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File metadata and controls

157 lines (103 loc) · 4.01 KB



This library is released on PyPI and can be installed through pip:

pip install statsd-python


from statsd import StatsdClient

# Create a UDP based client with default connection parameters.
client = StatsdClient()

client.increment('my-counter')  # Increment my-counter by one
client.gauge('my-gauge', 42, sample_rate=.5)  # Set a gauge value, sampling only half of the events

Metric types

:class:`~statsd.StatsdClient` supports all metric types defined by Statsd:

  • Counters track the total number of occurrences of a given event.
client.decrement('my-counter', 3)
  • Gauges track a value over time.
# Set the value
client.gauge('my-gauge', 42)
# Deltas are supported as well
client.gauge('my-gauge', 3, is_update=True)
client.gauge('my-gauge', -1, is_update=True)


Some Statsd servers implementations (such as Datadog's) do not support gauge deltas.

  • Timings are used track durations in milliseconds.
# Measure a duration of 1.234 seconds
client.timing('my-duration', 1234)

The library also includes helpers for measuring code execution time using :py:func:`~time.perf_counter`.

def do_something():

with timer('my-duration'):
  • Sets count unique occurences per key
# Record one occurence of `my-set` for the key 1234.
client.set('my-set', 1234)


All the metrics accept a sample_rate parameter. This should be a float between 0 and 1 that the client will use to sample metrics. By default all metrics are sent with a sample rate of 1 (no sampling). The client will include this information in metric packets so the server can handle this accordingly.

# Only send the metric half the time.
client.gauge('my-gauge', 42, sample_rate=0.5)
# Only send the metric 75% of the time.
client.gauge('my-gauge', 42, sample_rate=0.25)
# Only send the metric 25% of the time.
client.gauge('my-gauge', 42, sample_rate=0.75

Tag support

Tags are supported. All metrics will accept a dictionnary for tags.

Different server implementations will accept different ways to include tags in the metric packets so this library exposes a mechanism to configure this beheaviour through the :mod:`statsd.format` module.

By default the Dogstatsd format is used. To customise this callers just need to instantiate the :class:`~statsd.StatsdClient` with the right parameters:

from statsd import StatsdClient
from statsd.formats import TelegrafSerializer

client = StatsdClient(serializer=TelegrafSerializer()


For now a single transport is currently supported through :class:`~statsd.StatsdClient` / :class:`~statsd.UDPStatsdClient`.

Debug client

The :class:`~statsd.DebugStatsdClient` exposes a verbose client which can be swapped out for the real thing in development or when logging metrics is useful.

The client can be used as-is to just forward all metrics to a logger:

import logging
from statsd import DebugStatsdClient

client = DebugStatsdClient(
    # By default the logger instance named `statsd` is managed by the
    # library but you can pass in any logger instance

The debug client can also be used to wrap an existing client:

from django.conf import settings
from statsd import DebugStatsdClient, StatsdClient

client = StatsdClient()

if settings.DEBUG:
    client = DebugStatsdClient(inner=client)