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File metadata and controls

162 lines (101 loc) · 3.99 KB



Usage, etc.

More details in src/lizard_flooding/USAGE.txt .

Install production / staging server

Linux task machine (i.e. task 200). The task server checks out the master trunk of flooding. Run these commands from "flooding".

$ bin/fab staging_taskserver init
$ bin/fab staging_taskserver update_task

Task 200

  • copy dijkringen directory (flooding share -> filedatabase/task_200_dijkringen) to a place and point Exporttool.Setting DIJKRING_SHAPES_FOLDER to it.

  • set MAXIMAL_WATERDEPTH_RESULTS_FOLDER and EXPORT_FOLDER (maybe the settings can be merged later)

  • the export folders is likely a network share, configure it in /etc/fstab.

  • make a workflow template with code 3. At the time of writing this workflow template only contains task 200. The front end will try to find workflow template with code 3.

  • set the broker and supervisor settings (see flooding: staging-task-200.cfg)

  • for testing you can run:

    $ bin/django lw_task_worker --task_code 200 --log_level DEBUG --worker_nr 1

  • filename's format of export-zip is [name export]

  • export-zip contains meta.json file within: - name export - owner - filelocation (as mounted on task server) - list of scenarios - selected maps - creration datetime - selected maps

  • export-zip contains .asc files per selected map per 'dijkring'

Task 201

Create a zip file that contains all metadata of a list of scenarios in CSV files, plus all result files.

Task 210

Do a 3Di calculation on a scenario and place the result netcdf back in a zip

Upgrade to 3Di support

  • Make a SobekModel object, with version "3di".
  • Make a 3Di specific region and add a breach. Add the newly created SobekModel to the region.
  • Make the region part of a region set.
  • Make workflow with code 8. This workflow consists of tasks: 210 -> 220/221/222 -> 155.

Task 210/220 threedi

Instructions to install task machine and set up environment:

  • Install subgridf90, see:

  • Make sure the folders in the flooding_base.Settings SOURCE_DIR, DESTINATION_DIR are accessible.

  • In the django settings, set THREEDI_DEFAULT_FILES_PATH (point to /../threedilib/threedi)

  • In the django settings, set THREEDI_BIN_PATH (point to /home/buildout/3di-grid/bin/subgridf90)

  • TODO: the location of subgridf90 is now static (in threedilib)

  • Add workflow 4 with at least 210 -> 220 -> 185

  • Add queues 210 and 220 to broker.

  • To test you can run:

    $ bin/django test_task_210 1

where 1 is the id of ThreediCalculation.

$ bin/django test_workflow_4 10973

Start workflow 4 for scenario 10973.

  • Problems can arise when installing netcdf4. Try:

    $ sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev libnetcdf-dev

  • Add ResultType 'threediwaterlevel_t' and PresentationType '1f) anim. waterdiepte (3Di)' to the database.

Development installation

This is only needed for running the tests. To develop the complete stack including the webserver, have a look at README.rst in the flooding repository.

Use a docker-compose setup:

$ docker-compose build --build-arg uid=`id -u` --build-arg gid=`id -g` app
$ docker-compose up --no-start  # to not become too attached
$ docker-compose run --rm app bash
(docker)$ buildout
(docker)$ bin/test

Deployment installation for Windows

Install GDAL: gdalwin32-1.6 Add to the system environment variables: - GDAL_DATA (to the right folder) - PATH (Gdalbin)

install matplotlib

Comment or uncomment the EXTERNAL_MOUNTED_DIR in Uncommented-> this folder is used for the external files Commented-> the settings in the admin interface (like 'presentation_dir') are used.

Settings: # Use the different settings in if you need them.