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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 23, 2020. It is now read-only.

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15 lines (9 loc) · 996 Bytes

File metadata and controls

15 lines (9 loc) · 996 Bytes


By using this bot, you allow us to:

  1. See command usage and associated information. This includes which command you used and which argument(s) you gave it.
  2. See when the bot is added to a server and how many users are in the server.
  3. See when these things happen. Timestamps are attached to all logged information.

Anything logged is strictly used to further bot development. Any and all obtained information will not sold or shown to anyone for any reason. The bot also does not log or respond to any messages not started with !!, such as regular chat messages.

I, llamasking, am the only person who can see the logs and I only ever look at them is when I'm adding new features and debugging.

These terms describe the exact data logged. Of the bots I checked, none described the data logged by the bot.

The code on the repo is almost always the exact same code as is used in the public bot. There may be minor differences since the repo may not recieve updates