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File metadata and controls

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jQuery Cheatsheet:

## The DOM

= Document Object Model. The content from the HTML file transfers slowly into the DOM every time a page is loading. The DOM is a tree with nodes. E.g. the "html" node is a child of the "document" node; and in case of: <h1>Hallo!</h1>, the "Hallo!"-text-node is a child of the h1-element-node.

## Selecting/Traversing elements

When working with jQuery, the first thing that need to get done is to SEARCH for the element you want to used. To find h1, you write jquery("h1"), which is the same as $("h1").

If we want to search for/select the text-element in h1, we write $("h1").text();. That gives back: "Hallo!". To change this text, we can write: $("h1").text("Tschüss!");. Now, "Hallo!" became "Tschüss!".

BUT: We want to make sure that the whole DOM is loaded before we search for elements. That's why we select the whole document-element and wait for the signal if it's ready. Only then we fire up the code:

$(document).ready(function() {

Traversing is very similar, only that it consists out of a selector and a traversal (e.g. $("#thatsanid").find("li")). Traversing takes more code, but is faster.

Code Selecting
$(".classyeah") selecting a certain class
$("#thatsanid") selecting a certain ID
$("#thatsanid, .classyeah") selecting multiple things
$("#thatsanid li") = $("#thatsanid").find("li") selecting all list elements in a certain ID
$("#thatsanid > li") = $("#thatsanid").children("li") selecting all direct-child list elements in a certain ID (not the subchild list elements!)
$("#thatsanid li:first") = $("#thatsanid").first() selecting the first list element in a certain ID
$("#thatsanid li:last") selecting the last list element in a certain ID
$("#thatsanid li:even") selecting all even list elements in a certain ID
$("li").first().next() selecting the 2nd list element
$("li").first().parent() traversing up to get the parent element (e.g. a unordered list)

## Manipulating the DOM

When you want to manipulate some element in the DOM, you first have to append a new DOM element and then remove the old DOM element you want to manipulate.

E.g. we have a button that says: "Show Price", and we want it to show the price itself when we click on it. For that, we append the price:

$(document).ready(function() {

//creates a node, but doesn't add it to the DOM yet):
var price = $("<p>399.99 Euro</p>");

//appends price var to the ID vacation:
//can be written as the following, too:

//removes the node <button> from the DOM:

Ways to append 1:0
.append(<element>) appends element after all the other elements in a class
.prepend(<element>) appends element before all the other elements in a class
.after(<element>) appends element after the whole class
.before(<element>) appends element before the whole class
See more here:

## Events
$("button").on("click",function() {
 ...e.g. appending and removing nodes

// $("button")    > WHAT should be acted upon?
// on             > WHAT should happen?
//                > = Event Handler Attachment
// ("click")      > HOW should be acted upon?
//                > = Mouse/Keyboard Event
// function() {}  > What should happen after the interaction?

// other option:
$("#vacation").on("click","button", function() {
 ...e.g. appending and removing nodes
// only acts upon buttons in the ID vacation

If something has more than one button, $(this).closest("someElement") finds the button that was clicked on and only changes this button:

$("button").on("click",function() {
 var price = $("<p>399.99 Euro</p>");

## Filtering
  1. give classes in HTML a certain class-name (e.g. "notForSale" and "Sale"
  2. filter all classes: $("#vacation").filter(".Sale")
  3. add a class for all filtered events: .addClass("highlighted") ( and do something with it
  4. add a removeClass("highlighted") before the code block, so that it doesn't stay highlighted.

### Styling
$( "#myDiv" ).css( "border", "3px solid red" );