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Projectile & Arrow Builders

liopyu edited this page May 14, 2024 · 12 revisions

Projectile Builder Overview:

The Projectile Builder in EntityJS allows for the creation of custom projectiles, providing flexibility in defining ranged attacks or environmental effects within your Minecraft world. With this builder, you can configure various attributes and behaviors for projectiles, including rendering options, hit behaviors, and interaction with entities and blocks.

Key Features:

  • Customize projectile properties such as size, rendering scale, and update intervals.
  • Define hit behaviors upon collision with entities or blocks, enabling unique effects or interactions.
  • Specify conditions for rendering projectiles based on player distance or other factors.
  • Implement custom movement logic, including velocity and lerping behavior.
  • Utilize callbacks for player interactions, tick events, and despawn conditions to fine-tune projectile behavior.

Arrow Builder Overview:

The Arrow Builder in EntityJS facilitates the creation of custom arrow entities, allowing for the customization of damage, knockback, rendering, and other properties. With this builder, you can define unique attributes and behaviors for arrows, enhancing combat mechanics and projectile-based gameplay elements.

Key Features:

  • Set base damage and knockback values for arrows, influencing their effectiveness in combat.
  • Specify rendering options such as size and visibility based on player distance or other criteria.
  • Implement custom hit behaviors upon collision with entities or blocks, enabling diverse interactions.
  • Define conditions for arrow pickup by players, providing control over item retrieval mechanics.
  • Customize arrow movement and lerping behavior for dynamic projectile trajectories.

Full Projectile Entity Example

StartupEvents.registry('entity_type', event => {
    event.create('projectile', 'entityjs:projectile')
         * One-Off values set at the startup of the game.
        .item(item => {
        .sized(1, 1)
        .renderOffset(0, 0, 0)
        .renderScale(1, 1, 1)
        //Setting .noItem() here will result in the builder skipping the item build altogether
        //Since the builder registers the item automatically this is the only way to prevent an item from being created here.

        * These methods below require a set return value, if the value does not match the required result
        * it will automatically default to the super method in the entity builder and output an error in logs>kubejs>startup.log.
        * Remember all callback functions are also able to be live-edited with global events!
        * Example: 
        * global.hit = entity => {
        * // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
        *  return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"
        * }
        * .canHitEntity(entity => global.hit(entity)) // Reload this with /kubejs reload startup_scripts

        .canHitEntity(entity => {
            // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
            return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"; // Allow arrow to hit zombies only
        .shouldRenderAtSqrDistance(context => {
            const { entity, distanceToPlayer } = context;
            // Custom logic to determine if the arrow should render based on distance, for example, rendering only if distance is less than 100 blocks
            return distanceToPlayer < 100;

         * All methods below return void meaning they don't require a set return value to function.
         * These mostly are similar to KubeJS' normal events where you may do things on certain events your entities call!

        .move(context => {
            const { entity, moverType, position } = context;
            // Custom movement logic, for example, applying velocity to the arrow
            entity.setDeltaMovement(0, 0.1, 0);
        .onHitBlock(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits a block, for example, spawning particles
            entity.level.addParticle('minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke', entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getZ(), 0, 0, 0);
        .onHitEntity(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits an entity, for example, applying potion effects
            if ( {
                let potion = result.entity.potionEffects
                potion.add('minecraft:luck', 200, 1, false, true)
        .playerTouch(context => {
            const { player, entity } = context;
            // Custom behavior when a player touches the arrow, for example, setting the player on fire.
            if (entity.age > 5) {
        .tick(entity => {
            // Custom tick logic, for example, checking if the arrow is in lava and setting it on fire
            if (entity.level.getBlockState(entity.blockPosition()).getBlock().id == "minecraft:lava") {
        .lerpTo(context => {
            const { entity, yaw, x, y, z, teleport, posRotationIncrements, pitch } = context;
            // Custom lerping behavior, for example, teleporting the arrow to a new position
            entity.teleportTo(x, y, z);
StartupEvents.registry('entity_type', event => {
    event.create('projectile', 'entityjs:projectile')
         * One-Off values set at the startup of the game.
        .item(item => {
        .sized(1, 1)
        .renderOffset(0, 0, 0)
        .renderScale(1, 1, 1)
        //Setting .noItem() here will result in the builder skipping the item build altogether
        //Since the builder registers the item automatically this is the only way to prevent an item from being created here.

        * These methods below require a set return value, if the value does not match the required result
        * it will automatically default to the super method in the entity builder and output an error in logs>kubejs>startup.log.
        * Remember all callback functions are also able to be live-edited with global events!
        * Example:
        * global.hit = entity => {
        * // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
        *  return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"
        * }
        * .canHitEntity(entity => global.hit(entity)) // Reload this with /kubejs reload startup_scripts

        .canHitEntity(entity => {
            // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
            return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"; // Allow arrow to hit zombies only
        .shouldRenderAtSqrDistance(context => {
            const { entity, distanceToPlayer } = context;
            // Custom logic to determine if the arrow should render based on distance, for example, rendering only if distance is less than 100 blocks
            return distanceToPlayer < 100;

         * All methods below return void meaning they don't require a set return value to function.
         * These mostly are similar to KubeJS' normal events where you may do things on certain events your entities call!

        .move(context => {
            const { entity, moverType, position } = context;
            // Custom movement logic, for example, applying velocity to the arrow
            entity.setDeltaMovement(0, 0.1, 0);
        .onHitBlock(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits a block, for example, spawning particles
            entity.getLevel().addParticle('minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke', entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getZ(), 0, 0, 0);
        .onHitEntity(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits an entity, for example, applying potion effects
            if ( {
                let potion = result.entity.potionEffects
                potion.add('minecraft:luck', 200, 1, false, true)
        .playerTouch(context => {
            const { player, entity } = context;
            // Custom behavior when a player touches the arrow, for example, setting the player on fire.
            if (entity.age > 5) {
        .tick(entity => {
            // Custom tick logic, for example, checking if the arrow is in lava and setting it on fire
            if (entity.getLevel().getBlockState(entity.blockPosition()).getBlock().id == "minecraft:lava") {
        .lerpTo(context => {
            const { entity, yaw, x, y, z, teleport, posRotationIncrements, pitch } = context;
            // Custom lerping behavior, for example, teleporting the arrow to a new position
            entity.teleportTo(x, y, z);

Full Arrow Entity Example

StartupEvents.registry('entity_type', event => {
    event.create('arrow', 'entityjs:arrow')

         * One-Off values set at the startup of the game.

        .setKnockback(5) // Set the punch enchantment knockback to 5
        .setBaseDamage(8) // Set base damage to 8
        .clientTrackingRange(8) // Set client tracking range to 8
        .isAttackable(true) // Make the arrow attackable
        .sized(1, 1) // Set size of arrow entity to 1x1
        .updateInterval(3) // Set update interval to 3 ticks
        //Setting .noItem() here will result in the builder skipping the item build altogether
        //Since the builder registers the item automatically this is the only way to prevent an item from being created here.
        .defaultHitGroundSoundEvent("minecraft:entity.arrow.hit") // Set default hit ground sound event
        .setWaterInertia(1) // Set water inertia to 1
        .mobCategory('misc') // Set mob category to 'misc'
        .item(item => {
            item.maxStackSize(64); // Set maximum stack size of arrow item to 64

        * These methods below require a set return value, if the value does not match the required result
        * it will automatically default to the super method in the entity builder and output an error in logs>kubejs>startup.log.
        * This effectively prevents a crash and instead gives you info on the method.
        * Remember all callback functions are also able to be live-edited with global events!
        * Example: 
        * global.hit = entity => {
        * // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
        *  return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"
        * }
        * .canHitEntity(entity => global.hit(entity)) // Reload this with /kubejs reload startup_scripts

        .textureLocation(entity => {
            //Change texture resource location depending on certain information about the arrow entity.
            //Accepts both a new ResourceLocation or a String representation.
            //new ResourceLocation("kubejs:textures/entity/projectiles/arrow.png")
            return "kubejs:textures/entity/projectiles/arrow.png"
        .setDamageFunction(entity => {
            // Custom damage function based off the arrow entity
            return true
        .canHitEntity(entity => {
            // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
            return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"; // Allow arrow to hit zombies only
        .shouldRenderAtSqrDistance(context => {
            const { entity, distanceToPlayer } = context;
            // Custom logic to determine if the arrow should render based on distance, for example, rendering only if distance is less than 100 blocks
            return distanceToPlayer < 100;
        .tryPickup(player => {
            // Custom logic to determine if a player can pick up the arrow, for example, allowing only non-creative mode players to pick it up
            return !context.player.isCreative();

         * All methods below return void meaning they don't require a set return value to function.
         * These mostly are similar to KubeJS' normal events where you may do things on certain events your entities call!

        .doPostHurtEffects(context => {
            const { entity, arrow } = context;
            // Custom post-hurt effects, for example, create an explosion
            let explosion = entity.block.createExplosion()
        .lerpTo(context => {
            const { entity, yaw, x, y, z, teleport, posRotationIncrements, pitch } = context;
            // Custom lerping behavior, for example, teleporting the arrow to a new position
            entity.teleportTo(x, y, z);
        .move(context => {
            const { entity, moverType, position } = context;
            // Custom movement logic, for example, applying velocity to the arrow
            entity.setDeltaMovement(0, 0.1, 0);
        .onHitBlock(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits a block, for example, spawning particles
            entity.level.addParticle('minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke', entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getZ(), 0, 0, 0);
        .onHitEntity(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits an entity, for example, applying potion effects
            if ( {
                let potion = result.entity.potionEffects
                potion.add('minecraft:luck', 200, 1, false, true)
        .playerTouch(context => {
            const { player, entity } = context;
            // Custom behavior when a player touches the arrow, for example, giving the player the arrow
            if (!entity.level.isClientSide() && (entity.isOnGround() || entity.noPhysics) && entity.shakeTime <= 0) {
                player.take(entity, 1);
        .tick(entity => {
            // Custom tick logic, for example, checking if the arrow is in lava and setting it on fire
            if (entity.level.getBlockState(entity.blockPosition()).getBlock().id == "minecraft:lava") {
        .tickDespawn(entity => {
            // Custom logic for arrow despawn, for example, checking if the arrow has traveled a certain distance and despawning it
            if (entity.getOwner() == null) return
            if (entity.distanceToEntity(entity.getOwner()) > 100) {

StartupEvents.registry('entity_type', event => {
    event.create('arrow', 'entityjs:arrow')

         * One-Off values set at the startup of the game.

        .setKnockback(5) // Set knockback to 5
        .setBaseDamage(8) // Set base damage to 8
        .clientTrackingRange(8) // Set client tracking range to 8
        .isAttackable(true) // Make the arrow attackable
        .sized(1, 1) // Set size of arrow entity to 1x1
        .updateInterval(3) // Set update interval to 3 ticks
        //Setting .noItem() here will result in the builder skipping the item build altogether
        //Since the builder registers the item automatically this is the only way to prevent an item from being created here.
        .defaultHitGroundSoundEvent("minecraft:entity.arrow.hit") // Set default hit ground sound event
        .setWaterInertia(1) // Set water inertia to 1
        .mobCategory('misc') // Set mob category to 'misc'
        .item(item => {
            item.maxStackSize(64); // Set maximum stack size of arrow item to 64

        * These methods below require a set return value, if the value does not match the required result
        * it will automatically default to the super method in the entity builder and output an error in logs>kubejs>startup.log.
        * This effectively prevents a crash and instead gives you info on the method.
        * Remember all callback functions are also able to be live-edited with global events!
        * Example: 
        * global.hit = entity => {
        * // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
        *  return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"
        * }
        * .canHitEntity(entity => global.hit(entity)) // Reload this with /kubejs reload startup_scripts

        .textureLocation(entity => {
            //Change texture resource location depending on certain information about the arrow entity.
            //Accepts both a new ResourceLocation or a String representation.
            //new ResourceLocation("kubejs:textures/entity/projectiles/arrow.png")
            return "kubejs:textures/entity/projectiles/arrow.png"
        .setDamageFunction(entity => {
            // Custom damage function based off the arrow entity
            return true
        .canHitEntity(entity => {
            // Custom condition to determine if the arrow can hit a specific entity
            return entity.type == "minecraft:zombie"; // Allow arrow to hit zombies only
        .shouldRenderAtSqrDistance(context => {
            const { entity, distanceToPlayer } = context;
            // Custom logic to determine if the arrow should render based on distance, for example, rendering only if distance is less than 100 blocks
            return distanceToPlayer < 100;
        .tryPickup(context => {
            // Custom logic to determine if a player can pick up the arrow, for example, allowing only non-creative mode players to pick it up
            return !context.player.isCreative();

         * All methods below return void meaning they don't require a set return value to function.
         * These mostly are similar to KubeJS' normal events where you may do things on certain events your entities call!

        .doPostHurtEffects(context => {
            const { entity, arrow } = context;
            // Custom post-hurt effects, for example, create an explosion
            let explosion = entity.block.createExplosion()
        .lerpTo(context => {
            const { entity, yaw, x, y, z, teleport, posRotationIncrements, pitch } = context;
            // Custom lerping behavior, for example, teleporting the arrow to a new position
            entity.teleportTo(x, y, z);
        .move(context => {
            const { entity, moverType, position } = context;
            // Custom movement logic, for example, applying velocity to the arrow
            entity.setDeltaMovement(0, 0.1, 0);
        .onHitBlock(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits a block, for example, spawning particles
            entity.getLevel().addParticle('minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke', entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getZ(), 0, 0, 0);
        .onHitEntity(context => {
            const { entity, result } = context;
            // Custom behavior when the arrow hits an entity, for example, applying potion effects
            if ( {
                let potion = result.entity.potionEffects
                potion.add('minecraft:luck', 200, 1, false, true)
        .playerTouch(context => {
            const { player, entity } = context;
            // Custom behavior when a player touches the arrow, for example, giving the player the arrow
            if (!entity.getLevel().isClientSide() && (entity.onGround() || entity.noPhysics) && entity.shakeTime <= 0) {
                player.take(entity, 1);
        .tick(entity => {
            // Custom tick logic, for example, checking if the arrow is in lava and setting it on fire
            if (entity.getLevel().getBlockState(entity.blockPosition()).getBlock().id == "minecraft:lava") {
        .tickDespawn(entity => {
            // Custom logic for arrow despawn, for example, checking if the arrow has traveled a certain distance and despawning it
            if (entity.getOwner() == null) return
            if (entity.distanceToEntity(entity.getOwner()) > 100) {
