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LIPSIA 3.1.1: fMRI analysis tools

Lipsia is a collection of tools for the analysis of fMRI data. Its main focus is on new algorithms such as statistical inference (LISA), semi-blind machine learning (SML) and Eigenvector centrality mapping (ECM).

The development of the Lipsia open access software package was financially supported by the Horizon 2020/CDS-QUAMRI/634541 project. This support is gratefully acknowledged.

Below, a brief description follows. For further details see documentation.


Lipsia currently supports Linux and all other operating systems via Singularity and Docker, see the files "singularity-recipe.txt" and/or "Dockerfile". Follow the instructions here: install.


Find the full lipsia documentation here: documentation.

Semi-blind machine learning (SML):

SML is implemented in the program vsml. In the following, its usage is illustrated in an example. The program vsml expects as input connectome data for all subjects of the training and the test set. It is assumed that these connectomes have been precomputed using some other software tool and exist as text-files in csv-format. The first step of the processing chain is to convert these connectomes into the lipsia-format. This is done using the program vreadconnectome as shown in the example below. In our example, the training set consists of 400 subjects, the test set has 100 subjects.

The information about the target variable of interest (e.g.IQ) must be supplied as a text-file for all subjects of the training set ("IQ_train.txt"). If this information is also available for the test set, it can optionally be supplied ("IQ_test.txt") and will be used to report the accuracy of the prediction.

Likewise, information about supplementary non-imaging information (e.g. educational levels) must be supplied as text-files ("Edu_train.txt", "Edu_test.txt"). Each row in these files contains a numerical value corresponding to a subject's attribute (e.g. IQ or educational level). The order of rows in these text files should align with the sequence in which the connectomes are input into vsml.

A few more parameters can optionally be supplied to vsml to adjust the partial least squares regression and ensemble learning process, but default settings of these parameters should usually work well enough.

The output of vsml is a text file ("results.txt") showing the predictions of the target variable for the subjects of the test set.

Example usage:

for i in {1...400}; do
vreadconnectome -in traindata_${i}.csv -out traindata_${i}.v -ncomponents 100; done
for i in {1...100}; do
vreadconnectome -in testdata_${i}.csv -out testdata_${i}.v -ncomponents 100; done

vsml -train train_*.v -test test_*.v -ytrain IQ_train.txt -ytest IQ_test.txt -xtrain Edu_train.txt -xtest Edu_test.txt -out results.txt


Lohmann et al (2023) "Improving the reliability of fMRI-based predictions of intelligence via semi-blind machine learning", bioRxiv,

Statistical inference (LISA) in examples:

Onesample test at the 2nd level (vlisa_onesample). Example: the input is a set of contrast maps called "data_*.nii.gz":

vlisa_onesample -in data_*.nii.gz -mask mask.nii -out result.v
vnifti -in result.v -out result.nii

Twosample test at the 2nd level (vlisa_twosample). Example: input are two sets of contrast maps called "data1_*.nii.gz" and "data2_*.nii.gz":

vlisa_twosample -in1 data1_*.nii.gz -in2 data2_*.nii.gz -mask mask.nii -out result.v
vnifti -in result.v -out result.nii

Single subject test (1st level) (vlisa_prewhitening). Example: input are two runs acquired in the same session called "run1.nii.gz" and "run2.nii.gz". Preprocessing should include a correction for baseline drifts!:

vlisa_prewhitening -in run1.nii.gz run2.nii.gz -design des1.txt des2.txt -mask mask.nii -out result.v
vnifti -in result.v -out result.nii

Eigenvector centrality mapping (ECM) in examples:

Example: input is an fMRI data set called "data.nii.gz" and a brain mask called "mask.nii.gz".:

vecm -in data.nii.gz -mask mask.nii.gz -j 0 -out ecm.v
vnifti -in ecm.v -out ecm.nii

Lipsia file format

Lipsia uses its own data format, which is called vista (extension .v). Many lipsia programs also accept gzipped files or nifti-files as input (.v.gz or .nii.gz). The output is always in unzipped vista-format. You can easily convert your nifti data from and to lipsia with the program *vnifti:

vnifti -in data.nii -out data.v
vnifti -in data.nii.gz -out data.v
vnifti -in result.v -out result.nii

Alternatively, you can import a folder with DICOM files into the vista format:

vdicom -in dir_dicom


The current release contains only a rudimentary set of preprocessing tools. Preprocessing should therefore be performed beforehand using other software packages. Note that some lipsia algorithms require that the preprocessing pipeline contains a removal of baseline drifts. This step can be done using the lipsia program "vpreprocess" if it was omitted in the initial preprocessing.