText := false
this.isWin := false
this.isBreak := false

this.file := {}
this.fileMulti := {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,6 +414,10 @@
this.IsGetWin := true

Break() {
this.IsBreak := true

GetKeyword() {

Expand Down

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