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Jet Peer lib for Arduino (

Arduino-Jet enables you to easily integrate distributed web-capable Jet realtime communication with your Arduino. See Jet Homepage for more details and a Live Control Center called "Radar".

To communicate you need either a ethernet or wifi shield or just use the Arduino's Serial Port.

As the Arduino's resources are rather limited, this lib does not implement every feature of other Jet implementations.

This library contains a modified version of aJson, which does not use malloc and free. DONT'T use aJson side-by-side!

Quickstart example

// add library
#include <ArduinoJetPeer.h>

// create a global peer
JetPeer peer;

// create global states (for sensors)
JetState* analogState;

// define a function which is invoked, whenever
// someone tries to change your state.
bool setLedBrightness(aJsonObject* val, void* context) {
  if (val->valueint >= 0 && val->valueint <= 100) {
    // do what is required to "really" change the led brightness
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

void setup() {
  // connect to jet daemon
  socket.connect(daemon_ip, 11122);

  // pass client socket to peer

  // create a state with initial value and set callback function
  peer.state("led/brightness", aJson.createItem(100), setLedBrightness);

  // create read-only states for sensors (providing no callback function)
  analogState = peer.state("analog/1", aJson.createItem(analogRead(0)));


void loop() {
  // post value changes


  1. Clone this repo to your Arduino/libraries folder (on OSX ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries).

  2. Install the node.js Daemon on your host machine or your "cloud" server:

$ npm install -g node-jet
  1. Start the Jet Daemon:
$ jetd.js

The default ports of the Jet Daemon are 11123 (websocket) and 11122 (raw). Load the JetExample sketch.

with cc3000 wifi

4a. Load contained example "JetExample-cc3000". This example uses cc3000 wifi shield.

Change the ip/server name to match the machine where the Daemon runs.


4b. Compile and upload the sketch

with Serial Port

4a. Load contained example "JetExample-Serial".

4b. Compile and upload the sketch

4c. Install serialport node module

$ sudo npm install -g serialport

4d. Start the provided serial-to-socket script:

$ node serial-bridge.js
  1. Open Radar

Enter ws://localhost:11123 as the Daemon url. Press "connect", press "fetch", watch your analog data.


JetPeer [class]

void JetPeer::init(Client& socket)

Initializes a JetPeer instance with a Client reference. The socket must be already connected with the Jet Daemon (default port 11122). The concrete class of the Client can be an EthernetClient or Adafruit_CC3000_Client or any other class which derives from Client.

JetPeer::init MUST be called before any other function.

JetPeer peer;
EthernetClient sock;
sock.connect(jet_daemon_ip, 11122); // default jet raw port

JetState* JetPeer::state(const char* path, aJsonObject* value, [set_handler_t set_callback], [void* set_context])

Adds a state to the Daemon with the given path and the given value. The set_callback is optional. When specified, the set_callback will be invoked, whenever some (other) peer calls set with the corresponding path. The set_context is also optional and - when specified - is passed to the set_callback as second param.

The max number of states is limited by JET_MAX_STATES (default=3);

// create a read only state
JetState* test = peer.state("arduino/test", aJson.createItem(123));
bool setFoo(aJsonObject* val, void* context) {
  aJsonObject* hello = aJson.getObjectItem(val, "hello");
  if (hello) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
// create a settable state with object structure
aJsonObject* val = aJson.createObject();
aJson.addItemToObject(val, "hello", aJson.createItem("world"));
JetState* foo = peer.state("arduino/foo", val, setFoo);

JetFetcher* JetPeer::fetch(const char* path, fetch_handler_t fetch_callback, [void* fetch_context])

Sets up a new simple path based fetch. The fetch_callback is called, whenever a relevent event (add/remove/change) takes place. With fetch, peers can wait for other (remote) states/methods, synchronize to "master values" or -more general - react to other stuff.

The max number of fetchers is limited by JET_MAX_FETCHERS (default=3);

void print_event(const char* path, const char* event, aJsonObject* val, void* context) {

peer.fetch("master/brightness", print_event);

JetFetcher* JetPeer::fetch(aJsonObject* fetch_expression, fetch_handler_t fetch_callback, [void* fetch_context])

Sets up a new fetch. The fetch_callback is called, whenever a relevent event (add/remove/change) takes place. With fetch, peers can wait for other (remote) states/methods, synchronize to "master values" or -more general - react to other stuff.

The max number of fetchers is limited by JET_MAX_FETCHERS (default=3);

void print_event(const char* path, const char* event, aJsonObject* val, void* context) {

// create expr JSON:
// {
//   path:{ startsWith: "ardu/analog" },
//   value: { lessThan: 100 }
// }
aJsonObject* expr = aJson.createObject();
aJsonObject* pathRule = aJson.createObject();
aJson.addItemToObject(pathRule, "startsWith", aJson.createItem("ardu/analog"));
aJsonObject* valueRule = aJson.createObject();
aJson.addItemToObject(pathRule, "lessThan", aJson.createItem(100));
aJson.addItemToObject(expr, "path", pathRule);
aJson.addItemToObject(expr, "value", valueRule);
peer.fetch(expr, print_event);

void JetPeer::set(const char* path, aJsonObject* value)

Sets another state to a new value. The other state's set_callback function will be invoked.

NOTE: The response to the set request is not available.

void JetPeer::call(const char* path, aJsonObject* args)

Calls a method specified by path with args (arguments). The args must be either of type JSON Object or JSON Array.

NOTE: The response to the call request is not available.

JetMethod* JetPeer::method(const char*, call_handler_t call_handler)



TODO doc defines / limits


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