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Releases: liqd/digitalstrategie


31 May 14:52
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What's Changed

  • fixed translations

Full Changelog: v2205...v2205.1


23 May 06:44
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What's Changed

  • improved a11y
  • added newsletter block
  • added single teaser block
  • made blocks available on more pages
  • change of logo
  • smaller style changes and fixes
  • updates

Full Changelog: v2204...v2205


06 Apr 12:15
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What's Changed

  • apps/home: added choosable link to text with image block
  • Implement full-text search with elasticsearch
  • Use grid and remove bootstrap
  • images/logo: replace old logo
  • Add correct fonts
  • Add theses block
  • forms: update structure for a11y and styling and wording to match CI
  • add footer from external resource
  • adjusting all existing blocks to match CI
  • adjusting all existing pages to match CI
  • overview-page/intro-image: adding image and using translatable caption
  • add alternative and copyright texts to images
  • search: improve search results
  • Rm old teasers and blocks that do not match CI
  • Gruenbuch: change overview and detail page of Grunbuch
  • Add editable social media tags to required pages include image
  • issue fixing
  • Translations

Full Changelog: v2111...v2204


04 Nov 14:54
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v2111 Pre-release

Second pre-release with:

  • Add libraries
  • Add platform header and footer with additional styling
  • Add breadcrumb nav
  • HomePage - add hero, additional blocks and clean up existing ones
  • Teaser blocks added for all page types
  • Refactr of file names and classes
  • Update of grunbuch styling
  • Updates including linting
  • Add a11y info to nav with setting for contact details
  • Add translatable fields
  • Add translations
  • Add participation and contact form
  • Styling of simple page
  • Refactor of wagtail fields and page tree
  • Logos
  • Caption to images
  • Styling Overview page
  • Refactor titles
  • refactor styles with the introduction of libraries


20 Oct 13:51
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Initial release with:

  • HomePage
  • SimplePage (only using RichTextBlock)
  • OverviewPage
  • DetailPage
  • CallToActionBlock used on HomePage
  • FaqBlock used on DetailPages and HomePage
  • QuoteBlock used on HomePage
  • TextWithImageBlock used on HomePage
  • 4 TeaserBlocks to be used on OverviewPages
  • settings for important pages imprint and data protection policy
  • setting for gruenbuch download
  • (unstyled) participation form
  • (unstyled) contact form
  • gruenbuch app with GruenbuchDetail- and IndexPages and extra block GruenbuchFaqBlock
  • translatable fields for German, English and Easy German
  • MenuSnippets to use in header and footers (footer and content-footer)
  • custom images with (translatable) caption