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PoC for layer 3 / 4 services using Gateway API (v1.1.0) over secondary networks in Kubernetes (v1.30)


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Layer 3/4 Gateway API PoC

This is a PoC (Proof Of Concept) for layer 3 / 4 services using Gateway API (v1.1.0) over secondary networks in Kubernetes (v1.30).


Controllers must be re-written to be fully functional. They are currently written only to make the demos to work.


This builds, tags and pushes

make generate


Create Kind cluster:

kind create cluster --config hack/kind.yaml

Install Gateway API:

kubectl apply -k

Install Multus:

helm install multus ./deployments/Multus --set

Install cert-manager

kubectl apply -f

Install Gateways/Routers/Traffic-Generators (docker compose down to uninstall. Change manually the image in docker-compose.yaml if you built your own):

docker compose up -d

The gateway-routers containers are running outside of the Kind cluster and are connected to the kind network. Each container has a vlan interface on top of the primary network. These containers are used to separate networks and generate traffic on different networks using the same service IP. Bird2 is running and listening in the vpn containers, once the service IPs are advertised via BGP, traffic can be send. vpn-gateway

Install the l-3-4-gateway-api-poc controller managers:

helm install poc ./deployments/PoC --set

PoC 1: Service as Gateway API Route using KPNG

Configuration: examples/kpng-gateway-api.yaml


Install the example kpng Gateway/GatewayRouter/Service:

kubectl apply -f examples/kpng-gateway-api.yaml

Install example application behind the service:

helm install example-target-application-a ./examples/target-application/deployment/helm --set applicationName=a --set

Send traffic (400 TCP connections to

docker exec -it vpn-a mconnect -address -nconn 400 -timeout 2s

How does it work?

  • The KPNG Controller Manager (kpng-cm) reconciles the Gateways of KPNG class by:
    1. Creating the daemonset corresponding to the Gateway.
    2. Finding all services that belong to the Gateway to:
      • Fetch all external IPs (VIPs) and add them to the Gateway status.
      • Fetch all pods selected by these services and create the corresponding endpointslices. Pods are added to the EndpointSlice only if an IP can be found. An IP can be found if the network status annotation contains the networks configured in the Gateway network annotation (l-3-4-gateway-api-poc/networks).
  • The Router reconciles the Gateway by finding all GatewayRouters and fetching the addresses in the Gateway status to configure Bird accordingly.


PoC 2: A Stateless-LB No NAT (NFQLB) using Layer 3/4 routes

Configuration: examples/stateless-load-balancer-gateway-api.yaml

Install the example stateless-load-balancer Gateway/GatewayRouter/Service:

kubectl apply -f examples/stateless-load-balancer-gateway-api.yaml

Install example application behind the service:

helm install example-target-application-b ./examples/target-application/deployment/helm --values ./examples/applications-values/b.yaml --set applicationName=b --set

Send traffic (400 TCP connections to

docker exec -it vpn-b mconnect -address -nconn 400 -timeout 2s

Update L34Route (Adds to service IP)

kubectl apply -f examples/stateless-load-balancer-gateway-api-update.yaml

Send traffic (400 TCP connections to

docker exec -it vpn-b mconnect -address -nconn 400 -timeout 2s

How does it work?

  • The Stateless-load-balancer-controller-manager reconciles the gateways of Stateless-load-balancer class by:
    1. Creating the deployment corresponding to the Gateway.
    2. Finding all services that belong to the Gateway to:
      • Fetch all external IPs (VIPs) and add them to the Gateway status.
      • Fetch all pods selected by these services and create the corresponding endpointslices. Pods are added to the EndpointSlice only if an IP can be found. An IP can be found if the network status annotation contains the networks configured in the Gateway network annotation (l-3-4-gateway-api-poc/networks). It also assign a unique identifier to each endpoint in the endpointslice (required by NFQLB).
  • The Stateless-load-balancer-controller-manager reconciles the pods by:
    1. Finding all services the pod is serving.
    2. Adding network configuration (VIP and Source Based Routing) to the Pod by updating the pod annotation (multus-dynamic-networks-controller will reconciles them and Multus will call CNIs)
  • The Stateless-load-balancer reconciles the gateways of Stateless-load-balancer class by getting services, endpointslices and L34Routes to configure NFQLB accordingly.
  • The Router reconciles the Gateway by finding all GatewayRouters and fetching the addresses in the Gateway status to configure Bird accordingly.


PoC 3: Istio gateway with a KPNG and a router container as sidecars

Install istioctl

curl -sL | sh -

Install istio

istioctl install -f examples/istio/demo-profile-no-gateways.yaml -y
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

Install istio gateway/Route

kubectl apply -f examples/istio/bookinfo-gateway.yaml

Install istio demo application

kubectl apply -f examples/istio/bookinfo.yaml

Run traffic

docker exec -it vpn-c curl

How does it work?

It works in the same way as PoC 1 with istio router running in front of KPNG. The service type load-balancer created by Istio when creating the Gateway is not in use here. Instead, as in PoC 1, the external IPs of the service served in the KPNG is advertised via BGP.



  1. What is the future of services? (Lightning Talk: Why Service Is the Worst API in Kubernetes, & What We’re Doing About It - Tim Hockin)
    • Does the service API will be only for Service Discovery + Load-Balancing?
    • Does the Gateway Class represent generic service types? (ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, ...)
    • Does the routes represent the service specification (service IP, Ports, …)
    • Is a gateway a service-proxy?
  2. Custom EndpointSlice Controller would be required (A KEP could be opened)
  3. Do we need new Routes for Layer 3 / 4?
    • What about TCPRoute / UDPRoute? (e.g.: Blixt)
    • Are Gateway API Routes only steering traffic towards service or LoadBalancerRoute should exist?
  4. Is the Load-Balancing part of the Gateway?
  5. These PoCs are about Ingress traffic (traffic coming from outside of the Kubernetes cluster). What about internal / East-West traffic?
  6. What are Gateway API Listeners?


PoC for layer 3 / 4 services using Gateway API (v1.1.0) over secondary networks in Kubernetes (v1.30)







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