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File metadata and controls

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Server Configuration

You can pass a configuration file to the Scrapy Do daemon in the following way:

$ scrapy-do scrapy-do --config /path/to/config/file.conf

The remaining part of this section describes the meaning of the configurable parameters.

[scrapy-do] section

  • project-store: A directory where all the state of the Scrapy Do daemon is stored. Defaults to projects, meaning that it will use a subdirectory of the Current Working Directory.
  • job-slots: A numer of jobs that can run in parallel. Defaults to 3.
  • completed-cap: A number of completed jobs to keep. All the jobs that exceed the cap and their log files will be purged. Older jobs are purged first. Defaults to 50.

[web] section

  • interfaces: A whitespace-separated list of address-port pairs to listen on. Use the RFC3986 notation to specify IPv6 addresses, i.e., [::1]:7654. Defaults to
  • https: The HTTPS switch. Defaults to off.
  • key: Path to your certificate key. Defaults to: scrapy-do.key.
  • cert: Path to your certificate. Defaults to: scrapy-do.crt.
  • chain: Path to a file containing additional certificates in the chain of trust. Useful when using Let's Encrypt because their signing certificate is trusted by browsers but not by OS iteslf, leading to commadnline tools like wget or curl failing to verify the certificate. Defaults to an empty string.
  • auth: The authentication switch. Scrapy Do uses the digest authentication method and it will not transmit your password over the network. Therefore, it's safe to use even without TLS. Defaults to off.
  • auth-db: Path to your authentication database file. The file contains username-password pairs, each in a separate line. The user and password parts are separated by a colon (:). I.e., myusername:mypassword. Please note that the digest authentication requires the server to know the actual password and not the hash. Defaults to auth.db.

Example configuration

project-store = /var/scrapy-do
job-slots = 5
completed-cap = 250

interfaces = [2001:db8::fa]:7654

https = on
key = /etc/scrapy-do/scrapy-do.key
cert = /etc/scrapy-do/scrapy-do.crt
chain = /etc/scrapy-do/scrapy-do-chain.pem

auth = on
auth-db = /etc/scrapy-do/auth.db