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LIP-89 – Technical Specification
Victor Elias (@victorges)


The governor implementation will leverage the Governance primitives from OpenZeppelin and consist of the following new contracts:

  • BondingVotes: manages checkpoints of the bonding state to provide historical voting power calculation as an IERC5805Upgradeable.
  • Treasury: holds all funds and executes proposals. Inherits from TimelockControllerUpgradeable (OpenZeppelin) to allow enforcing delays in proposals execution.
  • LivepeerGovernor: Owns the treasury and manages creating, voting and executing proposals.

It also involves changes in the following existing contracts:

  • BondingManager: Add checkpointing of bonding state to BondingVotes on every mutation.


This proposal was designed to be as similar as possible to the protocol governance system defined in LIP-16, which describes a partially off-chain voting system through polls. There are many common concepts to re-use, some of which were renamed in this LIP only to match the OpenZeppelin Governor abstractions and avoid any confusion.

Similarly to LIP-16, voting power is given to both active and inactive staked LPT. Delegators get their voting power for the amount of LPT they have delegated to another address, while transcoders get it from all the stake that has been delegated to them (including self-delegated). A delegator is allowed to override the vote from their delegated transcoder – corresponding to their own stake contribution – by also casting a vote on the proposal.

Differently from LIP-16, the voting power and total supply used for calculating the outcome of a proposal comes from the voting period start round, not the end round. This is the default behavior in OpenZeppelin Governor abstractions and makes the whole voting process more consistent and predictable.


  • BONDING_MANAGER the BondingManager contract.
  • ROUNDS_MANAGER the RoundsManager contract.


  • Active stake: stake delegated towards an active transcoder, which is a transcoder that is in the active set in the corresponding round.
  • Inactive stake: stake delegated towards a transcoder that is not in the active set.
  • Pending stake: stake state that has been updated in the current round but will only be effective in the next round, including for voting power.
  • Quorum: The minimum percentage of voting power that needs to have casted votes in order for the result to be considered valid. The quorum is configured through 2 separate quorumNumerator and quorumDenominator parameters.
  • Opinionated vote: A vote that is not Abstain, thus expressing an opinion about the proposal outcome.
  • Quota: The minimum percentage of opinionated votes that need to approve a proposal in order for the proposal to be successful.
  • Transcoder: The term "transcoder" has been changed to "orchestrator" in the Livepeer off-chain communication. Here we use the original term that is in the protocol code instead to avoid confusion. You can interpret it as "orchestrator" anywhere it makes more sense.
  • Current round: The incremental value returned by ROUNDS_MANAGER.currentRound(), which currently rules the protocol behavior over time like snapshotting bonding changes and generating inflationary rewards. It increments every ROUNDS_MANAGER.roundLength() blocks.
  • Start of round: The start of the first block of a given round.
  • End of round: The end of the last block of a given round.



These parameters are constants in the code that need a contract upgrade to be changed.

  • quota: The minimum percentage of opinionated votes that need to approve a proposal in order for the proposal to be successful.
    • Value: 500000 (same as LIP-16’s QUOTA)
    • This value represents a 50% quota in 6-digit decimal precision.
  • quorumDenominator: The denominator to divide the quorumNumerator below to find the effective quorum percentage.
    • Value: 1000000 (consistent with LIP-16’s precision for QUOTA parameter)
    • This value represents a 6-digit precision for the quorumNumerator.


The value of these parameters can be changed by the community through regular governance proposals. Only their initial values are described here.

  • quorumNumerator: The numerator to be divided the quorumDenominator above to find the effective quorum percentage.
    • Initial value: 333300 (same as LIP-16’s QUORUM)
    • This value represents a 33.33% quorum.
    • Its implementation comes from OpenZeppelin’s GovernorVotesQuorumFractionUpgradeable directly, contrasted with the quorumDenominator that has a fixed value in the code corresponding to our 6 decimal places precision.
  • votingDelay: Delay in rounds since the proposal is submitted until voting starts.
    • Initial value: 1
    • This value represents an effective delay of 1 to 2 times the round duration.
    • The rationale for this value is that it would give users some guaranteed time to add or change their delegation given a submitted proposal.
    • Notice that the effective delay is not a fixed duration because the delay can only start in the end of the round where the proposal was submitted.
  • votingPeriod: Number of rounds during which voting will be allowed.
    • Initial value: 10 (same as LIP-16’s POLL_PERIOD)
    • This value represents 10 rounds.
  • proposalThreshold: The amount of voting power that is required to be able to submit a proposal.
    • Initial value: 100e18 (same as LIP-16’s POLL_CREATION_COST)
    • This value represents 100 LPT
    • Note that this value changed in LIP-73 to become a minimum stake requirement instead of a creation costs, which makes it consistent with how the Governor works.
  • TimelockController.minDelay: Delay in seconds enforced to a proposal execution after its vote has succeeded.
    • Initial value: 0
    • This represents no enforced delay for proposal execution.
    • The rationale for including a timelock extension but configuring it with a zero delay is to be able to add an enforced delay in the future through regular governance proposals without requiring contract upgrades. Adding a timelock changes the contract architecture significantly, with the TimelockController becoming the holder of funds and proposal executor.
    • This delay is also not configurable per proposal, even though it is called minimum delay. It could be implemented on our side through a contract upgrade in the future.

Contracts Details


Checkpointing Total Active Stake

To checkpoint the total active stake of every round, the ROUNDS_MANAGER.initializeRound() can be used to indirectly checkpoint the total active stake for the protocol on that round. To do that, the setCurrentRoundTotalActiveStake function from BondingManager needs to call the BondingVotes contract to checkpoint that value in time.

After setCurrentRoundTotalActiveStake is called in round r, the expectation is that:

  • BondingVotes.totalSupply() returns exactly BONDING_MANAGER.currentRoundTotalActiveStake() during the same round
  • BondingVotes.getPastTotalSupply(r) will immutably return the same value above in the future.

Checkpointing Bonding State

The main changes to BondingManager were internal, to make sure we checkpoint all the bonding state every time any change is made to an account state. The optimal gas implementation of this would also make sure the BondingManager never checkpoints the same address multiple times on a single function call.

In practical terms, it can be defined that after any write function called on the BONDING_MANAGER (including the checkpointBondingState below), the checkpointed state of all involved accounts should follow that mutation consistently. The "involved accounts" include:

  • The message sender.
  • Any addresses sent as arguments.
  • If any of the above is a delegator, their transcoder if it has at least 1 checkpoint.
  • If any of the above is a transcoder, all their delegators with at least 1 checkpoint.

The expectation is that after mutating any involved account:

  • BondingVotes.delegates(_account) should return:
    • The delegateAddress value returned by BONDING_MANAGER.getDelegator(_account)
  • BondingVotes.getVotes(_account) should return:
    • If _account == delegateAddress (transcoder): BONDING_MANAGER.transcoderTotalStake(_account)
    • If _account != delegateAddress (delegator): BONDING_MANAGER.pendingStake(_account, 0)
  • getPastVotes should behave as specified in ERC-5805, immutably referencing the values returned by getVotes at the end of the past round.

The checkpoint can also be verified through the ERC-5805 events emited from BondingVotes. The full list of external functions that should checkpoint at least 1 account when called are:

  • bond, bondWithHint and bondForWithHint
  • rebond, rebondFromUnbonded, rebondFromUnbondedWithHint and rebondWithHint
  • transferBond
  • unbond and unbondWithHint
  • reward and rewardWithHint
  • updateTranscoderWithFees
  • slashTranscoder

Interface additions

contract BondingManager {
    function checkpointBondingState(address _account) external;
  • checkpointBondingState:
    • Explicitly checkpoints an account bonding state in the BondingVotes contract. This can be used to fix the checkpointed state of any account that may have diverged unexpectedly.
    • It can also be used on the initial deploy of these new contracts, to initialize the previously uncheckpointed state on the BondingVotes contract. Initializing your checkpoint can be seen as registering to vote.
    • After it runs, BondingVotes.getVotes(_account) should be initialized and match the current state of the account.
    • Notice that a delegator is only fully checkpointed once their transcoder (delegate) also is. When calling this function to initialize state, one must make sure to checkpoint a delegator's transcoder as well.


contract BondingCheckpoints {
    // Checkpointing State

    function checkpointBondingState(
        address _account,
        uint256 _startRound,
        uint256 _bondedAmount,
        address _delegateAddress,
        uint256 _delegatedAmount,
        uint256 _lastClaimRound,
        uint256 _lastRewardRound
    ) external;

    function checkpointTotalActiveStake(uint256 _totalStake, uint256 _round) external;

    // State Lookup

    function getTotalActiveStakeAt(uint256 _round) external view returns (uint256);

    function hasCheckpoint(address _account) external view returns (bool);

    function getBondingStateAt(address _account, uint256 _round)
        returns (uint256 amount, address delegateAddress);

    // ERC-20 metadata

    function name() external view returns (string memory);

    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);

    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);

    // ERC-5805

    event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate);
    event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance);
    event DelegatorBondedAmountChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance); // extension

    function clock() public view returns (uint48);

    function CLOCK_MODE() public view returns (string memory);

    function getVotes(address _account) external view returns (uint256);

    function getPastVotes(address _account, uint256 _round) external view returns (uint256);

    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); // extension

    function getPastTotalSupply(uint256 _round) external view returns (uint256);

    function delegates(address _round) external view returns (address);

    function delegatedAt(address _account, uint256 _round) public view returns (address); // extension

    function delegate(address) external pure;

    function delegateBySig(address,uint256,uint256,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) external pure;

Checkpointing State

All functions described must be callable only by the BONDING_MANAGER, reverting if called by anyone else.

  • checkpointBondingState
    • This checkpoints fields from the Delegator or Transcoder structs from BONDING_MANAGER.
    • It should be called on every place where the BondingManager changes a delegator or transcoder state to checkpoint the state for the respective _address in a point in time.
    • The _startRound is required to match the next round, as the BondingManager can only change the active stake on the next round. The function should revert otherwise.
    • All the other parameters come directly from the corresponding fields in the checkpointed structs about the given address.
    • It should emit the correspoinding events when appropriate:
      • DelegateChanged when the delegateAddress is different from the last checkpoint.
      • DelegateVotesChanged when the delegatedAmount is different from the last checkpoint. If the account is not a transcoder (is not self-delegating), its effective delegatedAmount is 0.
      • DelegatorBondedAmountChanged when the bondedAmount is different from the last checkpoint.
  • checkpointTotalActiveStake
    • This checkpoints the total active stake for a given round.
    • It should be called for every round since its value continually changes at least from the inflation rewards accrual.
    • It should be called from BONDING_MANAGER.setCurrentRoundTotalActiveStake() which is currently already called from ROUNDS_MANAGER.initializeRound().
    • The _round is required to be the current round, reverting otherwise.

State Lookup

The checkpointed state should be consistent with the stake at the start of the specified round. Any stake updated during the round (pending stake) should not affect the checkpoint of that round since they are only effective on the next one.

  • getTotalActiveStakeAt
    • Returns the total active stake at the start of the specified _round.
    • It should revert if _round argument is not lower or equal to ROUNDS_MANAGER.currentRound() + 1.
    • There are 4 possibilities regarding existing checkpoints that change the behavior of this function:
      • There are no total stake checkpoints, or the first one is after the searched _round: should return 0.
      • There is a checkpoint for the specific _round: should return that checkpointed total active stake.
      • There is no exact checkpoint for the _round, but there are checkpoints before and after it: return the first checkpointed value after the searched _round.
        • The rationale for this is that the BONDING_MANAGER.nextRoundTotalActiveStake() will stay frozen until the next round is initialized, so the effective total active stake for the uncheckpointed round (consistent with the individual accounts checkpoints) will be the same as the next round to be initialized after it.
      • There is no exact checkpoint for the _round, but there are checkpoints before it: return BONDING_MANAGER.nextRoundTotalActiveStake()
        • The rationale for consistency here is the same as above. This solves for the case of querying the total stake in the current round before it is initialized or querying for the next round. The latter is required when returning the current totalSupply of votes, as the voting power functions query 1 round ahead.
  • hasCheckpoint
    • Returns whether the provided _account has any checkpoint already registered.
    • This is a utility to help initialize an account checkpoint on the first deployment of this checkpointing system. The protocol explorer will allow users to initialize their bonding checkpoints as a "Register to Vote" call to action.
  • getBondingStateAt
    • Returns the active stake and delegate of an _account in the specified _round, calculated using the checkpoint with the highest startRound lower or equal to the _round.
    • If there are no checkpoints for the _account or the lowest checkpoint startRound is after the searched _round, a zero delegateAddress and amount should be returned.
    • The returned delegateAddress is the address that the _account was bonding their stake to on the start of that _round.
      • In the case of transcoders, this must always be their own address due to self-delegation.
      • The result must be exactly the same as the delegateAddress that would have been returned by BONDING_MANAGER.getDelegator(_account) at the start of the _round.
    • The returned amount has a different behavior depending on if the address is a transcoder (delegate) or a delegator:
      • For transcoders:
        • It should be the value of delegatedAmount from the last checkpoint to have been made with a startRound lower or equal to the searched _round.
        • It must match the result of calling BONDING_MANAGER.transcoderTotalStake(_account) at the start of the _round.
      • For delegators:
        • It should be the value of the delegator stake at the start of the _round. This should be calculated from the bondedAmount of the last checkpoint with a startRound lower or equal to the searched _round, including pending stake rewards (as defined in LIP-36) until the searched _round.
        • It must match the result of calling bondingManager.pendingStake(_account, 0) at the start of the _round.

ERC-20 Metadata

This implements the optional ERC-20 metadata methods, which are not required for the on-chain governor framework to function but improves interoperability with existing tools like Tally. The contract returns different metadata from the token itself though to avoid any ambiguity.

  • name
    • Returns "Livepeer Voting Power"
  • symbol
    • Returns "vLPT"
  • decimals
    • Returns 18


ERC-5805 specifies how to express voting power with checkpointing and delegation mechanisms. The interface provided by OpenZeppelin and required by the Governor framework is IERC5805Upgradeable, which is based on ERC-5805 but adds or remove a couple methods from it. The BondingVotes implementation described here is not fully compliant with these specifications, explained in the Caveats section. Some additional functions were also added as they were required for the rest of the Governor implementation or overall utility of the contract.

The implementation of these interface functions should forward the calls to the lower-level active stake checkpoint functions above. A caveat being that the ERC5805 functions access the stake from the next round when querying for a given round. This is because ERC5805 defines the voting power of an account at timepoint t to be the delegated balances when clock overtook t. In this case it means it should use the stake of an account at the end of the round, instead of at the start which is provided by the checkpoint functions. When querying for the votes at round r, these functions should actually return the checkpointed stake at round r+1.

  • clock
    • Returns ROUNDS_MANAGER.currentRound()
    • Returns "mode=livepeer_round"
  • getVotes(_account)
    • Returns amount value from getBondingStateAt(_account, clock() + 1)
  • getPastVotes(_account, _round)
    • Returns amount value from getBondingStateAt(_account, _round + 1)
  • getPastTotalSupply(_round)
    • Extension of ERC-5805 by OpenZeppelin's IERC5805Upgradeable.
    • Returns getTotalActiveStakeAt(_round + 1)
  • totalSupply()
    • Extension of IERC5805Upgradeable to allow accessing current total supply. Matches signature of ERC-20's totalSupply.
    • Returns getTotalActiveStakeAt(clock() + 1)
  • delegates(_account)
    • Returns delegateAddress value from getBondingStateAt(_account, clock() + 1)
  • delegatedAt(_account, _round)
    • Extension of ERC-5805 for the custom vote counting module to allow delegators to override their transcoders votes consistently at proposalSnapshot round.
    • Returns delegateAddress value from getBondingStateAt(_account, _round + 1)
  • delegate
    • Reverts with MustCallBondingManager("bond")
  • delegateBySig
    • Reverts with MustCallBondingManager("bondFor")


The known divergences from the ERC5805 and IERC5805Upgradeable expectations are:

  • It does not implement the mutation functions delegate and delegateBySig. Instead it reverts as detailed above.
  • There is no implementation for the nonces function as it doesn't support the delegateBySig either.
  • It implements an additional delegatedAt abstraction since the custom vote counting module will need that in order to allow delegators to override their transcoders votes.
  • It does not adhere to the invariant that getPastTotalSupply matches the sum of all the account's getPastVotes in a round (similarly for totalSupply and getVotes). Instead, it maintains the same behaviors as the existing governance polling system described in LIP-16:
    • It derives the totalSupply from the BONDING_MANAGER.currentRoundTotalActiveStake – which only considers the active stake, bonded to the top 100 transcoders – while individual account votes come from the bonding checkpoints and provide voting power to all delegated stake – even if not to the top 100.
    • It provides voting power to delegators as well as transcoders. Note that is not an actual inconsistency when counting proposal votes, because the custom counting module below implements the overriding system where a delegator is only able to change their part of their delegate's vote, not add more votes to the total.
  • It has a partial implementation of the events specified in ERC-5805. Meaning that voting power indexed from the DelegateVotesChanged event is not sufficient to determine the voting power of all accounts. This is because of:
    • The fact that we provide voting power to delegators as well as transcoders, as described above, so the indexed events will miss the voting power from the delegators.
    • The fact that voting power follows the logic defined in LIP-36, meaning it grows automatically over every round. So any event processor would need a custom implementation of the pending rewards of a delegator.
    • That is the nature of the DelegatorBondedAmountChanged event that could be used from a custom indexer to replicate LIP-36 from the event data.

GovernorCountingOverridable (extension)

This Governor extension complements BondingCheckpointsVotes with the vote counting logic, accessing it through the IVotes interface. The combination of the 2 of them was molded to be as similar as possible to the off-chain indexer logic described in LIP-16.

The counting module implements specifically the tallying logic, whose only difference from the GovernorCountingSimpleUpgradeable from OpenZeppelin implementation is that it counts all vote types for quorum and allows not only the delegate (transcoder) to vote, but also the delegator themselves. When a delegator makes a vote though, they only override their portion of their transcoder's vote.

interface IVotes is IERC5805Upgradeable {
    function name() external view returns (string memory);
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function delegatedAt(address account, uint256 timepoint) external returns (address);

abstract contract GovernorCountingOverridable is Initializable, GovernorUpgradeable {
    function __GovernorCountingOverridable_init(uint256 _quota) internal;

    function quota() public view (uint256);

    function COUNTING_MODE() public pure virtual returns (string memory);

    function hasVoted(uint256 _proposalId, address _account) public view virtual returns (bool);

    function proposalVotes(uint256 _proposalId)
        returns (
            uint256 againstVotes,
            uint256 forVotes,
            uint256 abstainVotes

    function _quorumReached(uint256 _proposalId) internal view virtual returns (bool);

    function _voteSucceeded(uint256 _proposalId) internal view virtual returns (bool);

    function _countVote(
        uint256 _proposalId,
        address _account,
        uint8 _support,
        uint256 _weight,
        bytes memory // params
    ) internal virtual override;

    function votes() public view virtual returns (IVotes); // abstract

The votes abstract function is to be implemented by the concrete LivepeerGovernor and provides the contract to use for voting power. It is mentioned in the specifications below when relevant. Most of the functions here are required for a counting module in the Governor framework and should follow their spec.

  • __GovernorCountingOverridable_init(_quota):
    • Initializes the module with the provided _quota.
    • Expressed in 6-digit decimal precision compatible with the protocol's MathUtils.
  • quota:
    • Returns the configured quota value for vote succeeded calculation.
    • Notice that this value is only configurable on the initialization of the Governor, but is not currently updatable. That can be done in a future upgrade by introducing a similar checkpointing system as GovernorVotesQuorumFractionUpgradeable.
    • Should return "support=bravo&quorum=for,abstain,against”
  • hasVoted(_proposalId, _account)
    • Should return whether _account has already casted a vote (_countVote) in the proposal with ID _proposalId. This means that _countVote has been called for the same account and proposal.
  • proposalVotes(_proposalId)
    • Should return the sum of the votes made (_countVote) to each of the vote types: For, Abstain and Against
  • _quorumReached(_proposald)
    • Should return whether the sum of votes pass the minimum defined threshold.
    • It should grab the quorum from GovernorUpgradeable's quorum() virtual function. The function is implemented by GovernorVotesQuorumFractionUpgradeable below.
    • It should consider all vote types on quorum calculation.
    • The result should be equivalent to: For + Abstain + Against >= quorum()
  • _voteSucceeded(_proposald)
    • Should return if the voting resulted in an approval of the proposal.
    • It should grab the quota percentage from the configured quota variable, represented as a 6-digit decimal fraction. Multiplication is implemented by the MathUtils.percOf function.
    • It should consider only the For and Against votes when calculating the result, as Abstain votes should not influence on the result side.
    • The result should be equivalent to: For >= (For + Against) * quota
  • _countVote
    • Implements the Governor virtual function called whenever a vote is cast on a proposal. This is where the “override” logic is implemented, using the provided votes() contract to access voting power and delegation state at the proposalSnapshot round.
    • The term “vote type count” is used to refer to the values returned by proposalVotes corresponding to the type of the casted vote.
    • There are a couple different outcomes to expect from this function:
      • Transcoder votes first: the vote type count should increase by the transcoder’s voting power.
      • Delegator(s) votes first: the vote type count should increase by the delegator’s voting power.
      • Delegator(s) vote after their Transcoder: the vote type count should increase by the delegator’s voting power, while at the same time decreasing the same amount from the vote type count that the Transcoder had cast.
      • Transcoder vote after their Delegator(s): the vote type count should increase by the transcoder’s voting power minus the sum of the voting power from all its delegators that have already made their vote.


This custom contract exists only to be able to instantiate the TimelockControllerUpgradeable contract from OpenZeppelin. It provides no functionality but a public initialize function that can be used to initialize the timelock. Its interface is exactly the same as TimelockControllerUpgradeable, so it won't be detailed here.

In the production deployments, the TimelockControllerUpgradeable roles should be configured as:

  • TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE: Only the Timelock controller itself should have this role, meaning administration (updating roles) has to be done through the timelock itself (i.e. proposals). The enforced minimum delay is only updatable from the timelock regardless of this.
  • PROPOSER_ROLE: Only the LivepeerGovernor should have this role, as it enqueues functions for execution which should only be used for executing a successful proposal from the LivepeerGovernor contract.
  • EXECUTOR_ROLE: Only the LivepeerGovernor should have this role as well, as it needs to update its internal state when a proposal is executed. Its own execute() function can be called by anyone.
  • CANCELLER_ROLE: Also only given to the LivepeerGovernor, even though it is unused in the current implementation. It could be considered giving this role to other agents like the current protocol governor or a security committee, but it will only be useful if a non-zero timelock delay is configured as well.


The LivepeerGovernor contract is the main contract and plugs all the other pieces together for the on-chain governance solution. It inherits from the following non-functional contracts:

  • ManagerProxyTarget: Supports contract upgradability consistent with the rest of the protocol contracts.
  • Initializable (OpenZeppelin): Provides initialization abstractions for proxied contracts.

It also inherits from the following functional contracts:

Notice that most of the functions from the governor come from OpenZeppelin, either the main GovernorUpgradeable or extensions. Their interface is omitted for simplicity and this includes only the overridden methods. The only custom extension is the GovernorCountingOverridable which will be described afterwards.

contract LivepeerGovernor is
    function initialize(
        uint256 initialVotingDelay,
        uint256 initialVotingPeriod,
        uint256 initialProposalThreshold,
        uint256 initialQuorum,
        uint256 quota
    ) public;

    function bumpGovernorVotesTokenAddress() external;

    // Required overrides from inheritance chain

    function proposalThreshold()
        returns (uint256);

    // For GovernorVotesQuorumFractionUpgradeable

    function quorumDenominator() public view virtual returns (uint256);

    // For GovernorCountingOverridable

    function votes() public view override returns (IVotes);


  • initialize
    • Initializes contract state after deploy.
    • Apart from the already described parameters and the trivial governor name, it should initialize all the extensions including:
      • GovernorSettingsUpgradeable with the initialVotingDelay, initialVotingPeriod and initialProposalThreshold parameters.
      • GovernorVotesQuorumFractionUpgradeable with the initialQuorum parameter.
      • GovernorCountingOverridable with the quota parameter.
      • GovernorTimelockControlUpgradeable with the Treasury as the timelock controller and thus holder of funds and executor of proposals.
      • GovernorVotesUpgradeable with BondingVotes as its token contract.
  • bumpGovernorVotesTokenAddress
    • Updates the token field from GovernorVotesUpgradeable to match the current address of the BondingVotes.
  • proposalThreshold
    • Should return GovernorSettingsUpgradeable.proposalThreshold()
  • quorumDenominator
    • Should return MathUtils.PERC_DIVISOR (1000000)
  • votes
    • Should return the BondingVotes contract address.